American Idol 2011: Top 8 results show recap – A guy finally goes home

For the first time since the Top 13, a guy was sent home on “American Idol.” And unfortunately it was Paul McDonald, the only contestant with real charisma and a comforting stage presence. And for the record, I think James Durbin has good stage presence too, but it’s just a bit intense. Paul might not have been the absolute best singer, but his star power is undeniable. But the voters have spoken and lucky for Scotty McCreery, teen girls aren’t too into older guys (or females as we’ve learned the past six weeks).

The show opened with a duet between Lauren Alaina and Scotty, meaning they’re once again doing the duets and small group numbers instead of the painful large group number. I like the smaller groups so much better. Lauren and Scotty again sounded great together. I’m surprised they paired them together again though since “American Idol” does very little that makes sense.

Speaking of doing things that don’t make sense, they show us a detailed behind-the-scenes look at the Ford music video BEFORE they air the video, thus spoiling the zombie makeup surprise. Seriously, why does American Idol do things like that? Makes no sense.

Next up is a duet with Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart. Another good pairing. And that coming from me means a lot because I’m so not a Casey fan. But it really worked. I mean it was sort of loung-singerish, but still entertaining. Good job, “Idol.”

So that gives us Casey, Haley, Lauren and Scotty together for the first round of results. Scotty is sent to safety first, of course. Then Lauren. Then Ryan tells Haley she’s back in the bottom 3 and that Casey is safe. Thanks once again judges for throwing someone under the bus who really didn’t deserve it. But anyway…

Next we get more dumb filler and a good performance from Kelly Clarkson and some guy in a cowboy hat (I got distracted because I don’t watch this show for filler, sorry).

Paul, James, Jacob Lusk and Stefano Langone are paired up to take on a medley from “The Graduate.” It was a pretty good performance. “The Sound of Silence” sounded awesome and it was nice to hear Paul sing “Mrs. Robinson” since that was the song I picked for him in my Tuesday blog. I’m surprised they got Jacob to sing “Mrs. Robinson” though. I thought he’d want no part in a song that hints at adultery with an older woman.

So out of the four of them, James is first sent to safety. Then Stefano is put into the Bottom 3. Then Paul joins him. Jacob is safe.

After Rihanna’s performance, we get the not-so-surprising news that Haley and Stefano are safe and Paul is going home. I felt last night that this would be the outcome. I’ll miss Paul and the fun he brought to the stage.

What were your thoughts on Thursday’s Idol show and results?

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