American Idol 2012 Auditions: Aspen Recap

Wednesday night’s edition of American Idol 2012 took us to Aspen, Colorado, and what it gave us was nothing to write home about.

I can’t remember another audition episode ever with so few really good singers showcased. And this wasn’t even one of those episodes filled with the typical joke/bad auditions. Strange. Judges Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler seemed to think some of the singers were great, but I found most of them mediocre at best.

The “standouts”

Jenni Schick. The judges seemed to love this wackadoo teacher enough to put her through. Steven liked her enough to kiss her on the lips. I thought she was just kind of OK. Only one person should ever sing Pat Benatar’s “Heartbreaker” and that’s Pat Benatar.

Curtis Gray. Like Jenni, I just thought Curtis was kind of OK.

Richie Law. I might have thought this guy was better had Scotty McCreery not just competed on and won American Idol. His voice was trying to be too similar to Scotty’s, so it just came off kind of awkward.

Haley Smith. If I had to pick a favorite of the night, Haley would be one of the only two. I liked that she was putting off this 60s stoner vibe. I think she’s just weird enough to make it on Idol.

Shelby Tweten. The other favorite of the night would have to be Shelby. I found her story kind of an odd one to tell. I mean, bipolar disorder is a legitimate thing, but it’s not something I’d want to use as a “sob story.” At any rate, her voice was the best of the night. It had a nice and sweet rasp too it.

The fakeouts

Alaina Snare. She had the look and even the name. I was certain the bull testicle waitress was going to wow the judges. I was so wrong. She was awful. Her version of “Jolene” made me more nauseated than the thought of eating bull testicles.

Jairon Jackson. The opposite of Alaina, I thought this guy was going to be awful. Again, I was wrong. He was surprisingly good, as was his original song. He is in great need of the American Idol makeover though.

What did you think of the Aspen auditions? Were you as unimpressed as I was?

Want to find out if any of the contestants you saw tonight make it beyond Hollywood week? Then check out our American Idol Spoilers.

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