Derek Huffman American Idol Audition: Is He The Real Deal? [VIDEO]

American Idol 2016 hopeful Derek Huffman calls himself “the real deal” and was pretty confident he would make quite an impression on the judges. Huffman says he’s “pretty eccentric” and “definitely not a ladies man.” He also apparently likes to dance everywhere he is. Like, everywhere.

Derek Huffman American Idol Audition (FOX/YouTube)Derek Huffman American Idol Audition (FOX/YouTube)
Derek Huffman American Idol Audition (FOX/YouTube)

We don’t know exactly what to think of Derek, especially with his whole spiel about how he only makes his bed right before he is going to get in it. The “real deal” question is, can Derek Huffman actually sing, or is he just one of those funny ‘character’ contestants they let through to make people cringe when they watch? Well, we’ll let you be the judge of that.

We don’t have Derek’s actual American Idol audition video, but this video of him singing from YouTube should pretty much sum it all up for you.

Stay tuned with us right here are all season long for all the best (and worst) of American Idol 2016!

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