American Idol 2010: Didi’s Out / Tim Moves On

I am speechless right now and don’t even know what to write because these results are an absolute monstrosity.  How Tim Urban is still in the competition is beyond me.  I mean there can’t be that many millions of people over at VFTW right?  I know one guy said he voted for Tim 600 times last night.  Really?  You want someone with more talent who could possibly have a career to leave over the likes of Tim?  I don’t understand it.  One thing I do know for absolute certain is that if you want your favorite to move on and not get ousted by Tim you gotta pick up the phone and vote.  There is no guarantee your fav is moving on when you got Tim still in the competition.

Ok.  I’m moving on.  Did you guys see the purple rattail glued to the back of Big Mike’s head?  What was that about?  I sure didn’t get it but it had something to do with Siobhan.

Ryan and Simon have some kind of drama going on between them.  Ryan makes a snide remark about Simon being in love but Simon pretty much gets Ryan with a reference to how he was with Didi last night and then tells him this isn’t the Oprah Wynfrey Show.  Forget Kara trying to take Paula’s place.  That reward goes to Ryan and his continual bantering of Cowell.  Get a grip jeez!

I personally didn’t care for Ruben Studdard’s performance tonight but he was better than Usher and Diddy in my opinion.  I thought Usher’s autotuned song OMG pretty much sucked and the only thing I liked about Diddy’s performance was seeing him kiss Ellen on the lips lol.

How did you feel about these results and did you think Tim should have left over Didi? Share your thoughts below.

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