American Idol 2010 Recap of the Dallas Auditions

Well I must say that I absolutely enjoyed this entire audition process in Dallas, TX for American Idol Season 9.  Not only did they show us a vast majority of really good singers but BOTH guest judges did surprisingly well. 

Neil Patrick Harris was up first and for just a minute I thought we were going to have a repeat of last night’s feud between Kara and Katy only this time between NPH and Simon Cowell but they both handled it with class.  Neil obviously didn’t agree much with Simon and you could see the aggravation on Simon’s face but they both remained civil and no stones were thrown.

And what can you say about Joe Jonas except he is an absolute doll.  He was sweet and polite and my daughter was in heaven just staring at him for the 20 minutes he was on.

The first contestant we saw with a golden ticket was Lloyd Thomas.  Another young man who overcame a past of growing up in the projects to work on the docks for an airline.  Simon said he was his favorite of the day. 

Another standout was Erika Rhodes who came dressed like a dominatrix and swinging a whip.  She was a breeze to go through to Hollywood.

The most precious for me was Dave Pittman who has Turret Syndrome.  The amazing thing is when he sings, there is no sign of the turrets. 

On the second day we saw another of our Top 24 guys named Todrick Hall.  He sang an original song he wrote just for the occassion and it was pretty funny.  He had a great voice and I totally see why we will be voting for him in February.

I definitely put the Dallas auditions as one of the best cities we have seen to date.  Do you agree?  Who stood out to you in last night’s auditions?

Get ready for next week when Idol goes to Colorado and the return of Victoria Beckham as a guest judge.  Matt, I know you are really looking forward to seeing her again lol.

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