American Idol 2011: Motown Week Recap

I was not happy with the American Idol 2011 Motown music last night.  The judges must have taken a happy pill before the show started because every critique was filled with praise especially with Steven Tyler who I find myself disagreeing with the majority of the time. 

Everyone’s seemingly favorite, Casey Abrams was up first unsurprisingly singing “I Heard It Through The Grapevine”.  I mean I know this is one of the great songs of all time and blah, blah, blah but seriously I wasn’t impressed.  Casey’s look reminds me of the characters in a movie my son watches called “Where the Wild Things Are” lol but it’s not about that, it’s about his voice which to me is not all that.  I want him to sing  a song that I would want to hear on the radio today and he has yet to do that.

Thia was ok.  She tried something upbeat and it almost worked for her.  The energy died somewhere in the middle but for being the youngest contestant in the competition is was ok.  All the judges were impressed. 

Jacob Lusk was one of the best of the night as he should have been with the theme for this week because this is the type of music I can see him recording.  He puts so much feeling and passion behind his performance which caused Steven Tyler to jump up on stage and give him a big hug!  (Steven I want some of whatever you had to get the party started lol jk.)  Ryan then brings a line of girls up on stage to give Jacob hugs and kisses.  Congrats Jacob! 

Haley Reinhart and Lauren Alaina were just ok for me.  Scotty McCreery was way out of his comfort zone but tried to pull off “For Once In My Life”.  I’m not at all impressed but the judges all got some kind of tingly over his low notes.  Stefano had some serious pitch problems with “Hello” and should be in the bottom three this week in my opinion. 

Pia chooses another slow ballad where she can stand behind the microphone like a robot.  I’m sick of the ballads from this girl and she is my favorite female in the show so please next week sing something up beat!  I actually liked Paul McDonald’s version of “Tracks of My Tears”.  I thought it was different and quirky and it absolutely worked for him and I am NOT a Paul fan!  Naima showed us she can be a performer.  Her vocals were better but far from perfect but when you throw in the African dancing around stage with her arms flailing, how can you go wrong? LOL

James Durbin rocked!  I love this guy!  He picked an excellent song to go with his screaming voice and didn’t disappoint the crowd as he soaked up their praise and waved to the audience.  I thought “Living For The City” was a great song choice for him and he has earned the pimp spot.  They should close the show with him every week! 

Who was your favorite last night?  And who do you think is in danger of going home?  For me, the bottom three should be Haley, Stefano and Thia even though I like her sound better than Naima.  Based on last night, Stefano should be sent packing!

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