American Idol 2012 Top 5 Performance Recap: British Invasion

Tonight the American Idol 2012 Top 5 took to the stage to perform hits from the 1960s and songs by British artists.

It was a night of big voices and great songs and as the contest is winding down, it’s getting to the point where anything can happen. But right now, what’s about to happen is I’m going to review each performance and assign the letter grade I think each deserved. In order of performance:

Hollie Cavanagh, “River Deep Mountain High.” Hollie left the nerves back at the American Idol mansion tonight. This performance was probably her best all season. She hit all the notes and her stage presence was right up there with the bet. Very good job and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Will it be enough to save her this week? A+

Phillip Phillips, “The Letter.” Phillip had been putting me to sleep the past couple weeks, but this week he woke me back up. The energy level on this song was great and his blues-y vibe was there. It was a lot of fun. A

Skylar Laine, “Fortunate Son.” When I saw this song on the list, I never thought it would be Skylar who was going to sing it. But she did. And she kicked its butt. She pulled out all her tricks. The performance was spunky and energetic and just plain good. She is so ready to jump right into this business. She doesn’t even need American Idol at this point. A+

Jessica Sanchez, “Proud Mary.” Here we go again. Another person singing “Proud Mary” doing the Tina Tuner dances. How many times do we have to see this same performance every season on every show? OK, enough with that rant. Jessica handled the song well. I wasn’t jumping up and down or anything, but it was OK. B

Joshua Ledet, “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg.” This performance I enjoyed more than his others because he showed some restraint. He’s an amazing singer, but he over sings most of his songs. So it was nice that he kept this one simple while still displaying his amazing talent. A


Hollie, “Bleeding Love.” Hollie was really on tonight. This was good too. It was sweet and tender mixed in with some power and emotion. A

Phillip, “Time of The Season.” This was a little gentle, a bit smooth and a lot cool. Phillip doesn’t have a huge range, so his high notes were a bit iffy, but he’s got such a flair that he can do little wrong among his fans. B+

Skylar, “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me.” Skylar delivered this one like she always does – with ease and filled with star-quality. This time around though, she traded the spunkiness in for sweetness. But the power and poise remained. A

Jessica, “You Are So Beautiful.” First of all, I hate this song. And that has nothing to do with Jessica. What I’m getting at is, I think Jessica’s song choices tonight were questionable. But her performance this time around, I did enjoy more. She’s a great singer. I just found her a bit snoozy tonight. A-

Joshua Ledet, “To Love Somebody.” Great song choice. Joshua started the song out tender and smooth and I was loving it again. I was begging my TV screen to not let him cut loose and start screaming the song. He kept it smooth a bit longer and then started screaming it. And that’s when he went from an A+++ to just an A. I think he’s very talented, but I hate when people over sing constantly. A


Now I’m going to share my thoughts on what I think MIGHT happen tomorrow night based ONLY on how America’s votes MIGHT play out. So if I suggest someone who I just gave an A+ to might be going home, that’s because my grades have nothing to do with this predictions. These are not my personal opinions. And to those of you who read me every week and wonder why I always over-explain myself here, I’m sorry. But if I don’t explain myself, my predictions are greatly misunderstood (hell, some people still don’t get it despite my DETAILED explanation).

100 Percent Safe: NO ONE. For the first time in my three years covering this show, I’ve never found myself in this position.

Most Likely Safe: Joshua Ledet, Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sanchez

Possibly the Bottom 2: Skylar Laine, Hollie Cavanagh

Possibly Going Home: Hollie Cavanagh

My Thinking: I can’t put anyone in the 100 percent safe spot because I have no idea how people are going to vote this week. Has Phillip finally plateaued? Has Jessica’s near-eliminated wave crested? Has Joshua and Hollie’s big performances edged Skylar to the bottom of the pack? ANYTHING is possible this week.

It’s all too close to call. I imagine the results will play out as I’ve suggested above, but I think it’s very possible that Jessica and Phillip could end up in the bottom. Even though Phillip landing in the bottom would mean the VERY rare occurrence that everyone remaining on the show had one time or another been in the bottom. I can’t remember the last time that happened. If ever. And it’s also possible that Skylar could go home instead of Hollie. It’s going to be a crazy results show, I’m betting.

What did you think of the performances tonight and how do you think the votes will play out Thursday night?

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