American Idol 2012 Top 5 Results Show Recap: It’s Now Down To Four

American Idol 2012 said goodbye to another contestant Thursday night and while it wasn’t as shocking as some eliminations, it wasn’t exactly an expected one.

At the start of the night, Ryan gets right down to the results. He pulls Joshua Ledet to center stage even before the Ford music video. I’m guessing Joshua’s performance the night before was just so well-recieved no one could imagine him landing in the bottom, so Ryan sent him to safety.

Next we get the Ford music video followed by a taped performance by Coldplay that’s edited to seem live. Then Ryan gets back to the results.

It’s Hollie Cavanagh and Phillip Phillips he pulls up this time. Hollie had a great night the night before and Phillip and his illness have caught up with him as his previous night’s showing wasn’t that great. There was a lot of speculation today among bloggers about Phillip’s fate this week. Some believed he’d be in the bottom. That would mean everyone this season had been in the bottom one time or another and that basically never happens. Idol historians, tell me a season that happened, because I can’t remember. Phillip continues the streak and is sent to safety. Hollie is the first person in the bottom 2, which is a familiar spot for her.

Carrie Underwood returns to the Idol stage to entertain and then it’s back to the results. The last two are Skylar Laine and Jessica Sanchez. Something tells me the votes for these two aren’t as obvious as one might expect or they wouldn’t have sent them up for their results together. So be advised Jessica fans, Ryan might have sent her to safety, but it seems like she may be slipping toward the bottom. So yeah, that means Skylar joins Hollie in the bottom 2.

After another canned Coldplay performance, it’s time to find out who makes it in the Top 4 and who heads home. It seems pretty obvious that Hollie would go home, even though she had a good week. But America decided they wanted to keep her around and Skylar is the one getting the boot.

Skylar takes the stage for her final performance and she delivers it like she just won the show instead of just getting eliminated. That’s one more sign that she’s a true performer and is ready for a career in music. Skylar had sang her spunky little self right into my personal Top 2, so I’m kind of bummed to see her go. I was hoping she could do some Reba before she exited the show. Oh well.

So you’ve got your Top 4: Joshua Ledet, Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sanchez and Hollie Cavanagh.

What did you think of the outcome of the results show? Are you happy with the Top 4?

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