American Idol 2013: Limiting Votes Is Unlikely This Season

We hear it from readers every season: “limit voting!” For those hoping to see vote limits on American Idol 2013 shouldn’t hold their breath.

In an interview with TV Line’s Michael Slezak we heard directly from FOX’s Mike Darnell that they don’t really think they need to re-evaluate the current voting system. Sure, they’ve talked about it but they’re American Idol and the other guys aren’t.

We’ve debated this over the years. There is a debate within the production companies even. Should you limit it, should you not limit it? I don’t have any evidence that limiting voting would change [the outcome], to be frank, although I know there’s this “white boys with guitars” thing that everybody keeps talking about.

The truth is, the last two winners have done, like you said, exceptionally. The audience, in the end, knows what it wants. And it’s important to give them what they want, because they’re the ones that are going to buy the records.

I think this show, when you get a winner, [the audience is] engaged enough to go buy the single and go buy the album. And they’re not in the other shows.

Ugh. I have a hard time believing that nothing their internal numbers are showing nothing would be impacted by a change in voting. Maybe, maybe the block voters are such a small percentage that they don’t influence the results, but come on.

What do you think? Should FOX finally introduce some restrictions on the number of votes allowed per person, per device, or some sort of “per”? Vote in our poll below and then share your thoughts in the Comments section.

Source: TV Line

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