American Idol 2013 Top 4 Performances Live Recap: Final Four Girls Do It Again

Kree HarrisonKree Harrison

It’s not deja vu, but it feels like it because the American Idol 2013 Top 4 are again taking the stage to sing for your votes, America.

Tonight, they’ll be singing two songs each again and then they’ll be doing a group song at the end. Tonight’s themes are Then and Now.  And as always, we’ll be recapping the performances live and I’ll be grading each performance with a letter grade. Please join me and share your thoughts and own grades in our comments section below.

American Idol 2013 Top 4 Performances 

 Round One: Now (2013)

Angie Miller, “Diamonds.” Well she’s back at the piano. That’s apparently the only place the judges want her to be. So that’s good. I guess. The other good thing is that I really dislike Rihanna’s version of this song, but I didn’t dislike Angie’s. Well, except for that one part where she screamed. I thought the performance was really smart and powerful. Angie continues to go strong. And even though I find her boring at this point, I think she’s still very talented and worthy. Grade: A-

 (OK, so let me get this straight. The week I think Angie did very well, the judges didn’t? Seriously? OH, so this week their plan is to criticize Angie in an attempt to boost Amber’s votes. Unbelievable. And I’ll only take these thoughts back IF they criticize Amber in a bit.)

Amber Holcomb, “Just Give Me A Reason.” That was a pretty solid effort from Amber. I think I’ve finally realized what it is that’s causing me to disagree with the Amber love. It’s her problem with annunciation. I think she has a strong voice, but the way she performs songs don’t always connect with me. Grade: B

(Uh-oh. The judges learned that their excessive Amber praise is catching some attention, so they’re clearly pulling back. And hey Randy, you know what it’s called during this time of the show when the contestants start acting off? It’s called FATIGUE you worthless hack. They’ve been performing for weeks and weeks. They’re worn out. Please ditch the Dawg, Idol.)

Candice Glover, “When I Was Your Man.” OK, I love Candice, but singing this song is just weird. Even more weird that she didn’t change the pronoun. I know it’s just a song, but when you cover a song, you adopt it as your own and we’re supposed to believe the words you sing. OK, I’m over thinking this. EDIT: I’ve learned that Candice wasn’t permitted to change the words, which makes total sense. Overall, the vocals were great and Candice is very talented. Grade: B

(It’s definitely opposites week. I’m going to stop analyzing these judges because they’re all crazy. Last week they hated Candice, this week they don’t.)

Kree Harrison, “See You Again.” What ever the judges were smoking last week benefited Kree because their ridiculous critiques apparently lit a new fire under her. Her performance tonight was fantastic. It was emotional and connected just like she said it needed to be. Best of the first round, easily. Grade: A

(Can we show at least half the judges to the door and let Harry Connick Jr. take a seat on the panel?)

Round Two: Then (Standards)

Angie Miller, “Someone To Watch Over Me.” Oh no, she’s not at the piano! Will the world end? Nah. First of all, what a boring theme. It’s so boring that if I get bored by any of these performances, I’m not going to say it because it’s not the contestants’ fault. So when you don’t see me write “This is boring” then it probably actually was boring. OK, no onto Angie’s recap. Hmm. This is harder now that I’ve restricted myself from saying “boring.” So I’ll say her vocal was just fine, especially the end. Grade: B+

Amber Holcomb, “My Funny Valentine.” Hey, if you got a heck of a boost the first time you sang it, why not sing it again. Especially when you were almost sent home the week before. The funny thing is that this wasn’t as good as the first time. It was good, but I liked it the first time better. Grade: B+

Candice Glover, “You Changed.” Yes. Now that was a performance. Unless Kree does something insane, this is the best performance of the night. This genre was perfect for Candice. Which might be why she won’t and shouldn’t win this show. She doesn’t need to win American Idol to sing like that. She’ll be cool with whatever happens. Grade: A+

 Kree Harrison, “Stormy Weather.” I think Kree picked the best song out of the four. Well, she and Amber, that is. Both of their songs really say “standards” to me. Kree’s performance was pretty solid, but no one is topping Candice’s last performance. Grade: A-

(Hahaha. Best moment of the night: Harry Connick Jr. schooling Randy Jackson. Perfection.)

That (obviously pre-recorded) group number at then end was random, but pretty decent. What did you think of it and the rest of the performances? Who were your favorites from the night?

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