If you thought two hours of American Idol is simply not enough. Well, how about three? Tonight’s supersized episode features more live performances and brutal eliminations as the Top 20 are revealed. This American Idol 2024 show also features performances by Lauren Spencer-Smith, Teddy Swims, and Paul Russell.
20 live performances need to take place in three hours, so there won’t be much time for anything but eliminations and singing. Then tomorrow, the Top 20 becomes the Top 10, plus America gets to save four more contestants. This takes us to the Top 14. Yes, already. The rapid cuts continue until we’re down to the final three contestants next month. With only a few weeks left in the season, American Idol has reached its intense stage.
Last week, we saw 24 incredible performances. Guest mentors and judges Tori Kelly and Jelly Roll really brought out the best in the finalists. It was two strong nights of Idol performances. The show still seems wide open for anyone to win the season. Some people performed better than others, but I still have no clue who will leave on this episode. Four singers leaving doesn’t seem like a lot, but we wish everyone stayed tonight. Anyone could have an off night, so one more opportunity to showcase their talents would have been nice. But that’s not how American Idol works, so let’s get into this recap.
Here’s how the Top 20 performances and eliminations played out:
Top 20 Performances
The judges are introduced.
and Ryan Seacrest introduces the special guests. We start with Jelly Roll’s mentees.
Jack Blocker is the first moving forward. He sings “You Don’t Mess Around with Jim” by Jim Croce. Katy Perry calls him the real deal. Luke Bryan says it’s all coming together for him. Lionel Richie says it was the perfect song.
Text 20 to 2153 to vote for Jack. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Mia Matthews is the next to move to the next round. She wins “Wildflowers and Wild Horses” by Lainey Wilson. Katy says she found her roar. Luke says it was a great performance. Lionel says she’s become more confident. He says he’s proud of her.
Text 23 to 2153 to vote for Mia. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Mackenzie Sol is the next to learn he’ll be in Top 20. He sings “I’ll Never Love Again” by Lady Gaga. Luke says he continues to grow and has a great performance. Katy suggests more enunciations and to have fun.
Text 15 to 2153 to vote for Mackenzie. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Roman Collins sings “Never Would Have Made It” by Marvin Sapp. Lionel says “Amen.” He says he never seen the audience act like this before. Luke says they need to get baptized now.
Text 21 to 2153 to vote for Roman. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Kennedy Reid is the next in the Top 20. She sings “Love Can Build A Bridge” by The Judds. Katy says she’s proud of her and the wigs went flying. Luke says she will prove everyone wrong the rest of her life. He tells her not to listen to idiots who may put her down.
Text 19 to 2153 to vote for Kennedy. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Teddy Swims sings “Lose Control.”
Ajii is the next to find out he’s in the Top 20. He sings Audioslave’s “Like A Stone.” Luke tells him to not get too yelly but he had a lot of energy in the performance. Lionel says he brought them closer to him. Katy says she loves his song choices. It tells them what type of artist he wants to be.
Text 18 to 2153 to vote for Ajii. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Only four more spots left for this group.
Jennifer Jeffries learns she’s in the Top 20. She covers Matt Maeson’s “Grave Digger.” Lionel says she has a style.
Text 16 to 2153 to vote for Jennifer. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Emmy Russell performs next. She sings an original song called “Want You.”
Ryan gets a little emotional hearing it. Katy says she could tell she was nervous but it was her best original song. Luke says it was so her and tells her not to lose her artistry. Lionel says it’s a hit record and she’s an incredible songwriter.
Text 17 to 2153 to vote for Emmy. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Triston Harper also sings an original song called “H-O-P-E.” Luke says he believes Triston would be doing this his whole life. Lionel says he has all the tools to make it a career for his entire life. He tells him to enjoy Idol. Katy says it was a stellar performance.
Text 24 to 2153 to vote for Triston. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Only Kblocks, Odell, and Elleigh remain as the final three to wait for news on the Top 20. Only one will go to the next round. The other two will go home.
Odell Bunton Jr. is the last to make it from this group. Elleigh Marie and Kblocks are eliminated. He sings “The Door” by Teddy Swims and Freak Freely. Lionel says they’re going to open a church. He can move people. Katy says she loves the show. Luke says it happened when it was destined to happen for Odell.
Text 13 to 2153 to vote for Odell. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Time for Tori Kelly’s group to find out their fate in the competition.
Kayko sings an original song called “Over You.”
Text 5 to 2153 to vote for Kayko. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Katy says he’s going to be a megastar. She says he will go see him on tour. Luke says he was a big surprise for them. Lionel says he believes in him. He says he’s sitting on a goldmine with his songwriting.
Jordan Anthony sings “when the party’s over” by Billie Eilish
Text 2 to 2153 to vote for Jordan. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Luke says he loved the performance because he showed range. He says it was one of his best performances. Lionel says he tells a story. Katy says it was one of her performances of the evening. She says he stayed true to himself. It also gave dynamics.
Quintavious sings “Hollow” by Tori Kelly.
Text 9 to 2153 to vote for Quintavious. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Lionel tells him that he’s electric. Katy says his last run knocked her sideways. She says he stays true to himself but sang pop. Luke says this was his favorite performance he’s seen from Quintavious.
Kaibrienne (KB) sings an original song called “girl i am now.”
Text 10 to 2153 to vote for Kaibrienne. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Katy says it’s boring when someone is perfect. She tells her to not worry about falling apart (she pauses/gets emotional). Lionel tells her a story of when he had a breakdown. He says don’t worry about it. It happens. Ryan says the pauses pull them in.
Paul Russell sings “Lil Boo Thang.”
Nya is the next to make it to the Top 20. She sings “Georgia on My Mind” by Ray Charles.
Text 6 to 2153 to vote for Nya. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Nya dedicates the song to her dad, so Lionel says he’s there watching her. Lionel says it’s an undeniable performance. Katy says it goes straight to the heart and says she reminds her of Jennifer Hudson. Luke tells her to act like it’s tough. He says she has one of his favorite voices in the competition.
Jayna Elise makes it into the Top 20. She sings “My All” by Mariah Carey.
Text 3 to 2153 to vote for Jayna. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Lionel says she has a career and been waiting for this moment her whole life. Katy says she’s been growing her talent and she deserves this. Luke says the biggest thing to make it is to work, work, work and not give up.
Abi Carter sings “Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance. It’s dedicated to her deceased grandparents.
Text 8 to 2153 to vote for Abi. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Luke says it felt like they were at her concert. He says she found her magic.
Lauren Spencer-Smith sings “Fingers Crossed”
Will Moseley joined the Top 20. “Makin’ Me Look Good Again” by Drake White.
Text 11 to 2153 to vote for Will. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Katy says the end was really good and she wanted more of that. She says you have to take charge of destiny (he talks about picking between a biologist and a rockstar in his package before his performance).
McKenna Faith Breinholt sings “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell.
Text 12 to 2153 to vote for McKenna. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
Lionel says he knows Joni Mitchell and that she would be proud of how McKenna made it her song. Katy says McKenna made her understand the song. She belongs in the Top 20. Luke says this performance puts her in the winning category.
One spot remains and Blake Proehl, Julia Gagnon, and Hailey Mia. Only one of them will make it into the Top 20. It’s…Julia.
Blake and Hailey are eliminated.
She sings “I Believe” by Fantasia.
Text 4 to 2153 to vote for Fantasia. You can also vote on the Idol app or at AmericanIdol.com/vote.
The crowd chants her name. Katy says that America believes that she belongs. She loves the heartfelt performance. Luke says she’s inspiring people. She’s coming so far. Lionel says anything can happen if you believe. He says they’re proud of Julia.
Six going home tomorrow so make sure to vote.
Join us tomorrow for another American Idol 2024 recap. We’ll meet the Top 14. Make sure to add us on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) for more American Idol spoilers, recaps, exclusives, news, and much more.