American Idol 2012: Top 10 Results Show Recap

American Idol 2012 said goodbye to another contestant Thursday night, which means the person from the American Idol Top 9 who gets the least votes will still have a chance to earn the judges’ save next week.

After a pretty snoozy opening group number and a pretty lame Ford music video, Ryan started building the Bottom 3.

He pulls Hollie Cavanagh, Skylar Laine and Elise Testone to the stage. At first thought I was like one of these girls is in the bottom 3 and it’s Elise just like I expected. Then I thought about how confident Jimmy Iovine was that Elise would be safe this week, so I thought about American Idol Net’s poll results and thought it must be Skylar.

But actually, Ryan was just pulling a fast one on us and all three of them were sent to safety.

Lana Del Ray takes the stage next and does her best to convince me that the state of popular music is dire. Luckily there’s a mute button.

I un-mute the TV when Ryan comes back for more results. But first I have to sit through a Steven Tyler Happy Birthday number, fully equipped with Aerosmith’s Joe Perry. Guess Tyler’s bandmates don’t hate American Idol as much as the rumors have said.

Next up for results are DeAndre Brackensick, Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez. Of course how this batch plays out couldn’t be more obvious. Jessica and Joshua are sent to safety and DeAndre takes the first stool in the bottom 3.

Haley Reinhart returns to sing her new single “Free” and as far as I can tell it’s called that because it’s free of a hook. The song just kind of sat there, doing nothing. Meh.

More results as Ryan calls the rest of the group up: Phillip Phillips, Colton Dixon, Heejun Han and Erika Van Pelt. Gee. I wonder who this is going to play out. Phillip and Colton are of course safe. Heejun and Erika join DeAndre in the bottom.

After a break, Ryan sends DeAndre to safety. And this surprised me. Not only did it knock me for a loop, it ruined my predictions from my recap last night. And I was going for a perfect record this season.

Ryan tells us it’s Erika who is in the very bottom and I can only imagine it’s because of her drastic makeover. Because there’s no way Heejun or DeAndre deserved more votes than Erika.

She take to the stage to sing for her life and it’s obvious that Erika isn’t a popular enough contestant for the judges to consider their save. And Randy gets to get his rocks off by smugly delivering the bad news to Erika that they are not going to use their save on her.

Bummer for Erika and for us as we have to suffer through that horrible farewell song again. *Mute*

What did you think of the show and the outcome?

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