American Idol 2012: Top 9 Results Show Recap

Thursday night on American Idol 2012 we said goodbye to another contestant, meaning the judges’ save is still in play for the Top 8 next week.

At the beginning of the show we get some news that Aerosmith is going on tour. OK. And that guy that DeAndre Brackensick covered last night shows up to surprise him. Still not sure who that is (Joke, people. This is a joke).

After a kind-of OK American Idol Ford music video, Ryan dims the lights for the first batch of results. He calls Elise Testone, Phillip Phillips and Hollie Cavanagh up to the stage. At this point, I’m certain it’s going to go as I predicted last night. Phillip was sent to safety first. Then Elise. Hollie is in the bottom, just as I suspected.

After an ear-bleeding performance by Nicki Minaj, we’ve got more results. Ryan asks Colton Dixon, Joshua Ledet and Heejun Han to join him on stage. Colton is sent to safety. And after playing with Joshua’s head, he too is sent to safety. So it’s Heejun in the bottom. Again as I suspected.

Scotty McCreery takes the stage next and not much has changed with him in a year. His pants are way tighter but that’s about it. I didn’t hate his performance.

Time for more results. The remaining three, Skylar Laine, DeAndre Brackensick and Jessica Sanchez, join Ryan in the center of the stage. Surely the last seat in the bottom goes to DeAndre, just as I predicted. Wrong. He was safe. And so is Jessica. It’s Skylar in the bottom. Surprising. She’s the only country singer in the contest and last year the Top 2 were country singers. Guess the country fans are taking a season off from voting.

The first person Ryan sends back to safety is Skylar. Then Hollie. It’s Heejun who has to sing for his life in order to stay in the contest. He sings the same song as the night before (smart move) and it was actually better than the night before.

But the judges just can’t bring themselves to save Heejun. They just know that one of the really good singers is going to pull a Hudson/Daughtry/Toscano, so they’re going to save it for that moment.

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