Can we bring David Cook back and let him win Idol all over again? Instead of the usual karaoke singing of the American Idol 2010 12 finalists, we got a rock session with Season 7 winner David Cook. He sang “Jumpin Jack Flash” and did what I was waiting on one of the contestants to do Tuesday night and that was rock out. This is the capabilities of what a true American Idol looks like. How I miss the days when we had talent on this show.
After a fine performance by Cook we find out Paige Miles and Tim Urban are in the bottom 3. No surprises at all with these two. I’m not expecting Tim to go as the worsters have come out in full force for this young man.
After this, guest performer Orianthi blazes onto the stage with her new hit single “According to You”. What is going on here? I think AI is trying to put as much rock into the results show as they can because they know we’re not getting any from the contestants. I love this chick. She was Michael Jackson’s guitarist and Carlos Santana had this to say about her, “If I was going to pass the baton to somebody, she would be my first choice.” I’d say she has a bright future ahead of her.
Back to the results. It comes down to Casey and Lacey for the final spot in the bottom 3 and I’m holding my breath wondering what I’m going to do if Casey is eliminated. I mean you all know he is the main reason I’m watching this season and with how crazy these results shows have been I didn’t know what to expect. All is well when Ryan tells Casey to have a seat. Thank God! I can breathe again. Ryan then tells us Tim is safe. WTH? Damn those worsters!
Our third guest performer is Ke$ha with her song “blah blah blah”. There is something seriously wrong with society who can love a song with that title. I mean what is the world coming too? This Lady Ga Ga wanna be in an indian headdress has about as much talent as Tim. Hey can we bring her on Idol as well?
Elimination time and it all comes down to Paige and Lacey. Since I haven’t been right in any of my predictions yet, I figured I was due so it wasn’t a surprise to me when Ryan sent Lacey home. My friends in the chat room seemed to want Paige but come on guys, Paige actually sang pretty decent for a change. So you didn’t get my usual ranting and raving results recap this week because for once I felt the decision justified. Thank you America, we got it right this time.
How did you feel about Lacey getting the boot?
Lacey Brown is not a great singer, but she is way better than Sanjaya. Its a joke that he is still there.
I love your idea about David Cook. I just miss seeing him on my TV so much. Maybe we could ask for a reality show that follows him and the band around on tour. Kind of an extended Pork Beans episode. Can’t wait to buy Jumping Jack Flash on Itunes today.
I don’t agree with you that nobody is stepping up to the challenge this season. I think Siobhan Magnus rocked it out on Painted Black. Grant you, I actually had to go and watch a second time to come to that conclusion. As I said in the chat on Tuesday night, I don’t really care for the Stones but when I watched her performance a second time it was absolutely awesome. This show is not the Xfactor. It is basically a singing competition and if it holds true to that then Siobhan has it hands down. She is the best vocalist on the show without a doubt. Take a look at that performance one more time and then check out her previous performances and tell me she is not the best singer on the show.
I wasn’t exactly shocked that Lacey got sent home – but over Tim? I didn’t care for Lacey but I really think they are keeping Tim on because they brought him back for whatever reason so they have to look good about that choice. Final 5 = Siobhan, Crystal, Didi, Lee and Casey.
Tim is still on because of that stupid VFTW site. Im so glad people enjoy having fun with other peoples lives.Lacey has an unusual voice. Not cookie cutter like the rest. She will do well. I just cant believe she went home before Katie ,Paige Or Tim. Im extremely sad that this is no longer about the best but again about rebellious people.They want hurt the producers but only hurt the contestants. As far talent, it all raw talent. none of these people have had records or recording contracts as in prior years. All I can say is Im done with American Idol.
David did great. Paige was very fortunate that she had a good performance unlike the one last week that should have gotten her eliminated.
More David Cook. Some brillian producer needs to make a show with him and the band. He simply should be on tv MORE!!!!! He has such a great sense of humor, genuine personaliy, he is so engaging and he can speak. I just miss seeing him on my TV so much. Can’t wait to buy Jumping Jack Flash on Itunes today. MORE DAVID COOK PERIOD!
I seriously think the final three will be Crystal, Siobhan and Casey. They’ve got a certain…charisma that’s hard to describe
but you can certainly feel it! I only wish they are more adept at using it to enhance their stage presence!
Diss Tim Urban all you want, but he is certainly a likeable fellow. The more the judges put him down, the more Americans are going to vote for him.
Stop hating him then! Apply a little reverse psychology. Love him instead and Americans will…err…retire him to Glee Club.
Those cheerleaders will do a triple backflip upon seeing him – pregnant or not!
God knows what Sandy and Kurt will do to him.
Mercedes might sit on him if he turns out to be Sue Slyvester’s toy boy!
Oops, I digressed. Until Tim Urban becomes your American Idol, let’s keep voting Crystal!
I agree with Leticia. Lacey has a unique voice! Tim CAN NOT sing! Maybe he can play the guitar but come on – he can’t keep a tune.
This is my first season I’ve watched idol and it will probably be my last. It’s obvious talent doesn’t matter to those voting.
David Cook was the standout in that show as usual. Why can’t we just have a David Cook special and treat him more like Carrie? He’s my favorite idol ever, and I had really admired so many in the past. But DC is hands down the best star there is. Love Kelly C. too.
You all need talent lessons even the judges.Siobhan can not sing. She screams one loud note in one song and everyone makes a big deal about it.Aretha Franklin was probably laughing when she song her song think. And noteswhere not even in tune.These judges want who they want to win and none of the girls got talent but Crystal.When she sung Natural woman.Now that was awesome! Siobhan can not sing. Now in every song she is going scream.Fantasia help her. Show Siobhan how its done.
NO!! One season was enough of David Cook. Can’t stand him, his voice or his looks.
No one even knows who David Cook is outside of his American Idol fans. I’ve never even heard of him until the said he won American Idol a few seasons back. My daughter loves the show but doesn’t like him, and I saw why last night. Unimpressed. I really like Crystal and Lee this season and hope they continue to do a good job.
David Cook – rocks! He won the AI title by rights! Siobhan is very good too, with a much better atitude than Crystal. I like Crystal too, but as a whole package, I think Siobhan is better. Blah, Blah, Blah stunk! Probably the worse performance AI has ever had – including the worse AI contestant. What was AI thinking? To put on the worse “singer” in the business to make the top 12 look better and not sound so bad?
I sort of liked Lacey, so I was kind of sad to see her go – but honestly, the next 9 or so will also be sort of easy – they all sort of suck. I had no love for David Cook either, it seemed boring to me. Let’s hope next week is more fun.
David Cook looked hot, sounded hot…the band totally rocked…hope the remaining contestants took notes because that is how it is done. Can’t wait for the next album. As for Karen saying no one knows him except for his AI fans, I doubt that considering his record has gone platinum, he has had #1 singles including Light On, TOML, and Come Back To Me…He has been on tour for almost two years selling out shows all over this great country of ours…of course you probably like crap like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry or Taylor Swift…none of which can sing. David has an amazing talent that no one performing last night or the night before could compete with him.
Orianthi was okay…she can play guitar…
Ke$ha was awful…she wouldn’t have made it to the Top 12…
The rest of this year’s contestants can all go…I don’t really care who wins as I won’t be buying it.
I will be buying anything that David Cook puts out…
The ones I like, seem to get the boot. I cannot believe Lily left. She makes alot of them left look sick! Crystal should win, hands down. Lily should have been second. Now Lacy is gone, those were my 3 favorites, oh well what do I know. Thought it would be Paige to go. Crystal just stands out the most,
if she doesn’t win then don’t know what to think. Like Adam Lambert not winning last time, that was just insane…….
I hope crystal, siobhan and lee make top three!!
AI isn’t a singing contest, its a TV show about a singing contest. In real singing contests, the judges know more than the contestants and they keep in the background.
Most rock, country, and pop music grew from the blues but as time goes by fewer musicians understand the blues. The Rolling Stones are all about the blues, which is why so many singers were clueless. Crystal is all about the blues, Siobhan, Casey, and Paige have a clue.
Lacey didn’t lose. The got to sing in front of over 100,000,000 people and spent four weeks in singer’s boot camp where she learned from wonderful voice coaches, musicians, costumers, makeup artists, and hairdressers.
There something about Aaron Kelly that I like he need 2 belive in himeself a bit more and he could WIN THIS!! (Vote 4 Aaron Kelly)
from london and Paige cant sing, but my top 2 is Aaron and Casey
I think Crystal, Lee and Siobhan can go to the final, i think Lilly is much better than most of the singers still in AI,she’ll be a star soon, for sure.
Katie is so cute, but is this AI or American Next top Model?, she and tim should go in this next eliminations
I have to agree with the author –the only reason I watch Idol IS because of CASEY JAMES. Go CASEY!!!!
Tyler Grady shouldn’t have been eliminated so early…he had a great style…David Cook is good but not that good!
Anyone watched Alex Lambert on Ellen’s show?? LOVED his performance!!!
Lee or Casey should win this year…rest are awfully boring!! Mike & Paige can S**k it!!
I really want to know JUST ONE REASON why everyone hate Tim Urban, his voice is so soft unlike Lee, Andrew and even Casey?! he should be in top 5!!!!!!!!!
This whole season of AI is a bore. The contestants can’t sing, but that really doesn’t matter since Ellen DeGeneres doesn’t know anything about music and she’s judging.
David Cook can’t sing either, but he did sound
pretty good compared to the Indian headdress lady. Yikes! Calling that noise music was just plain scary!
I’m with you Ashley — just bring Cook & band back and call it the David Cook Show. He totally rocked the Stones cover, showing once again how it’s done. After his sell-out 10 month tour last year and a platinum album, he’s doing fine – can’t wait for the next record.
i love david cook. so good. i don’t see what everyone sees in casey.
crystal (same every week, but good at it lol)
lacey is better than kesha , and the other girl. lol oh boy..
I think the contestants in season 9 are also great singers… the problem i think is that they still lack confidence… They are having some difficulties to show off what they could truly do! Hope that they’d be able to find that self-esteem in the coming weeks…
BTW, so so so love love love David Cook’s performance… Always a fan of him… Seeing him on IDOL always brightens up my life!!
So after all talking about her do you guys think she has a penis ?
The right 3 were definately in the bottom this week-I am glad Lacey went with that whinny voice-don’t think she is versatile or interesting enough enough to be a star. Just hope real talent wins through this year-gutted last year that Adam didn’t win.Crystal 2 win-but she needs to come across as a bit more humble.Siobhan and Lee g8 and Casey-lets say just worth looking at but good sounds 2!
America got it right, Lacey had to go. But she is sweet. I think Crystal, Siobhan, Mike and Aaron will be in the finals.
Watched Adam Lambert on Oprah. He was awesome. He should have won the title.
blah blah blah, work work and talent do not always come out on top these days!
It’s unfortunate but true!
When is everyone going to realize Andrew Garcia is awesome! He has a great voice. I feel like the judges are rough on him. hes great and crystal is too!
do you like turtles?
A bit of sensible information here, a sound read. If you can spare a minute take a look over my web log and feel at liberty to pass on a remark
Anyone who says David Cook doesn't have an INCREDIBLE voice is simply ignorant. Sorry. You have a right to like one singer over another. But to say he is not GOOD is just silly. Poppycock. He is a dramatic tenor with a stunning, dark, unusual timbre and CRAZY resonance and shimmer. Very free voice with impeccable vibrato. Emotion. Power. He is an astonishing talent. This is my profession for over two decades – I sing, teach, arrange, evaluate, play piano.
David is brilliant. All the judges called him MAD talented, crazy talented on Larry King when it was Top 8, in David's season (7).