American Idol 2015 auditions for the judges are underway across the country and we have another sneak peek video for you! Senior Supervising Producer Patrick Lynn takes us on a tour behind-the-scenes at the Nashville judges’ round auditions to show us what goes on behind the cameras during an audition.

American Idol judges Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, and Harry Connick Jr. were in Nashville recently for the judges’ round there. The show comes to Nashville because, as Patrick Lynn says, “we get good talent here, almost unlike any other city… the abundance of talent here is like no other. And Nashville is ground zero for that kind of talent.”
Take a sneak peek inside the American Idol 2015 auditions shoot in Nashville for season 14 in the inside look video below!
Fox Reality Chief talks about Idol. Sounds like Season 14 may be the last.
www. mjsbigblog .com/new-fox-reality-chief-shares-thoughts-on-american-idol .htm
Prior to season 9, there did not seem to be a predictable formula for getting through Hollywood week.
As season 9~13 progressed, it became abundantly apparent to me, the producers of the show WERE indeed picking the crop, swaying opinion, and so on, to court a select few singers to the final weeks of the show. I.e., the audience’s vote no longer mattered. Ratings (driven by drama conceived at the top) drove the show for a number of years.
After Adam blew away the competition in Season 8, the producers (I think) felt they had to reign in the contestants to make it a ‘fairer’ show to all. But in doing so, they curried favor to this genre or that; and, in-the-end, they have killed their cash-cow show.
The drama for Season 13 was all about the Rocker as the focal point, with side drama shows of the Indie Girl, the misfit musician from New Hampshire, the hard-up honky-tonk southern country girl, and poor parent-less teen-boy from Florida. You could NOT get that kind of mix as the top 5 from the top 20 they gave us if America tried a coordinated vote from week 1.
The filming—the shots of the contestants during the shows—contained some of the most awkward directorship I’ve ever seen in a live show. But, again, it was all set to support certain contestants over others. I ran out of fingers & toes trying to count how many times the director cut from close-up of Sam’s face to girls with mouths agape in awe of his stardom during his singing. (They NEVER did that with any of the other contestants.) Sam was portrayed as the girl’s favorite… almost as if they were trying to tell teen and pre-teen girls whom they ought to vote for. (Why? Not to push Sam; no, no, no. But to gauge show ratings & effectiveness among that group of impressionable viewers.)
How / Why the produces of A.I. continue to push the Vote aspect of the show so much boils down to marketing—on a fairly massive scale. Remember, Ford, Coke, AT&T are the show’s main sponsors. A.I.’s job is to continue to engage as large a chunk of viewers as possible for the Target Market. Ford, e.g., is not interested in selling to pre-teens, per se, but they want to impress upon those teens & pre-teens that when they get out of high-school.. its time to saddle up in a Ford.
The show’s no longer about finding the next Idol. A certain ideal mix, however, of drama is what the producers are now using to keep audiences entwined. The Vote is just there to validate whether the show is reaching its intended audience or not. Contestants will come & go based on the producers’ final whims. I believe the show’s lack of authenticity over the years has really what has been dragging it down.
Once the shock of Chris Daughtry’s departure from the Top 5 settled, the producers introduced the ‘save’ aspect. This was the start of producers taking away the power of the voting public to steer the show where it needed to go. The abuse of which culminated post Season 8, resulting in a show with lackluster numbers; and being nearly indistinguishable from The Voice.