Without a doubt, Harry Connick Jr. is going to be the major goofball on the American Idol judges panel for season 13. He just can’t seem to stop cracking jokes and acting up behind the American Idol 2014 judges table. We love seeing Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban just look dumbfounded at what kind of wacky thing Harry is up from one minute to the next. This is the kind of chemistry and fun we’ve been waiting to have again on American Idol!

We loved Jennifer Lopez when she was on the show before, and Keith Urban was our favorite from last season, but we are most looking forward to seeing Harry Connick Jr. on the American Idol 2014 judges’ panel in season 13. If this man wasn’t a singer, we have no doubt he would be a full-time comedian and out making movies like The Hangover in his spare time. Just check out a taste of Harry’s silliness in the American Idol season 13 spoilers promo below:
American Idol 2014 premieres on January 15 and 16 on FOX from 8PM to 10PM both nights. We’ll be hear all season long bringing you all the latest American Idol spoilers, gossip, and more. Be sure to bookmark us, follow us or friend us below!
Haha J. Lo was actually a pretty bad judge when she was on before, but if this season sucks as badly as last season did, it won’t be her fault.
I taped last year, skipped over the two divas but Keith Urban was a great judge. Keith made the show for sure.