From the American Idol judges promo videos we have been watching for the new season, we think this may just be the most amusing season of the show in it’s long history. Apparently when you put Harry Connick Jr., Keith Urban, and Jennifer Lopez in a room together for extended periods of time — they get very, very wacky. We can’t wait to see the new American Idol 2014 judges panel in action on the show, because they are a total riot in the promos FOX has been putting out.

In one of the latest promos from the ‘Judges Uncensored’ series, returning American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez shows Keith Urban some interesting finger gestures, while Harry Connick Jr. parodies her in the background. It’s obvious that Harry is the total wild child crazy man of this season’s judges, and we are loving his absolute refusal to even try to tone down his loopy sense of humor.
American Idol 2014 premieres on January 15 and 16 on FOX from 8PM to 10PM both nights. We’ll be hear all season long bringing you all the latest American Idol spoilers, gossip, and more. Be sure to bookmark us, follow us or friend us below!