Dim the lights. Here we go. The American Idol results were revealed last night as the Top 24 contestants from the remaining fifty-one are made official by your results when announced by the Judges. Who was voted off American Idol last night? Let’s find out.

All the semi-finalists delivered full performances for a crowded audience and the Judges who watched and studied from the balcony looking to see who could deliver the level they needed to succeed. Some did and made the Top 24, but even more were sent home.
With twice as many girls than boys in the Top 51 the cuts were seemingly overloaded for the ladies. There were 21 girls sent home and only 6 boys eliminated because of the uneven 34 vs 17 balance of the Top 51. Even with the long list of female eliminations, at the end the women managed to keep a numbers advantage over the guys heading toward the live performance shows in just a few weeks.
Top 51’s eliminated contestants:
- Ameet Kanon
- Anatalia Villaranda
- Ariel Sprague
- Chynna Sherrod
- Colette Lush
- Jessica Cabral
- Jessica Clark
- Jordyn Simone
- Kassy Levels
- Kayla Mickelsen
- Kelsie Watts
- Laurel Wright
- Lindita Hamili
- Malie Delgado
- Mary Williams
- Michelle Marie
- Mionne Destiny
- Sara Sturm
- Shevonne Philidor
- Terrian Bass
- Tiffanne LeMay
- Andrew Nazarbekian
- Christian Eason
- Isaac Cole
- Jon Klaasen
- Kacye Haynes
- Zach Person
Did the Judges get the eliminations correct and send home the right singers? With so much talent we were sure to lose some great contestants, but did they keep the best ones on in the competition?
Next week the Top 24 will begin their performances after being split in to two groups and facing another tough round of eliminations before viewer voting and wild cards arrive at the end of February. We’re not far from crowning the final American Idol winner so stick with us all season!
I’m sorry but IMO La’Porsha needs to go soon. Setting aside the fact that she is an eyesore and only sings well enough to be a backup singer, trading on that backstory of the shelter and the poor me lady with a baby is exploitative and disgusting.