American Idol 2016 finalist Jeneve Rose Mitchell is without a doubt one of the most unusual contestants to ever audition for the show, much less make it this far in the competition. This self-proclaimed “mountain girl” lives so far off the grid, they don’t have electricity — or even any neighbors — where she lives. Still, all that spare time not watching TV (except for Idol, of course), has made her into an extremely accomplished musician for her young age.

Jeneve Rose is about as old school country as you can possibly get in the modern age, right down to her cowboy hats and fringe jackets. This isn’t a character she’s playing, however, this is really her life. She and her family reside on a mountain where they live off the land. For entertainment, Jeneve Rose learned every instrument she could get her hands on, in addition to working out her voice singing to anyone she could drum up to listen — including the farm animals. (Read more on Jeneve’s backstory on her Top 24 profile page.)
Audition: The American Idol judges didn’t even know what to think about Jeneve Mitchell when she walked in with her cello and throwback to another era look. However, they quickly figured out exactly what they needed to do with this young lady after hearing her rendition of “Chainsaw” by The Band Perry — give her a Golden Ticket to Hollywood!
Hollywood Week Lines of 8 Solos: For her first Hollywood Week solo, Jeneve Rose pulled out the cello again for a funky and rousing performance of “Boondocks” by Little Big Town. Once again, Jeneve stood out like a bright light of originality on the stage, and the American Idol judges just couldn’t help but love her spunk. Her quirky personality and strong musicality earned her a pass through to the next round.
Hollywood Week Group Round: In the Group Round, Jeneve Rose Mitchell had no instruments to rely except for her voice, which turned out not to be a bad thing. The American Idol judges got to hear Jeneve’s pure vocal talent, and there was a lot of it for them to enjoy during her group’s performance of “Need You Now” by Lady Antebellum. Harry Connick Jr. even called Jeneve out specifically in her group for her beautiful “pining” voice that suited the song so well and how she made “the lyric of the song the most important thing.”
Hollywood Week Solo Round: Unfortunately we couldn’t find a video of Jeneve’s second Hollywood Week solo. But the American Idol judges apparently loved it enough to send the ‘mountain girl’ through to the Showcase Round.
Showcase Round & Final Judgement: Many mature singers with a lot of experience under their belts wouldn’t take on “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash without hesitation, but that’s exactly what Jeneve Rose Mitchell did for the final judgement round before the Top 24 were picked. For this performance, Jeneve pulled out her third instrument on camera this season, a guitar. But it was her strong vocals and absolutely unique stage presence that really captivated both the American Idol judges and the audience. The celebrity panel just couldn’t pass up the chance tos ee more of Jeneve Rose in action and named her as one of the Top 24 for season 15.
Top 24 Semi-Finals Solo Round: For her Top 24 solo, Jeneve Rose Mitchell pulled out quite an astonishing instrument, accompanying herself with a full harp on “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan. This was certainly one of the most unusual performances we’ve ever seen on American Idol, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. While American Idol judge Harry Connick Jr. wished she had left the harp behind for the song, Keith Urban was thoroughly impressed by her musical abilities. Jennifer Lopez told Jeneve that while she may not have been sure about her before, this performance gave her “goosies everywhere” and it was beautiful!
Top 24 Semi-Finals Duet Round: In the Top 24 duets round, Jeneve Mitchell was paired up with former American Idol winner and country singer Scotty McCreery. Their performance of “Gone” by Montgomery Gentry was something right out of a crazy Grand Ole Opry show.
Keith Urban said the performance was “bizarre” and didn’t like the song choice, but did like Jeneve anyway. Harry Connick Jr. told Jeneve there has never been anyone like her on American Idol maybe ever; she is unique and “extraordinarily musical.” Jennifer Lopez said that the performance may have been a little “out there” but Jeneve is really something special. While the American Idol judges may have not been sold on Jeneve’s duet with Scotty McCreery, they still loved her enough to send her on to the Top 14 based on her previous performances.
Will Jeneve Rose Mitchell make it through the next cut to be part of the American Idol 2016 Top 10? We’ll bring you all the latest American Idol spoilers on the next round of the competition as they happen!