American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez debut a new, much shorter haircut on Tuesday — and was promptly confetti-bombed by a clown! How totally bizarre is that?

Jennifer Lopez was strolling through the Los Angeles Airport showing off her new short haircut when a clown named ‘Richie the Barber’ assaulted her with confetti. The wacky clown has been responsible for previously confetti-bombing celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Khloé and Kourtney Kardashian. The Kardasians actually filed a battery report against the clown, according to Page Six.
J-Lo kept her cool after a long “oooooohhhhhh” in reaction to the confetti bomb. She casually just kept on walking while brushing the paper bits out of her hair and off her crop-top sweater. Her face, however, made us think she was more than a little pissed at having her new short hair mussed by the mad clown.
As for Richie the Barber, he was thrilled at his Jennifer Lopez confetti bomb, crowing on Instagram that he’s “back baby” and apparently ready to throw glitter and shredded paper at any celebrity he can get near.
Meanwhile, I’m still thinking about the new Jennifer Lopez short hair style. Personally, I’m feeling it is a bit too 70’s. Although to be fair, J-Lo has had her hair long for quite a while, so she’s probably thrilled to have a change, so more power to her!