Keith Urban Crops The Top – See The New Look & Vote

There are a lot of important trends to watch on American Idol Season 13 like the improved judges panel, better talent, television ratings, and perhaps most importantly: Keith Urban’s haircut. Okay, maybe not “most importantly” but it’s got to be up there, right?

Keith Urban on American Idol 2014

When the American Idol 2014 auditions kicked off we saw a long haired Keith Urban sitting at the judges panel aside Jennifer and Harry. Now with our first glimpse at Hollywood Week we’re now seeing a much different look from Keith with a shorter, puffy-er hairdo. This raises the oh-so critical question: Which Keith-do is better? Long, flow-y or short & puffy-er?

Check out all the pictures of Keith Urban’s latest looks in the image gallery below and then vote in our poll to help decide which is the better look for this American Idol judge! His long locks of the audition rounds or the new, shorter ‘do he’s now rocking?

click images to see full-size views

Image source: FOX, Nino Munoz, & Michael Bender




    • I agree. Saw him at the Grammy Awards and that’s exactly what I thought it looks too feminine.

  1. Not feminine to me! Don’t see that at all! Watch his new video Cop Car and he looks so hottttt!

  2. I wonder if FOX asked Keith to cut his hair. Personally, I hate it, and hope that it’ll grow out. When he’s in concert and it’s messed up, it’s fine; however, otherwise, it’s too sculptured.

    • He said he was just tired of it and wanted a change after having it the same way for a decade. I personally love it and he says he does too 🙂

  3. I do not like it at all. I said no one gives him the credit he deserves!!! So I guess he thought if he cut his great hair cut he has had for the last at least 5 years he might be thought of as an adult and you people would show him more respect! I love his old hair cut! It was a shag. And he looked gorgeous with it.

  4. He looks like a butch chick….. never thought about his looks till I just saw him on idol. Dude…. really.

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