Former American Idol judge Simon Cowell says he wouldn’t be surprised if his future son ends up being besties with Kelly Clarkson’s baby on the way. Talking to In Touch on Tuesday night, The X Factor creator was more than excited about the prospect of baby Cowell and baby Clarkson enjoying future play dates together.

Original American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson announced to the world that she is expecting via Twitter earlier this week. Kelly had avoided the question of whether she was knocked up just a week ago when she appeared on Jay Leno. Now we wonder if she was, in fact, concealing a baby bump under that dress of hers while she was on the show!
(Click the thumbnails for larger pics – Source: NBC/YouTube)
Simon Cowell, who was one of the judges that selected Kelly Clarkson to be on American Idol season 1, told In Touch he thinks she’ll be an awesome mom. “She’ll be great,” Simon said. The X Factor guru joked that his son on the way and Kelly’s future baby will probably end up being on some kind of reality TV show together. American Idol season 30 anyone?