American Idol is on tonight with a new hour long episode featuring the second half of Hollywood Week rounds as the remaining contestants prepare one more solo for the Judges.

Since last week we’ve seen eliminations for both individual performances and the troublesome groups, but now those are over and we’re down to just a few dozen. The Judges will give them all one more listen each and then we’ll see who makes the cut.
Of course we already know who makes the American Idol Top 24 cut this season, but now we’ll see it officially revealed through FOX’s broadcast. We might even start seeing the Idol results during tonight’s show if they make it a two-part announcement through this week’s episodes.
Tonight’s American Idol is only one hour starting at 8/7c so settle in for a quick run featuring some of the best talent this season has to offer. So far I’m pretty pleased with the singers, but still waiting for that blown-away moment. Think it’ll happen this week? We’ll see.
Join us back here tonight at 8PM ET for our live recap and coverage. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for more Idol news.