American Idol 2014 premieres Wednesday, but some folks got a chance to see it early and a number of screenings across the country.

Following the screenings, the American Idol 2014 panel of judges, Jennifer Lopez, Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban, sat down to answer fan questions, which aired live on the internet. Here are some of the highlights!
Q for JLo: Do you ever just roll your eyes at Keith and Harry?
JLo: All the time. No, I love being on the panel between these two guys. I am kind of the girl in the middle sometimes, but they make me laugh. We’re really having a good time.
Q for Harry: What is your favorite platform (acting, stage, etc)?
Harry: Performing. Live shows is where I’m most at home.
Q for JLo: Have you found a contestant that reminds you of your own story
A: Every year I’ve done it there’s been girls that come in that remind me of myself (at that point in her career). Many times that’s happened and this year as well.
Q for Harry: Why did you decide to be a judge
Harry: The simple answer is they called and asked me if I wanted to be a judge. I had a great time mentoring. All of us want to take this job really seriously. I wanted to make sure if I did do it that I would live up to the reputation of American Idol.
Q For Keith: Who pulls the most pranks out of the judges and host Ryan Seacrest?
Keith: Harry is a bit of a prankster.
Q JLo: What’s it like working with Ryan, Harry and Keith?
JLo: I look forward to coming to work every day. I got lucky with these two good looking fellows (Keith and Harry).
Q For Keith: How do you manage your Idol job with your other gigs?
Keith: It’s just balance. I was told balance is never achieved, it’s just maintained.
Q for all: If you were performing today, what three judges would you want to hear you perform?
- Keith: Ellen
- JLo: Ellen, Paula and myself.
- Harry: Thor and Ellen
Q For Jennifer: What is it like on set when the camera isn’t running?
JLo: It’s pretty much the same. Who these people are on camera is who we are off camera as well. We talk about our families more off camera. We talk about the kids and how they’re doing.
Q for all: Who is the hardest judge to impress this year?
Harry: I think because I listen so intently, so I guess I am a little hard to impress.
Q for JLo: How often this season do you agree on contestants?
JLo: A lot. It wasn’t like we always agreed. There was always a time when one of us was ehhh.
>> Watch the full Q&A video here.
Tune in tomorrow night for the American Idol 2014 premiere and be here for all of our coverage!