Last week we started the American Idol Hollywood week with nearly two hundred singers bearing Golden Tickets. Soon after they were knocked down to just over a hundred and now we’re about to make another big leap.

Singers who survived the always challenging Group Rounds in Hollywood will now have the chance to perform for the American Idol Judges again in solo performances during this week’s Wednesday and Thursday episodes. From there the Judges will select the Top 24 to move on to the next stage.
Yes, it’s nearly time for the Green Mile again where the remaining dozens of artists will walk the long path and await the Final Judgment as to their American Idol 2016 fate. We’ll see that play out on Thursday’s show for the final results to reveal the American Idol Top 24 for this year.
From there those twenty four singers will be split in to two groups of twelve and perform individually before again awaiting the Judges’ decisions. Those results have yet to be spoiled because the Top 24 pre-taped performances don’t actually start until later today. Of course we do have the Top 24 spoilers if you want those now!
It’s going to be a fun week on American Idol so be sure to join us for Wednesday and Thursday’s episodes. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for even more Idol results.