American Idol 2023 finally reveals the top 24 contestants on tonight’s episode. We already witnessed 11 contestants advance to the top 24. There were only 13 spots left when Sunday’s episode concluded. Paige Anne or Megan Danielle was about to take one of those spots and become the twelfth person to make the top 24 contestants of American Idol.
The two young ladies were in a sing-off for their spot in the live shows. We’ll see more sing-offs as the Showstoppers round continues to crush dreams and make some contestants very excited. We’ve also seen a Showstoppers Part 2 preview that shows more contestants being brought together in pairs or even as trios. It’s really an exciting night because next week starts the voting round of the competitions.
We’ll be able to vote for our favorites and try to make sure they go far in the competition and maybe even win it. Let’s return to the American Idol 2023 Showstoppers’/judges’ final decisions.
The Showstoppers Round Continues
We saw a few contestants lose their confidence a bit during this phase of the competition. They messed up lyrics or lost their voices, but that didn’t necessarily end their Idol journey. We’ve also seen many contestants give their performances everything. It’s really been a mixed bag of performances. We expect just as much emotion, triumph, and a few setbacks with this episode. We also expect Katy Perry to deliver the most confusing congratulations ever. Let’s see which of the rest of the contestants make it to the top 24.

We start right where we left off with Paige Anne and Megan Danielle’s singing battle. Paige Anne is cut from the top 24, but Megan makes it. Luke Bryan tells Paige that they basically have too many voices like her this season, and they tell Megan that she doesn’t realize how good she is. Katy tells her to fight for it. Marybeth Byrd is next to go. She sings some Carrie Underwood. Luke says this was the first time she got “screamy.” She knew it was risky. Luke tells her to not shy away from risks. She’s going to the top 24. Oliver Steele gives a soulful rendition of “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” by Tears for Fears.
Katy tells Oliver that sometimes his head gets in the way. She tells him to sing from his heart more. She tells him to not look for anyone’s approval. Katy calls him his own hero. He made the top 24. Emma Busse sings “Chasing Pavements” by Adele. The judges are really impressed by her Showstoppers performance. Lionel Richie says they can see her potential, but she has to carve her own identity. She’s in the top 24. Preston Duffee is the next to find out if his Idol journey continues or ends tonight. When he sings “Crazy Town” by Jason Aldean, the judges talk about hoping his vocals were stronger during this Showstoppers performance. He doesn’t make it to the top 24. They don’t think he was ready for American Idol but encourage him to continue improving as an artist.
Elijah McCormick is the next person to find out if he’s in the top 24. Luke says his realness is one of his biggest strengths. He talks about him being a fighter. He makes it to the top 24.

We’re now down to the final eight spots. Olivia Soli and Elise Kristine are brought into the judges’ room together. They’re both going to the top 24. Dawson Wayne is up next. He doesn’t just want to be a singer, but someone putting a positive message in the world. He talks about the importance of his faith. He has also made the top 24. Cam Amen talks about not believing in himself, which is why his performances haven’t been as good as his auditions. He sings “The Impossible Dream (The Quest)” from Man of La Mancha as his Showstoppers song. Lionel points out how he gains his confidence and then he loses it.
He didn’t make the top 24. Lionel tells him to keep believing in himself and that they would love to see him come back. Mikenley Brown, Kya Monee, and Caroline Kole are all called in (separately) by the judges to hear their fate on American Idol. They all didn’t make it into the top 24. Mariah Faith is up next to find out if she made it in the top 24. She gets emotional about all her friends who have been cut from the American Idol competition. She sings “I Aint Living Long Like This” by Waylon Jennings. She says her vocals weren’t perfect but she was proud of her performance. She made it into the top 24.
There are only four spots left in the top 24. Hannah Nicolaisen sings “I Don’t Wanna Be” by Gavin Degraw as her Showstoppers song. She talks about music pushing her the same way volleyball pushed her. Katy says that Hannah was so close and did make the top 24. This is after Katy doesn’t a volleyball-spiking motion. Nailyah Serenity performs “Superstar” by Luther Vandross as her Showstopper song. Katy asks her what the stars said about her Idol chances. Katy says her Showstoppers performance was incredible. She also made the top 24. There are only two spots left and 30 minutes left of this episode, so there are a lot of cuts left.
Trey Louis is the next to find out his American Idol fate. He’s worried after all the surprising cuts. They say he’s the winner of American Idol in personality and entertainment. They said his vocals struggled during Showstoppers. Luke said he was close but he didn’t make it to the top 24. Ryan Seacrest says there is only one spot left, but I count two. He calls Iam Tongi, Matt Wilson, and Colin Stough into the judges’ room. Iam makes the top 24. Katy then tells Matt and Colin that they also made the top 26. They’re going to Hawaii to perform for the votes. I am only counting 25 instead of 26, so not sure where the missing finalist is but maybe that will be a twist….We’ll see next week.
Join us Sunday and Monday for the first live performances of American Idol 21. Make sure to add us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all things American Idol.