American Idol Season 13 Final Four: Who Will Win?

We are down to the Final Four contestants on American Idol season 13 and the finale is just a few short weeks away. Who will be the American Idol winner for 2014? We take a look at the last four finalists standing after the American Idol Top 4 results show tonight and their chances for winning it all!

Caleb Johnson: We are giving our odds right now to Caleb Johnson with the strongest chance of winning American Idol season 13. Caleb may be a rocker, which seems to be the most difficult genre to win with, but he’s also been the most ‘rock’ solid performer in the finals. Frankly, we’d be in shock if Caleb did not make the finale two, and we think it’s going to take some serious effort for anyone to beat him at this point.

Jena Irene Ascuitto: If anyone can steal the crown from Caleb, we think it will probably be Jena Irene. Of all of the rest of the remaining contestants, she clearly seems to have the edge. Jena has given us some big performances and she still manages to surprise us regularly. She also has a more mainstream and contemporary edge than Caleb, which could be an important factor when it comes to the final vote. If Jena manages to pull in a large portion of Jessica or Alex’s fans if she is eliminated first–and we think she could–she could become unstoppable.

Alex Preston:  We really love Alex Preston and we dearly hope he will make it to the final three. We feel like he deserves to be there just based on his musicianship and pure artistic talent alone. However, it is obvious that Alex is a bit difficult for some viewers to latch on to because of his quirky style. Some fans keep trying to shoehorn him into the Phillip Phillips slot, but Alex doesn’t fit there. He’s unique and different, but not in as mainstream a way as Phillip was. Third place is probably the best Alex can hope for at this point.

Jessica Meuse: We are actually surprised that Jessica was not eliminated this week. We thought Sam would manage to squeak through for another round at least. Apparently, however, Jessica managed to connect with the voters last night with her performances and it made all the difference. We would be truly shocked, however, if Jess were to make it all the way to the finale. Whether or not she will outlast Alex Preston, we’ll just have to wait and see until next week.


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