British pop icon Boy George believes that former American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert would be huge if he were British because America doesn’t appreciate the gays. Adam has enjoyed a successful career since his time on American Idol but he has certainly not reached Boy George or Elton John international fame status and possibly never will.

Boy George has openly expressed his appreciation of Adam Lambert’s crazy fabulous singing talent. He seems to feel, however, that Adam’s career has been hurt by the fact he is a gay American. If Adam had been a British singer, the Culture Club star says he would be a way bigger star.
Which is sad considering he’s the only person who we think was ever actually able to respectably do justice to Freddie Mercury when he stepped in for the late lead singer and performed as the guest frontman for Queen. Anyone who can do that deserves to be given due credit as a bonafide rock god.
In a post to Twitter this week, Boy George stirred up a mass of outrage from Eminem followers when he posted a tweet saying, “@Eminem F*g? Is this really recovery talk or are you running your own program these days?”
Boy George was referring to Eminem’s newest song “Rap God,” which includes controversial lyrics that could be considered highly offensive to gay and lesbian listeners. The single has already garnered serious critical praise from many in the press despite the use of gay slurs, something Boy George pointed out in another Tweet, saying “Isn’t it sad how the media just accepts abuse of gay people? #f**ked”
Rapper Eminem is just one of many music icons who have been praised for and even received major awards for music containing anti-gay lyrics. At the same time, openly gay singers like Adam Lambert seem to face far more obstacles in being recognized for their talent. One of Boy George’s Twitter followers noted in response to his Tweet above that “some radio station doesn’t play Adam Lambert music because his gay. It’s sucks.”
While we are still trying to wrap our heads around the grammatical usage in that sentence, we agree, it does suck. Boy George responded that he “was talking about Adam yesterday in an interview and I said this very thing. If he was British, he’s be huge here!”
Another Twitter follower said that Adam “deserves better than the way America keeps snubbing him.” Boy George continued by saying that he “can’t remember an album that someone wrote with their d*ck! Sexuality has nothing to do with talent. Adam rocks!”
Do you think Adam Lambert would be a bigger star in America if he wasn’t gay?
Love Adam lambert, because he is my idol since2009:)
I’ve loved Adam lambert since 2009. He had great talent in singing, not only he has talent in performance, as glee, americanidol, band queen also. I love his voice so much;)
I agree with everything Boy George sez here about Adam. It makes my insides ache to read what I can’t bear to say aloud about the way my own country treats Adam.
Adam is an outstanding talent.
Adam would be gigantic if he hadn’t been American. He wouldn’t be who he is without being gay, though, so that I won’t speculate in. I mean, he probably wouldn’t have had the influences he’s had without his sexuality, and so wouldn’t be the same performer.
I truly believe that if he was given the exposure he deserves, then he would become an icon. God knows he already is to me.
Adam is the best American Idol of all times. Most of us know he should have won but because he was gay (thank you Middle America) he didn’t. I saw Adam in LAs Vegas and he was fantastic. He put on a great show. I would definitely see him again.
Radio station needs to change. They keep playing musics by the same small groups of artist theirs songs over and over again (no matter if it is good singing or not). That’s why I stop listening to the radio. Talent should be heard. Adam is one of the best singer and perfomer. His music needs to be heard in the radio.
fvck that radio station!
buy cd and tickets.)
and never leave your Idol
Eminem is just one of many music icons ???
eminem and Music is opposition
I love Adam perform with queen and glee. I wish him all the best for his job;)
Yes, I do agree that Adam is so talented and is snubbed. But the Miley is all over the radio. I know they are different but at least give his music air time. He is extremely gifted. It is a shame to not see him get the credit he deserves.
I love that he is different. I am sure the industry knows how talented he is. Even the lead singer from Fun saidAdam was the best singer. I heard Howard Stern mention Adam and did not say much but went nuts over the singer from Fun. Kinda pissed me off a little.
Unfortunately, the US is much less accepting and filled with stodgy, self righteous, condemning, ultra conservatives than the rest of the world. Adam possesses magnificent talent and a wonderful personality as a bonus, don’t see that combination in a lot of stars. Maybe someday the entertainment industry will wake up and give this marvelously talented young man the credit he deserves, but until that time there are many of us who remain completely devoted.
Everyone knows that radio is full of homophobes and corruption. When Lambert released his first album you couldn’t hear a radio spin without the accompanying nasty comments and “jokes”. THEN when he was blackballed after his FABULOUS AMA performance, it took GLAAD 4 attempts at a press release to finally support him. Because GLADD is a political corrupt organization who’s IRS 990 form showed they are literally “in bed” with all the media, spending OUR money on “awards dinners” for the MEDIA and sitting on each others’ boards. THEN BArrios got the BOOT for corruption. When Lambert’s second album dropped at Billboard #1 with rave critical reviews, he couldn’t get adds or spins to save his life. He’s made a career for himself but NO OTHER vocalist has his talent or dedication. And you can’t tell me it was a COINCIDENCE that all the co-writers on that 2nd album Trespassing all of a sudden sucked when they were writing hit after HIT for other artists. IE Katy Perry’s album at the time had 5 smash singles from the writier who’s co-writes on Trespassing couldn’t even get an ADD. When Beiber’s song peaked LOW his USHER machine got them to “give him a second chance”. There were analysis articles all over the internet about it.
Adam Being Gay Never hurt his career! After Idol the Music Industry put Adam on the Highest Throne, put him on Rolling Stone Cover and feature article opening up about Everything, and his Details Cover and feature Heterosexual photo shoot and article, Adam was more famous in America then Anyone and the Music Industry handed him more exposure than anyone at the time.
Adam was the ONLY Singer, without an album, given the high honor of closing out the American Music Awards Show, even before GaGa, and Adam CHOSE to disrespect the most powerful Industry on the planet with his perfornance, which led to him being black listed and taken swiftly OFF the Throne they put him on.
That’s exactly what happened.
Being Gay had nothing to do with it.
Everyone knew and didn’t care and sold out every Arena to see him live during the American Idol Tour. Every age, gender, religion, Loved Adam, until the AMAs.
ALSO, Fact is in America, it was Adam Lamberts own Gay community that did NOT SUPPORT him!!!! It was Adams mostly STRAIGHT Glamberts that Sold Out every venue around the world for his Solo tours, purchased his albums, called Radio Stations and requested hus music daily, voted for him any chance there were contests. Do NOT say Adams lack of anything came from him being Gay, because it’s just not true.
Adam disrespected the Music Industry with his AMA performance leading to swift consequences, and the Gay community let him down by bailing on him.
Adam Lamberts been performing in England since 2010 for his Solo Glamnation Tour, and many years after, with Queen since 2012…why isn’t Adam more famous in England??