Former and future American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez wants her fans to know that she absolutely has “never” had plastic surgery. According to the singer, her beautiful face and banging body are all natural and no surgeon’s knife has ever gotten near them!

The Jennifer Lopez plastic surgery rumors popped up again when London plastic surgeon Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi posted two photos of J-Lo on Twitter with the caption: “These before and after pics 0f @JLo show many signs of #plasticsurgery – naturally pretty but now looks amazing.”
American Idol 2014 judge Jennifer Lopez was not amused by the doctor’s claim that she has had her face tweaked by a plastic surgeon. She sent a tweet back saying, “@DrAyoubi Sorry Sir, but I have never had plastic surgery of any kind. #fact.”
The photos and caption posted by Dr. Al-Ayoubi claiming J-Lo has gone under the knife have were quickly removed. In response to Jennifer’s tweet, the doctor replied, “U are a naturally a very beautiful woman and look great, sometimes clever makeup can enhance features slightly changing their appearance.” In other words, the doctor pissed off a rich, famous celebrity and now he is backpedaling as quickly as possible.
The plastic surgeon may have removed the one tweet claiming J-Lo had knife work done on her face but he still has another one up about the actress/singer/American Idol judge. In another tweet, Dr. Al-Ayoubi has two pics of Jennifer Lopez side by side, one with seemingly plumper lips, accompanied by the caption: She’s known for her beauty, do these pictures prove @JLo has had #lipfillers like many stars enhancing their look?”
You be the judge in the photos below (click the thumbnails for lager pics). Do you think J-Lo has had work done?