Former American Idol star Kellie Picker was the victim of a nasty hacking attack on Sunday when her Twitter account was hijacked. The unknown assailant took over the Dancing With the Stars winner’s feed on Sunday morning and began posting extremely lewd and nasty messages. Many of them were extremely hateful toward Pickler’s fans. Superstar Taylor Swift also received a brutal Tweet as well.

Very early on Sunday morning around 2AM, according to, the Kellie Pickler Twitter account was hacked and someone began spewing seriously awful messages on the feed. We can’t even repeat most of the messages that were posted on Pickler’s feed because they were so horrible. Let’s just say the hacker used just about every highly offensive word and racial slur you could possibly think of, many of them directed toward Pickler’s fans. There was also at least one ugly message directed at Taylor Swift as well.
Interestingly, the hacker also referred several times to the Twitter account @HeroinBoys, which leads us to wonder if there may be some connection between them and the person running that account. As of now, the @HeroinBoys feed is still up and running, so Twitter apparently hasn’t taken any action against it so far.
After a few hours, Kellie Pickler was finally able to regain control of her Twitter feed and all the nasty Tweets were deleted. However, nothing about the hack was mentioned on the feed, and no apologies were sent out about all the hate messages. At least, not so far. There have been no new Tweets at all from Pickler since May 30.
Kellie Pickler wasn’t the only celebrity to have their Twitter feed hacked in the past few days. Country star Brett Eldredge, pop star Katy Perry, and model Kylie Jenner also had their Twitter feeds taken over. There was even a major death hoax involved in one hijacking. The death of actor Jack Black was reported on the Twitter feed for his band Tenacious D, but this turned out to be just a nasty prank.