Kelly Clarkson pregnant at last? Yes, it’s official! Original American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson is pregnant after months of working at very enthusiastically with new husband Brandon Blackstock. The sneaky girl told Jay Leno just last week that she did not have anything to announce about her being pregnant, despite Jay telling her she better not lie under oath!

During her appearance on The Tonight Show on November 11, Kelly Clarkson talked about how her and husband Brandon Blackstock have been going at it like rabbits trying to get pregnant. “Practice makes perfect!” she said excitedly.
Jay jumped on Kelly and asked her very directly if she was pregnant already, saying that he “always gets these stars that come and go ‘I’m thinking about having a baby,’ and then the next week they go on Ellen and announce it there. So I’m asking you, are you pregnant? Remember, you are under oath!”
Well, Kelly shot back that she and Brandon “are not announcing anything right now. We’re not, no!” Apparently though, when Kelly Clarkson said “we’re not, no” — she wasn’t talking about them not being pregnant yet, she was just saying they weren’t going to be announcing it on Jay Leno! Instead, the new bride decided she’d rather spill the news a week later on Twitter.
“I’m pregnant!! Brandon and I are so excited! Best early Christmas present ever,” Kelly posted on Wednesday. Poor Jay Leno, he didn’t even get scooped by Ellen this time, he got scooped by Twitter. That’s gotta hurt! Was a Kelly Clarkson baby bump hiding under that suspiciously flared dress on Jay Leno last week? Take a look and you be the judge!
(Click the thumbnails for bigger pics – Source: NBC/YouTube)
Huge congrats to pregnant Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock. We’re so happy for her that she got her Christmas wish!
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