Tonight on American Idol 2016 the Showcase Round arrives and takes the Top 51 contestants to the stage and then the feared Green Mile for the reveal of the American Idol Top 24. It all starts tonight at 8/7c on FOX.

Hollywood is coming to a close as the last of the Golden Ticket holders prepare for one last test before the Judges reveal their Final Judgment. All the remaining Top 51 will perform for a crowded room with all the pressures of a live American Idol show. The singers who rise to the top will move on to join the semi-finalists while the other twenty seven artists will say goodbye.
It’s a two-hour show tonight on FOX and it’s going to be busy with performances from dozens of singers squeezed in around dramatic reveals of who goes home and who moves on. If you can’t wait or stand all the drama then jump ahead and get a sneak peek at the spoiler results for tonight’s eliminations.
We’ll see you back here for the live recap at 8PM ET, but in the meantime find us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates for more American Idol results.
It seems like they want a girl to win, otherwise why 13 girls and 11 guys in the top 24? And if they are going to push the ridiculous La’Porsha the fix must be in. SMH
It was even stronger in the Top 51 with 34 women & 17 men. Seems like they’re pushing hard for a lady to take the final crown, huh?