American Idol 2016 tonight delivers the results from your votes sending home two more finalists as the search continues for the next American Idol winner!

The Top 6 contestants will be revealed as all eight finalists are ready to go for another chance at your votes. Once tonight’s cuts are final we’ll be down to one a week for the eliminations, but don’t let that calm your worries because anyone could go any week if the votes fall apart.
Last season’s winner, Nick Fradiani, will be back on the show tonight as a guest performer when things kick off at 8PM ET/PT on FOX. Along with his performances we’ll get duets from all of the Top 8 contestants and we’ve got those pairing spoilers here. Speaking of spoilers, find out what the Top 6 will be singing during tonight’s live show.
We’ll be back here at 8PM ET for our live coverage complete with performance videos, elimination results, and commentary on all the Top 8 singers as they once again compete for your votes. Speaking of votes, get ready to cast your Idol vote tonight then tell us why your favorite deserves to move on in the competition.