ABC will broadcast the 95th Academy Awards tonight at 8/7c. Usually, American Idol 2023 airs at 8/7c to 10/9c on Sunday nights. However, it will not be airing at its usual time. Because the Oscars broadcast usually goes on for hours, you may not expect American Idol 21 to air tonight. You would be wrong.
The American Idol producers seem dedicated this year to sticking with a broadcast timeline. There will be no exceptions, which means that American Idol will air after the Academy Awards. What time exactly is still yet to be determined.
The TV guides claim that this week’s American Idol will air at 11:30/10:30c. However, that’s obviously contingent on whether the Academy Awards concludes before 10 pm so that the local news can air first. The Oscars are famous for rarely ending on time. It could end on time, but it is highly unlikely. Therefore, American Idol fans should expect to watch audition night four whenever the Academy Awards ends. This episode of American Idol will also only be an hour instead of the usual two hours.
Due to the late schedule and prior engagements, American Idol Net will not be doing a live recap of this episode. However, a full recap will be posted at a later date, before the next American Idol episode.
Will you be staying up late to watch tonight’s episode of American Idol 2023?
Make sure to join us next Sunday at 8/7c for another American Idol 2023 episode and the return of live recaps. Add us on Facebook and Twitter for all things American Idol.