Meet Gurpreet Sarin – American Idol 2013 Top 40 Spoilers

Gurpreet Sarin on American Idol 2013

Gurpreet “Peter” Sarin is the next name on the Top 40 singers list for American Idol Season 12 spoilers.

Gurpreet may be about 22 years old and it looks like he lives in the Washington, DC area or at least likes to perform there. This appears to be his first spin through the American Idol machine and if the rumors are true he’s made it through Hollywood Week and down to the coveted Top 20 Boys spot.

Gurpreet Sarin has a good sized YouTube channel with a stack of performances with quite a few John Legend covers as well. We’ve pulled a few of them in here to give you a preview of Gurpreet’s sound that you can expect later this season on American Idol.

Video – Gurpreet Sarin performing “This Time”

Video – Gurpreet Sarin performing “Rolling In The Deep”

And now for something completely different, here’s Gurpreet performing a tabla solo a few years back:

Source: Facebook & YouTube




  1. Gurpreet is a great guy and is easily loved by all. America will fall in love with this guy!

  2. There is a great deal of clutter out there that is popular and not really talent, but for those whose ears appreciate voice with a gift, wow! this is it and this one is unique, can’t get enough.

  3. Gurpreet “rock on” and best wishes. Loved your audition.

    Great jam on the tabla. I sure hope that you can work it into Idol. The country needs an education.

  4. seriously? voice is good but his packaging is not in the market right now and don’t think that america is prepared for it! he will make it in India though.

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  1. Gurpreet "Peter" Sarin: American Idol Top 40!

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