Last night on American Idol the Top 13 finalists made their debut and rocked the stage. Well some rocked harder than others.

Some of the finalists appeared to be playing it safe with their song choices while others went out guns blazing like it could be their last chance on the American Idol stage. I tend to prefer the latter and according to our poll, most of you like it that way too.
So which Top 13 finalists had the best performances last night on Idol? Let’s countdown the top five of the show.
#5 – Alex Preston – “A Beautiful Mess”
#4 – Jessica Meuse – “The Crow & The Butterfly”
#3 – Majesty Rose – “Tightrope”
#2 – Ben Briley – “Folsom Prison Blues”
#1 – Caleb Johnson – “Pressure and Time”
Caleb ended up in the Pimp Spot last night which is great to come out so strong that production puts him there for his first performance, but when the time comes that he needs that voting boost it might be hard to get it again. It was such a great energy performance though I don’t know how Idol producers couldn’t end the show on him.
Okay, so who is going home and who will be safe tonight at the elimination show? Sadly I don’t think everyone in this Top 5 list is necessarily safe, but they should be!
Share your own Top 5 list and tell us who you would rank those spots.
Jena was the only good one. i can see caleb johnson is the judges pick this year its like james durbin all over again. be prepared to see real pro guitar players play for him and all kinds of stuff like fire, smoke, marching bands Oh! and pianos on fire during his performance while the rest focuses on their voice.
Im from nc and i was pulling for caleb but if they start pulling this crap again, i will not be pulling for him.
1 Jena
2 Nobody else
I dont understand why alex is in your top 5 i hate his voice. he puts the b o r i n g in boring! this guy sucks.
Jena & Caleb
Jessica bores me i still mad at her cause of she was a meany butt to that little kid on group night.
Jessica put that red streak in her hair so we would remember to vote for her – she forgot that the red streak in her hair would cause us to remember her, too. LOL!!!
If this turns out to be the top 5 of this year.
be prepared for american idol to be cancelled.
if sam wolffe or jena isn’t in the top 5 they lose my interest.
American idol should be about Young people who will sell.
Caleb is living in the 70’s 80s
Ben Briley is living in the 60’s
majesty lives in the 70s
Jessica lives in the 80s
Alex lives in the 50s.
i mean come on where is the modern genre music?
I Agree.
Travis – don’t forget. Last night they were told to pick songs that best describe themselves. That should change next week when a new song topic is chosen.
IMO There is very little good modern music, and what there is scarcely gets played on air. For every Adele or Jason Mraz there are thousands of hack songwriters who crank out craptastic forgettable junk.
I think American Idol should be about music. If given the chance people will find all sorts of music appealing and that is a good thing. Life goes in cycles so some of the retro stuff may be resurfacing with a twist. I don’t care if they find the next big pop star and definitely don’t think that just young people are important. American Idol has improved many careers in various ways and occasionally a big, big star emerges, but there no predicting who will go big and really doesn’t matter that much.
Is this the ugliest season ever?
Jena & that oh la la girl are hot.
but the others are dogs.
Even the clothes were ugly – did they dress themselves or did American Idol dress them? Or – do we want to know???
Did you see last season? Boys and girls were average looking. Boys less than average looking actually.
Jena, really??? Her eyes are so close together, she can stare straight down a lead pipe without squinting.
Top 5 of the night
Does anyone know if the American Idol site has a message board this year? I can’t find one. Where are the best ones?
1.) Caleb 2.)Majesty3.)Sam4.)Jena5.)Jessica This night belonged to Caleb!
Jessica is over rated! Caleb knows how to entertain! Weather you like rock n roll or not he knows how to work the audience.
My favorites are Ben Briley, MK Nonillette, Majesty Rose, Jena Rose, Emily P., Sam Woolf.