Ahead tonight on FOX the American Idol results show will reveal the season’s Top 12 finalists when host Ryan Seacrest dims the lights and announces America’s vote.

Starting tonight at 8PM ET/PT on FOX we’ll get a full one-hour results show which will include the return of Idol winner Candice Glover who will perform a song medley.
We expect the Top 12 finalists results will be rolled out throughout the show which the big elimination coming up at the very end of the episode. Ryan Seacrest will call each Top 12 finalist across the stage to take a seat in the safe-zone. There shouldn’t be any Judges Save at play this week if that’s even making a comeback this season.
Your votes have been rolling in to our Top 13 elimination prediction poll and those have typically been very reliable in the past. We will continue to monitor those numbers and share the projected results later today.
Join us tonight during the show for our live recap and to discuss the performances with other fans in our Idol chat room!
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Hopefully we will say goodbye to either Malaya or Kristin.
I’m thinking it’ll be Kristin. Last night was not her night.
I’m thinking Kristin as her talent and personality just don’t stand out. Malaya might squeak by because she is so personable and her song was fun. I worry for CJ because the band was too loud and his great voice did come through. I hope he stays because I like a lot about him. With all the country boys, one may be eliminated just because of the competition in the field. Hope it’s not CJ.