The American Idol Top 15 Guys have had their moment in the spotlight and now its your turn to vote for them! We’ve got details on how to vote for the Top 10 guys, but here’s your chance to vote again in our unofficial poll.

Make your pick for the best singer out of the Season 13 Top 15 Guys in the poll below. Of course only ten of the fifteen had their chance on the stage and we think that’s a real shame to have left that great talent waiting.
Your votes are very important for these guys because only the top five from these ten can be guaranteed a chance to move on to next week. The other five will be sent home if the judges don’t rescue them with a Wild Card save.
Were you happy with the Top 10 Guys as the judges selected them? Did any of your favorites get left behind in that waiting room?
They kept Emmanuel and cut Maurice? That’s nuts! Alex Preston reminds me of Lewis on Suits, so no. Spencer is Fabien 2.0 all flash no talent. Not impressed with the judges picks. JMO
I don’t like the political correctness of the show. The top 30 was 15 white and 15 non-white. Now we have 10 guys and 10 girls. Also, we have one openly gay guy and one openly gay girl. And that’s not all: tomorrow nite 5 guys are cut and 5 girls are cut!! So the top 10 appears to be balanced too. Now we will have 3 judges saves. How will they make that equal? Tune in, but at most it will only be “off” by 1. Other than that I love the judges panel and we cannot blame them for this fiasco as the producers demand the “balance”, even if a better singer has to go home.