The two-night American Idol 2015 premiere continues with more Nashville auditions before the American Idol judges head off to Kansas City. So far the talent is looking great this year, and the judges are just as entertaining as last year, so we have high hopes for tonight’s show!

Last night on the American Idol season 14 premiere episode from Nashville, we heard some strong singers and a few standouts already seem to be emerging, like 15-year-old powerhouse Emily Brooke, and crooner Michael Simeon.
Tonight we’ll head back to the American Idol auditions in Nashville to wrap up in Keith Urban’s hometown before we move to Kansas City. There we’ll get a chance to hear the cream of the crop selected from the American Idol bus tour. From what we’ve seen and heard so far, viewers are in for a real treat, because some of these young singers picked up from all over are crazy good!
Our live American Idol 2015 recap begins right now with all the details from the auditions and performance videos. Plus, you can join our live American Idol chat (pop-up window) right now and talk about the show with your fellow Idol fans!
Here we go! Harry Connick Jr. says American Idol is the only show that produces bonafide superstars and there is a reason for that success. Jennifer Lopez says the show is really about the kids, not about the gimmicks or the judges, just about someone’s dream coming true. Keith Urban says you never know who is coming through the door next.
Up first we have 22-year-old Andrew Annello, who says they tell him he has ADHD, but he says he just has positive energy. He gives J-Lo a kiss on the hand, and slaps hands with Keith and Harry before he takes the center stage.
He’s singing “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder. Sadly for Andrew, the American Idol judges aren’t feeling it. Harry asks for 10 seconds without Andrew being silly and he gives them a bit of “My Girl”, but it isn’t that much better. The judges seem to think it is though, and give him a Golden Ticket. He begs for Harry to meet his Mom though before he leaves and she gets a hug and freaks out all over.
Now we have a gorgeous girl Harry says looks like a superstar. Loren Lott is her name, and she’s 21 and an actress. She sings “Treasure” by Bruno Mars, accompanied by the piano. She’s adorable, but not loving the vocals that much. The judges seem to be getting into it, though they can’t seem to shut up while she performs.
But Harry says she sounds like an actress who is singing, and wants her to sing something that is her, not an act. She tries by giving them a bit of “Saving All My Love For You” by Whitney Houston, but the judges keep laughing through half of it kind of obnoxiously. It is certainly a better song though. Finally, Keith says yes, Harry says no, J-Lo says yes. It’s obviously just about her personality more than her voice.
Back from break and we have super cute, 16-year-old Trevor Douglas. He is really adorable. He says if the music thing doesn’t work out, he wants to be the next Bill Nye the Science Guy. He loves science, and math, and physics, and all that geeky stuff.
Trevor gives the judges “Sing” by Ed Sheeren and he’s blasting on the guitar with a sweet voice. He’s crazy fun to watch and so into it. You just want to watch more! The judges actually shut up and listen, which has to be a positive sign. J-Lo likes Trevor’s quirky, geeky quality and his falsetto. Harry loves his confidence. Keith just says yes. J0-Lo and Harry follow and he’s through to Hollywood.
Next up we have a brief audition from 24-year-old Piper Jones belting it out and the judges are digging her big pipes.
We only get to see her sing a little bit, without any background, but she’s through to Hollywood as well.
Now we have Kelley Kime, a single mom with a young daughter named Hope who is about to turn four. She says her daughter is everything to her, and she brings her into the audition room with her. The American Idol judges ooo and ahhh all over her. She sings a little bit of “Let It Go” for the judges and J-Lo is literally crying, she is so cute. The judges give her a Golden Ticket and she gets to sit in J-Lo’s lap while they watch mom.
Kelley sings “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 and she has a very pretty tone to her voice. The judges give mom a Golden Ticket to match the daughter’s. They are all happy that Mom could actually sing, LOL. Would have sucked if she was terrible!
Now we have a brief preview of Cammie Lester, 15, who is in tears and says she feels like her dreams were crushed, and then we go into her audition — which we assume she is going to fail. She sings “One and Only” by Adele. Immediately she starts off out of tune and she just can’t get it. She bombs out and leaves crying and they make her stand there on camera far too long weeping.
We have a montage of hopefuls talking about their dreams of being singers, and the American Idol judges talking about how not everyone has what it takes. Followed by a series of nos and tears from contestants. Always hate this part. Breaks my heart.
Let’s hope things will go better for Garret Miles, a blind country singer brought in by his Dad. He’s from Alabama and was born blind, but that hasn’t stopped him from going after his dream of being a musician, encouraged by his father. He says since he can’t see the audience, it doesn’t make him nervous to play for them.
Garrett sings his version of “Proud Mary” by Creedence Clearwater Revival. He has a smooth, sweet voice and the arrangement of the song is quite nice. The American Idol 2015 judges are really liking him and thinks he sounds like himself, not like he is trying to be someone else. He flatters J-Lo by talking about her role in Selena and plays a bit of a song from the movie in Spanish. It’s quite lovely. It’s three yes votes from the judges for Garret.
Back to Nashville and Keith Urban is cruising in a limo and then takes the stage with the house band at some club while the audience screams and holds up five million cellphones to capture the moment.
Street busker Clark Beckham is up next and he’s singing “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by James Brown and we are loving his tone. The judges are actually totally silent, which usually means they are taking the audition quite seriously. They seem entranced. Well, J-Lo and Keith do anyway.
J-Lo says Clark had a bit of a trouble running out of breath a little, but she really enjoyed him. Keith wanted more passion though and he seems a bit on the fence. He ends up saying yes though. Harry, however, doesn’t think he’s ready and says no. J-Lo, on the other hand, thinks he has it and she gives him a Golden Ticket. Frankly, I think he quite good and don’t know why Harry was so harsh.
Now we have Gina Venier, 24, and her lucky egg to shake. She is a whole one-woman band and plays the drums, the guitar, and all that. She brings this odd drum box thing in to the audition with her to sing “Put the Gun Down” by ZZ Ward.
This girl is so unique and interesting with a great personality, and her voice is gorgeous. Can honestly say I’ve never seen anyone quite like her in all my years of reviewing American Idol. Simple easy yes votes from all three judges.
Once more back in Nashville for another audition with handsome guy Alex Shier. You just know he’s going to go through if he has a halfway decent voice and… he does.
Alex auditioned last year (with really long hair) and J-Lo remembers him. She says she thinks it is like he has gone through something and has found himself more. Alex says he had never played a live gig before last year, but now he’s played like 200 live shows. Harry is kind of harsh on him because he thinks Alex is not unique enough, but J-Lo and Keith override him and hand out the Golden Ticket.
Next up is 24-year-old touring musician Cody Fry. His dad is a jingle writer, for like McDonalds and Nintendo, and he’s been a singer pretty much his whole life. The judges joke with Cody for sounding like he’s at a dating service when he introduces himself.
Cody sings “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and he has what one can only describe as a really ‘pretty’ voice with a very pure falsetto. He’s certainly got personality as well. Harry thinks his style is very now and he really liked it. All the judges give him a yes, although J-Lo says she was kind of on the fence.
We take a stopover to the Country Hall of Fame Museum and some really silly quiz about how many t-shirts of Keith Urban’s they have on display. I missed the answer but really who cares.
Auditions continue next with Hector Montenegro, who compliments J-Lo for her insanely fabulous skin. He’s a master cosmetologist and talks about how there are some people in the audition room who could use some help with their hair and makeup. He tells J-Lo if the singing thing doesn’t work out, he’s available as a stylist. LOL.
Hector says he is going to blow the judges mind and he proceeds to do a pretty good job of doing just that with “Too Close” by Alex Clare. There is just no question this guy needs to go through, but Harry questions if he has the right presentation. J-Lo likes his coolness and swagger, but wants more. They are crazy, just give him the Golden Ticket already… and they do! He asks for a J-Lo hug and gets it. Hector’s mom is crying outside waiting for him and he is squished by a hugs from his family and friends. He is so flustered, he says it is awesome to be going to Hollywood, Florida before correcting himself.
Others, however, are not so lucky and we have another montage of failed hopefuls crying and swearing they will come back next year.
Speaking of coming back, we have Sarina-Joi Crowe, who is once more trying to make it to the American Idol finals. She has auditioned four times now, and she is going to try to just open up and be her big, bubbly self this year.
Sarina sings “Love Runs Out” by OneRepublic and I just think once again, she’s good, but she isn’t a superstar. The judges decide to just go right to the voting and says Sarina has made her point. She has her Golden Ticket to Hollywood and she’s off running to show everyone.
We’re wrapping up now in Music City with a montage of other talented folk, including some crazy guy named Jake Black, who does some wild stuff with his mouth and sings hella fast, and 19-year-old Alison Peratikos, who has a beautiful tone. They both get Golden Tickets, as does Steffi Ledbetter, even though Harry said no.
Another familiar face is in the house with Savion Wright, who was a strong fan favorite from Austin, TX last season. We were so bummed when he was eliminated, and J-Lo actually cried while telling him he had to go!
This year, Savion is in it to win it and he wants to prove it to the judges with “Change the World” by Eric Clapton. Oh we do love him so, he has such a crazy amazing voice. Harry kind of gets harsh with him about minor technical details, but he’s off to Hollywood where he belongs.
Now it’s off to Kansas City for the judges to hear those lucky few who were selected from the American Idol bus auditions across the country in eleven towns.
First up is Zack Kaltenbach, who went to the same high school as David Cook. He sings “Grenade” by Bruno Mars. Sadly, he’s just no very good and he seems to know it because he has tears in his eyes while he is singing.
The judges like his presence but say that his voice still needs work, but J-Lo and Keith decide to put him through.
We have rather a wild girl up next who jumps into the audition room and slams the stage with her fist. Her name is Naomi Tatsuoka, or ‘Mohawk Girl’ as we’re going to call her, and she sings “Someone Like You” by Adele while kneeling on her knees. Then she jumps up and starts kind of screeching and pounding her chest.
This girl is a handful but somewhere in there she does have a strong voice, but at times it was out of control and weird. The judges are loving her wild antics though, and decide to put her through to Hollywood.
Continuing with the oddball bits, we have a Jhameel, who has made origami presents for each of the judges and paint on his face. He says he has severe OCD that demands things to be symmetrical, and so he does everything in his appearance to be asymmetrical to battle that. He has a really interesting voice and stage vibe.
Keith says the voice wasn’t enough, but the whole package is interesting. Harry also says it is more than just about the voice, it’s about moving people when you sing. The judges act like silly freaks and J-Lo lets loose her second F-Word of the auditions so far and they give him a Golden Ticket.
Jasmin Pinela is confident she is going to win that Golden Ticket and that she’s going to win this whole thing. She comes in to the audition room saying “have no fear, the star is here” and that she has “so much in common” with J-Lo and they are from the same neighborhood.
Jasmine sings “Listen” by Beyonce and it kind of starts off nice, but then she looses the pitch and starts to wander around with her voice in a not good way. She also screeches and goes flat, and sharp, and flat. She says it’s because she has been up practicing all night, but there are some things that you just have to have, and being able to sing on pitch is one of those things. It’s a no from the judges.
Oh look, it’s a commercial for J-Lo’s next movie, The Boy Next Door. Creepy.
Next up we have Lovey James, who explains that her real name is Kirsten and someone told her it was too hard to spell and say, so she changed it to Lovey for her stage name. Meanwhile, Harry kind of rudely talks over her even though she was trying to answer J-Lo’s question. They do that a lot.
Lovey sings “Break Free” by Ariana Grande and she sounds a lot like her. She is very pretty and her voice is cute and has an odd little accent to it that is kind of intriguing. Harry thinks she sounds like a pop singer on the radio right now and she gets a Golden Ticket to Hollywood.
Here comes another interesting girl wearing a huge hat and feathers hanging down her hair. Her name is Jess Lamb and she’s 28. Harry wants to know why she is auditioning now at her age. She says she feels that she’s ready now to do this and she’s been gigging for years, playing with a band, and that she’s seasoned.
Jess sings “Ain’t No Sunshine” and accompanies herself on the piano, and kills it too. She has a very unique voice and way of singing. She’s one of those singers who is an ‘artist’ and not just your usual cup of tea. She may not make it to the finals, but I’m going to love hearing her as long as she’s in the competition.
The judges all agree she’s original and interesting, the soul of creativity, and they hand her a Golden Ticket. Then Harry gets up and does a little jam with Harry on the piano, which makes Jess start cussing she’s so happy. It’s rocking awesome!
Join us next week here on AmericanIdolNet for more as the American Idol 2015 auditions continue!
Can we ban guitars? I’m tired of everyone with them…
Months again of people with guitars, I just can’t take it.
Are you one of he crabby peanuts that gets thrown off of the conveyor belt? I like the guitars just fine.