American Idol 2016: Jennifer Lopez Responds To Clay Aiken [VIDEO]

Jennifer Lopez responded to Clay Aiken’s negative reaction to the American Idol judges calling him “crazy” during her red carpet interview with ET.

Jump to the one-minute mark in the video above for the exchange when Jennifer is asked for comments. Whether she already knew or not, and considering it was pretty widespread Idol discussion I’d imagine she did know, JLo denies awareness of the season two runner-up’s comments. “What’s that?” said Jennifer when asked.

Jennifer is surprised to learn Clay called the season boring and comments “he’s crazy!” before adding that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Of course they might have heard more from her if Jennifer was told that Clay called the judges’ commentary “boring ass” versus the overall show being boring.

Watch the video above for that discussion and more about Jennifer Lopez’s very busy month with Idol, her new cop show, and the residency in Las Vegas starting up. She’s got a lot going on these days.