American Idol 2016 starts January 6th with a two-night finale for its farewell season, but you won’t have to wait any longer to see how the last premiere begins.
Update: Idol returns tonight on FOX (8/7c)! Get ready with this sneak peek.

FOX has released the first five minutes of the final American Idol giving us a look at everything coming together including the arena filled cattle calls, judges arriving, and the auditions giving way to the coveted Golden Tickets.
Speaking of Golden Tickets, Idol shows us several of the singers who make it not only to Hollywood but on through the Showcase Round to become part of the American Idol 2016 Top 24 and we have the spoilers on all those Hopefuls.
In the mix of auditions and segments we get a lot of looks back over an incredible run with American Idol including Jennifer Lopez narrating the story of all the talent that came from the series and how many of those weren’t even season winners. It really is amazing to think of the careers that we have to enjoy thanks to Idol.
Ready to watch the start of American Idol 2016? Watch the first five minutes ahead of the official premiere just two weeks away on FOX this January 6, 2016. Check the rest of the American Idol schedule for more details then join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email for more Idol updates!
Disappointed that the last will be the shortest (finish in April instead of May). This however may help the winner get a jump in the music market. The Voice didn’t have an original coronation song to market right of the bat for winner Jordan Smith-a mistake!