The American Idol 2016 Top 4 are here and they need your votes. This is your chance to support who you feel was the best singer and deserves to move on in the competition and the next round of American Idol.

Read the details on how to vote for American Idol and don’t miss this opportunity. Next week will be the second to last round as the pressure builds. Once you’ve made your official vote we want yours here too for our poll to determine who you want to move on to the Top 3 next week.
Cast your vote here and then share your comments below. We want your opinion!
I really wasn’t a Trent Harmon fan until tonight but DAMN! He was amazing tonight! I mean truly amazing! I’m think he won it tonight. Wow!
Completely agree. I wasn’t a big fan till tonight either. He slayed both his performances tonight. I think it was laporsha’s worst showing in quite some time. To forget the lyrics when u are in the top 4 is unforgivable in my opinion. We’re to far along for that stuff to be happening. That was a terrible song choice to. Not sure praising her for everything she does is doing her any favors either. Don’t have much to say about the other two. It was very obvious tonight how far behind those two are. I would’ve much rather seen Sonika sing than Dalton.
That being said… Why did they save her last week? She was obviously going home this week after being in the bottom for the last few weeks. Must’ve thought Tristan had a better chance of upsetting the Trent & Laporsha finale they so desperately want! They should just skip to the finale now. This last season has been a joke! I just wish Olivia was still around to give Trent and laporsha a run. It’s so lopsided right now. Such a sad ending to this show!!
I gotta admit I’ve always been a Trent fan since his audition. They’re all good but you can’t deny he just gets better and better with every song. Just absolutely killed it. His range is amazing. In my opinion, he is the most diverse singer left. He can sing the rock, ballads, … anything.
La’Porsha Renae kills it every wk..She is the LAST WINNER of American Idol <3
La’Porsha is the best she can sing any song and like kelly Clarkston said she should win and if she doesn’t it will be only because of the color of her skin, Trent is good but La’Porsha is great and I am a white girl, I have to admit and I totally agree with Kelly she should win hands down!