American Idol’s final eight singers perform tonight with more solos and duets as each hope to be part of the few moving on to next week’s Top 6 round with results coming by the end of the night here on FOX.

The Judges’ Save is back and that means the Bottom 3 will have a chance at a handpicked redemption if they can pull off the most convincing and powerful performance of the night. No pressure, right? Ryan Seacrest will bring up each contestant for a performance and your results as part of this week’s double elimination.
We’ll be right here through the Top 6 performances and results so keep this page refreshed for the latest details on who sang what tonight and how to vote for your favorites. Who will go home tonight? Let’s find out!
Last week we saw Avalon return from the brink of elimination. Can she dodge the danger zone this week? And who will join her in the bottom ranks with a Judges Save as their last hope? All those answers are coming up.
First up we’ve got the duets. So let’s get to it.
La’Porsha Renae and Trent Harmon, “See You Again.” This was a great song choice. It’s modern and fresh and it suited them both perfectly. It was nice to hear La’Porsha do some things with her voice we haven’t heard. It also kind of feels like this will be our finale, which Jennifer Lopez has already predicted. Great performance and the judges thought so too.
Avalon Young and Sonika Vaid, “Rise Up.” So, not as good a choice as the first song, but not too bad. And this pairing was better than I thought. They harmonized pretty well and definitely kept me interested. It was a sweet performance. The judges, I think, like this one? They focused more on technical issues, so it wasn’t exactly praise. Weird.
Dalton Rapattoni and MacKenzie Bourg, “I Want It That That.” Eh. Terrible song choice, terrible arrangement and a terrible pairing. This was more to MacKenzie’s advantage, but Dalton nevering singing on key even messed MacKenzie, who always sings on key, up. BAD. BAD. BAD. The judges seem to agree with me. When a performance is bad, it’s bad. So glad the judges didn’t lay down with this bad performance.
Tristan McIntosh and Lee Jean, “Don’ Want To Miss a Thing.” Another wrong song choice. These two children should not be singing an Aerosmith anthem. Who picked these songs? Ugh. I really just want to turn the TV off right now. This is like my high school show choir show. And again, the judges were honest by telling us that wasn’t that good.
Thank goodness those duets are over. Yikes that wasn’t fun. Let’s get to these solos and find out who is safe and who isn’t!
La’Porsha Renae, “Come Together.” Surprising song choice for her, but it worked. Of course there’s no surprise that it worked. She can sing anything. I love the attitude and the vocals and the look. Great performance as always. JLo says she gave us full diva and Harry agrees. Keith says any song is a good song for La’Porsha.
Vote for La’Porsha: 1-866-436-5708
MacKenzie Bourg, “You Are So Beautiful.” This was a brilliant song choice. Singing to the ladies is always a good idea. It was also nice to see him not binding behind his guitar. It was sweet and tender and not as boring as it should have been. Harry agrees with me on the song choice. Keith and Jennifer love the mixture MacKenzie brings to the stage.
Vote for MacKenzie: 1-866-436-5707