Becoming part of Season 13’s Top 13 finalists group was no easy task. Shocking and seemingly indiscriminate elimination rounds seems to have raised the stakes in ways we’ve never seen before on American Idol. So what was it like making it to the Top 13? Here’s what the finalists had to say in their Top 13 interviews with FOX.
“Making it to the top 13 was really amazing for someone, an artist like me because I’m really different and kind of unique, and when I auditioned I wasn’t sure how America was going to react to my style. But it’s been more than positive and more than I could ever ask for. So it’s pretty incredible.
I have complete confidence in my craft; in my music, but I am a kind of awkward person. But everyone is telling me that I make awkward look cool. So I’m just trying to…I’m just trying to get by and be me. There’s nothing else.”
“Out of about 120 something thousand that did it, there are 13 of us left, and then, you know, with my story from Atlanta. I went to the Disney thing and got the Disney Experience ticket, and then went to Atlanta and then went to Hollywood, Backstreet Cowboys, all that. You know, they didn’t think…they couldn’t decide on me or Neco for the top 30, so people had to vote me in. Didn’t even know if I was going to sing on Wednesday and I was the first guy called on Thursday. So it has definitely been a crazy, crazy ride so far, just from audition and even months before that even deciding to audition in the first place.”
Caleb Johnson:
“I’m in the top 13. It’s just a blessing to be, you know, I’ve made it this far and all the hard work has paid off, you know, and just ready to work some more and kick some butt.
This is what I want to do. I want to be a performer/entertainer, you know. IDOL’s just a great platform to do that. So coming into it, I mean I had a game plan to kind of want to get to this level, you know? I mean, I’m just blessed and honored that I’m here now, you know?”
CJ Harris:
“This whole thing has been amazing, you know? Regardless of what happens…I mean I’m in the top six guys and from this point, I’m just going to keep pushing harder and harder.
We’re all here to have fun and have a great time, and you know, and make a career, so that’s what it’s all about.”
“Oh man, it’s real surreal because, you know, just a few months ago I was in the cab of a tractor driving around, you know, farming. And I was at the lifeguard station, you know, just watching over everybody, and now I’m sitting in here getting interviewed by you and getting interviewed by everybody and taking pictures. Man, it’s real surreal.”
“Words can’t even describe what it feels like. I mean, it is incredible. It really is a dream come true being in the top 13 of AMERICAN IDOL.
I think it was my determination. You know, my drive to keep going. I’ve auditioned for IDOL twice. I’ve auditioned for all those other shows a million times, and like I kept, you know, people kept saying “no” and I’m like, “no, I’m going to make it one of these days.” So, you know, my determination, I didn’t want to give up. This is my dream.”
“Seventy-five thousand people tried out and there’s only 13 left. It’s… that statistic is insane. And to be a part of it, I’m just so honored. Like the journey has been insane.
You know, just positive reinforcement is definitely key with me because you’re always second guessing yourself because there are so many more talented people out there and we all want the same thing.”
“It’s very surreal. It’s amazing. Like, I’ve been working really hard. I’ve played a lot of shows and done a lot on my own for years and years and years, and it’s finally paying off. Like every night that I didn’t get to sleep in a nice soft bed and every time I got sick because of the conditions of some place that I played at, every time I didn’t get paid when I was supposed to, I mean it’s all paying off.”
“It means a lot to me to make it this far. This is, you know, what I know I’ve wanted my whole life, so I mean coming in on the wild card I definitely feel like I have a lot to prove. You know, I have to really prove myself this coming week and toreally to the voters at home because this is America’s show and, you know, I want to make sure that, you know, they really get to know me and see who I am and get behind me and support me so that, you know, I can go all the way.”
“It’s definitely fulfilling and I think that that really was something that you guys saw when they called my name on the past show and I’m just really happy that, you know, all my hard work has really paid off.
Perseverance was a huge thing for me because I mean, if you go by your emotions, then you’re not going to make it that far and so, I definitely try to like encourage myself and like really pump myself up because I know that I can do this, so I just have to do it. ”
“This like top 13 thing was pretty amazing. It’s a once in a lifetime chance and not everybody gets to experience it and I’m just lucky to be experiencing it.
I think my personality, like really showed a difference between everybody else because like, I’m really different compared to everyone else, you know. But it’s all good in the end. I think my personality, my type of style, I think my whole package basically, separates me from thousands of people around America.”
“It’s like taking like a deep breath almost. Like it’s so like relieving to like have put in so much work and effort and to like really want something and finally like get there. So that’s really cool. This was my goal. I’ve had set like small goals the whole time. So like my first goal was to make it to Hollywood, and I made it to Hollywood Week. And then to make it to Rush Week; made it to Rush Week, made it through Rush Week. And then this was my next goal. Next goal is Summer Tour.
We don’t actually know if we’re going on Summer Tour yet or if they have to make cuts still, but that’s my next goal. And then aside from that, I’m hoping Top-5, and then we’ll see – we’ll go from there.”
“It’s awesome man. It’s really great. It’s a nice experience and I’m looking forward to the next performance and so hopefully America enjoys it.
I think just being myself, you know, and getting as much experience with performing as I could and then just trying it.”
Source: Thanks to FOX & company for sharing these interviews.
Pics are great, but most of the contestants need to be coached on being eloquent with words. Like, you know?
I am rooting for Alex and Gina sorry but Caleb is just too over the top and much much too much and much much