James Durbin Talks Recent Album Release

James Durbin album cover

James Durbin‘s first album, “Memories of a Beautiful Disaster,” released in late November and since then he has enjoyed the ride. Durbin sat down with OTRC to talk about the album and what we might expect for the next go round:

“It’s a rock record, it’s a hard rock record,” Durbin told OnTheRedCarpet.com. “It’s got some heavier tunes on there. I wanted to ease on in to it, just ease on in to it, little by little. Second album? Who knows what a mess of craziness that’s going to be. But for this album, I took what I loved from the music that I listen to.”

Watch the first video interview below and check the rest out at OTRC.




  1. congrats to james, the “shoulddawon” of last season. remember, the winners do not necessarily do as well as the “shoulddas” ask adam and daughtry

  2. I hope people buy this CD. It is really good and its not heavy metal or heavy rock. Infact its quite nice. There are three songs I love on it and a slow one “May” that blew me out of the water.

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