Tonight on American Idol, Janelle Monae performed her new single “What Is Love” (*off in the distance someone hums “baby, don’t hurt me…”*) as the latest round of American Idol results were revealed.

What did you think of Janelle’s guest performance promoting her song off the “Rio 2”? Did she outperform JLo from last week? Check out the video below and see if you’re ready to get her song or go check out the movie or maybe you just really want to find out who was voted off American Idol tonight!
Janelle Monáe – “What Is Love” – American Idol 2014:
Way to go Janelle! Beautiful (& beautifully done!)!!! (By the way, you remind me of a young Lena Horne–packing real ‘punch’ in the talent department, and the looks department; just pretty as a picture.) You showed America and AI contestants what a true ‘IDOL’ sings and performs like on stage. THANK YOU!!! (…and you managed it all fully clothed or without compromising your integrity as a woman or professional–JLo did you take notes?)