Kelly Clarkson was a popular choice for the American Idol 2013 contestants to cover during last night’s Top 10 performance show. Among the songs covered was “Breakaway” and it was chosen by Lazaro Arbos.
Something was definitely off with Lazaro last night and some people are speculating that he could be in trouble. I think he’s got enough early fans to keep him safe for a few weeks. I like Lazaro, but I’m not sure he’s exactly suited for American Idol. What are your thoughts? If you missed his version of “Breakway” or just need to hear it again to form a better opinion, we’ve got it for you below. Take a listen and let us know what you think.
What do you think of Lazaro? Does he have what it takes to become the next American Idol?
I think that you got very bad advice
love his voice pure tone and nice…his speech struggles are heartbreaking…I hope he continues….
I love Lazaro. But he was just off last night. I think he was real nervous.