Tonight on American Idol 2015 the guys from this season’s Top 24 semi-finalists will perform for your votes and a chance to move on to the live shows. The pressure is on!

Starting at 8PM ET/PT the twelve remaining guys will take the stage and sing for your votes with all new performances set in Detroit’s Filmore Theater as part of the Idol Road Trip. FOX is definitely giving us some new events for Season 14 which is a fun way to keep the show fresh, but they could put these contestants anywhere because we really just need awesome performances.
Who seems ready to deliver on that? Read Branden’s fantastic in-depth review of the Top 24 Idol contestants and see if you agree with his assessment. It’s always fascinating to watch the transformation of the singers to see who can live up to their hype.
It’ll be a fast paced show tonight with twelve performances crammed in to just 60 minutes of American Idol 2015 so you’ll want to be ready to go with your voting. There may be twelve contestants singing tonight but only eight of them will survive the round so you do not want to miss your chance to support your favorite artists on Season 14.
Speaking of that, we’ve heard spoilers on how to vote for American Idol contestants this season but still no official word from FOX. According to the reports you’ll be able to vote for your favorite performers as soon as the show starts and that window will run all the way until the next morning after each show.
With just the guys singing tonight that means we’ll have the ladies up next on Thursday’s show and the American Idol results shared the following week by means of whittling down the pool of performers until the musical chairs method leaves us with less spots than singers remaining.
We’ll see you back here tonight, but be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, & Email.
Matthew: Penetrating analysis….but totally useless! Need to look at voters, constitution and predilections.
Because the greatest proportion of voters are young females, likely you’ll find that girls will be eliminated before guys, irrespective of how well they sing….and attractive young women have little or no chance of reaching top 6 (or 8)….and top 12 will consist of 8 or 9 guys, no matter how well girls sing. Probably, top 6 will be 6 guys with most attractive reaching final. Naturally, “rockers” and gays will be eliminated before top 6, leaving a bunch of vanila-sounding but good-looking young men at the end, one of whom will be the America Idol voters’ “American Idol”.
There was zero analysis in my article above. This was purely informative of the upcoming show and voting rounds. Your response was completely off-topic from my article.
IMO you’re mistaken in thinking that most of the voters are young girls. I’d be more inclined to think that most are females who are over 30 years of age. with the second but much smaller demo being gay men. I don’t know even one teen girl who watches Idol, and I know a lot of young girls.
I wanna still vote for The Guys–I didn’t have prior opportunity