American Idol Judges: Dexter Roberts Elimination the Right Choice? [Interview]

What did American Idol judges Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban think about Dexter Roberts’ elimination this week? Well, neither of them seemed quite as upset about Dexter being voted off as Jennifer Lopez certainly did over Malaya Watson going home last week.

American Idol judges Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban

In an interview with FOX Audio Central after the Top 7 elimination results show, American Idol 2014 judges Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr. shared their thoughts on this week’s voting results.

Re: Did the voters make a good choice in sending Dexter Roberts home?

Harry Connick Jr.: “You know, yeah, it’s, all we can do at this point is give them the best judgment that we can and try to help them along and it is what it is. America voted.”

Keith Urban: “I don’t totally disagree. I think Jess was very lucky to escape that tonight. I think she sensed that as well. And Dexter sang great for his goodbye song, which is always hard for people to do.”

Do you think the voters got it right in voting off Dexter this week? Who would you have picked to send home instead?




  1. I’m OK with his leaving. IMO it should have been CJ. Jessica shouldn’t have been in the bottom 2. JMO

  2. I don’t like Dexter really, and Jessica may be the better singer, but I HATE her personality so much that I sort of wished she would have went home. I don’t care how good she gets, I can just never make myself like her. She always seems bi***y and grumpy and just sorta self-centered. Maybe its just because everyone else seems so friendly this year.

    • I completely agree with you. Jess has a horrible attitude. She was extremely ungracious when they picked her name for bottom two and Sam Wolff went to hug her. She was just as un gracious when she found out she was safe and had a tactless over the top smile while standing next to Dexter who had just been voted off. I don’t like her at all?

    • I couldn’t agree more about Jessica. There is just something cold about her. CJ should have gone – weeks ago IMO. I think the top 3 will be Jena, Caleb and Alex. Sam just isn’t ready for the big time yet. He needs just a bit more time and experience and he will be great.

  3. In Terms Of Voting Results , I’m Pretty Sure This Is How It’s Playing Out Right Now:
    1. Alex Preston
    2. Jena Irene
    3. Sam Woolf – I Know but I think his popularity IS increasing every week and with it come votes
    4. Caleb Johnson – I think his irrelevance in todays market is going to start to catch up. Personally I think he is the best singer and performer in the entire competition but I have this weird feeling in my gut.
    5. Jessica Meuse
    6. CJ Harri

  4. In my opinion Dexter is one of the better singers but for some reason the country voters are not voting this year like they have in the past. I feel they are all very talented but my favorites of the ones that are left in the competition are Sam and Alex. I have voted for them and Dexter each week and was very glad that the judges used the save for Sam. He is so sweet and I love his voice. The way things look it will either be CJ or Jessica to go home next week.

  5. Okay…We have some great singers! Dexter should have definitely gone home! He’s good, but just “good”, not really special. He sounds like another decent country singer. I think he should have gone a while ago! Malaya Watson should have outlasted him! Jessica should go home, too! She’s a good singer, but NO personality whatsoever. She looks like a stiff up there. You just can’t do that if you want to succeed. She would get mighty boring afterwhile especially with the type of music she sings. Actually, she is kind of boring at this point. The REAL talent lies with ALEX! He is truly talented! I have a music backgound myself for many years. The way he switches up his songs and tastefully performs them is awesome. I would like to see him have just a little more stage presence, but with the types of songs he performs, his actions match and he is just GREAT! Jena is a close 2nd, but I happen to like Caleb better. I love the way his confidence works the crowd and he is also excellent. Jena is very talented, too. Sam is upcoming – still young & needs a little more work although has improved greatly.
    But ALEX IS A TRUE WINNER!! Hope he makes it to the top!

    • oh, do you like Alex? 😉

      Problem with Alex is he may be talented to mix up music and all, but how well is that going to come across to the public? Does the pre-teen know or even care that Alex can do as much? Would that sell records?

      Personality-wise, Alex has a lot of ground to cover. Jena and Caleb are way ahead of him in terms of stage-presence. Alex stands and delivers, albeit with a guitar that always seems uncomfortably tight around him. That duet with Sam last week was a disaster. Might sound good between the two of them, on the couch, and all, but Harry was spot-on in his critique that it was a disaster on stage.

      Alex is in a solid #3 position right now. He’s not a breakout artist yet. He may usurp some of Sam’s voters when Sam gets the boot in the next week or two, but that’s about all the upside I see for Alex at the moment.

  6. Dexter should not be voted out. Votes have been swayed for whatever reasons. Disappointing. Miss his presence on AI. He has a good voice and truly an authentic country singer. Everyone is unique. Wish the rest of the contestants good luck. Hopefully the media likes you. Can’t wait for the finale and the tour. Yes Dexter Roberts our idol, regardless.

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