After last night’s pretty shocking elimination of James Durbin this season’s Top 3 (Haley, Lauren, and Scotty) will set their sights on the American Idol 2011 finale, but they still have a few more steps to go before they get there.
On Friday the Top 3 will fly to their hometown in a private plane where they’ll spend the weekend roaming their old stomping grounds and holding events with fans. On Sunday they’ll close shop and head back to Los Angeles for some very tough work.
Once they’ve returned to the Idol studios the Top 3 will be hard at work on their three songs for the Top 3 performance show. One song will be producer Jimmy Iovine’s selection, one from the judges’ panel, and the third will be a personal selection by the singer’s own hand.
For the very last performance show, which should air Tuesday, May 24, there will be another three songs selected for the vocal duel of the season. First up is the singer’s favorite selection from the whole season. Next will be the choice of Simon Fuller (Idol creator). Lastly will be the song the aspiring artist wants to record if he/she wins.
Then for the American Idol 2011 finale on May 25th we’ll get the results, of course, but also a ton of guest performers and stars. No word on whether or not Steven Tyler or Aerosmith will be on stage though it seems likely it’ll be one or the other. Since the other members of Aerosmith have been keeping Idol at arm’s length and considering Dubrin was just eliminated, maybe this is that big chance for James and Steven Tyler to perform together as promised so many weeks ago.
Are you still excited for the Idol finale? Who do you think will win it all?
Source: WSJ Speakeasy
Artwork credit: Dan D’Addario
Haley vas gagné….je suis du Canada (Quebec) et si je pouvais je serais présente pour la final……American Idol ….WOWWWWW vraiment très bon cet année……
Vous avez raison Hayley a été amazimg! Je suis de l’Ontario, je ne peux pas aller dans le final, soit, mais je suis il y a esprit
Je suis du Perou et j`ai bien aimè cette season of American Idol. Ma favorite est aussi Haley, elle est la plus belle el la meilleure voix après Carrie Underwood. Saluts
SPEAK english!!!
Rude, Scotty. You can see the words “Haley and amazing” so you get the gist!
Donna Pilote said… Haley has won… .i am from Canada (Quebec) and if i could I would be present for the final… …American Idol … .WOWWWWW really very good this year……
I said…You are right Hayley was amazimg! I am in Ontario, I cannot go in the final, either, but I am there is spirit
and Joseph said…I am from Peru and i have liked this season of American Idol. My favorite is also Haley, she is the most beautiful and the best voice after Carrie Underwood. Greetings
Happy you jerk?
Go Haley 🙂
Dans votre dreaams … Haley vont rentrer à la maison suivant. Elle est bonne comme Carrie Underwood? Vous devez être fou!
Hayley est génial, vous ne savez pas de quoi vous parlez!
syruzxte’meletpresidento mo chorushedrws
We all don’t know so please speak English
Jeffry, that’s an offensive typical American attitude! If you really want to know what is being said google a french to english transalator, or is that too much work for your lazy ass?
so…looks like we are going to have another dumb blond lyp syncing diva who whants to be bathed in perrier and who you can’t look in the eye…I’m done… Track record for winners of american idol winners making a great career suck…James will have the biggest career anyway…
I totally agree!!!
yeah, james will be successful among the AI season 10 finalists; of the remaining top 3, i go for haley but not xure if she makes it (but who knows – a lot of votes may be divided for lauren & scotty since they’re of the same music type, hoping james voters will be for haley’s!)
I believe James voters will be so irritated they will split between Lauren and Scotty. James was the best and he will do well, look at Adam Lambert. I will go country for the rest of the show, miss attitude needs to go.
I agree 100% on Haley being miss attitude and needs to go. I actually like her up until the last few shows Especailly Wednesday’s show. Her ego has gotten much bigger that her.
Woa attitude since Wednesday, I don’t blame her for her attitude and one day with an attitude you change your opinion give me a break. Why can’t people quit assuming that they know what the kids are thinking. She was undeservedly cut down by jlo and randy and for the FIRST time she defended herself. All other times that they gave her negative feedback, not even constructive at all, she just smiled and said okay. I think she is a class act and has great vocals. Like to see a Lauren/Haley finale
I think ur votes should go to who u think deserves it NOT who was voted off and u tell others to vote for them cause you are pissed off
I dont agree, they are all good, thats y they are still in it.
Haley has had attitude since her first time in the bottom 3, go back and watch her body language.
Watch her body language, the only thing I have ever seen is Haley smiling as she went to sit in the bottom 3 chair. So what is her body language, do you have a degree in interpretation, stop hating on her, you don’t even know her you are only assuming and you know where that gets you LOL
i think she’s just aware of how the judges’ opinions can sway the voting.
don’t judge the book by its cover.. you never know the true persona of haley..i think she’s just really like that but she doesn’t really imply those actions… i think you guys commenting here are judgmental people… like what may mama is saying, you should never say bad to a person if at the first place, you don’t know her personally…
Allison, And what about YOUR attitute? Should you go home? That wouldn’t be fair to you, would it?
I think you are a better person than you are portraying yourself on this forum… sincerely!
Allison, And what about YOUR attitude? Should you go home? That wouldn’t be fair to you, would it?
I think you are a better person than you are portraying yourself on this forum… sincerely!
After James elimination AI is not worthy to watch
I agree and it wasn’t worthy after Pia left!!!!!
Grip, seriously? The question at the end of the blog asks if we’re still excited about the finale. And no, many of us are not. So get a “grip” please!
Im gripped Kudos My fav is still in it cause they’re good!!!!
Neither of them is a dumb blonde…Lauren may act ditzy sometimes, but it’s just her sweetness bubbling over…Haley is about as far away from a ditzy blonde as a blonde can get…
I’m upset about James too, guys, but it’s not the top 3s fault. 🙁
Oh wow, wow, wow. James will have the best career? LET ME LAUGH AT THAT AHAHAHAHA.
Okay, first of all I really wanted a James/Haley finale to be honest BUT I wasn’t upset when he got voted out, I mean its obvious that they want Lauren/Scotty in the finale anyways. Second, Haley is the ONLY one who dares to make something different, she WILL make the most records, more than Lauren, more than Scotty and more than James.
You can say what u will and whine about everything cause your fav didnt win BUT the judges have no say so if they want a favorite so be it— lauren and Scotty are the best and I think the judges know better thats why they are judges and you aren’t!!!
haha, Lauren’s ditzy ALL of the time, because she’s too immature to act grown-up about it and handle it like any real artist should. I can’t believe that she stayed in place of James…. >:(
I don’t agree at all James didn’t have it and will never have IT,you’ll see James doing broadway like Rock of ages.For the comment on blondes give your freakin head a shake my god grow up last 2 standing the two ladies call it and I hate to say WOW I”M GOOD 🙂 Haley will win 🙂 Haley fan from day one 🙂
Haley has an attitude problem and should have been gone long ago. Not happy about the 3 remaining especially scotty Its not worth my time to watch anymore. Lauren is to young. She needs to come back in a few years.
You have got to be kidding me…..There is NO ONE on this show that can touch what James Durbin has done. Seriously, I can’t sing, but to watch someone take that Journey Song and sing it like it was his own, get into the groove man, he is a rocker and will be just like Chris Daughtery, Adam Lambert…..I loved him from the very first time he opened his mouth….Hayley should NOT of sassed back to the judges, it shows that you can’t take anything from anyone without justifying yourself. One more note, the top three should of been Scotty, James and Laruen and a Scotty and James battle….yeah you won’t agree, don’t care just can’t stand Hayley…..
Dito kep
Well BYEBYE Daisymae Scotty should win the whole shabang
James’ Journey was the most Karaoke performance of the season and he was trying to suck up to Randy. James’ has had one, maybe two, stand out performances this season. He’s had some great moments, but Haley has had 3 of the 5 best performances of the season and all of them in the last few weeks. I’m sad James didn’t make it. It’s not Haley’s fault. Lauren and Scotty didn’t have a great night on Wednesday and never have had great moments like James has had yet they are still there. I’m not saying you should be angry or channel it towards a certain contestant as that is bad form, but to hate on Haley because you didn’t vote enough is BS to say the least.
I didn’t mind James unless he say off key. But he should have never touched Journey. For someone that went to all of the Journey concerts in the 70’s and have Steve Perry’s voice in my mind permanently, James butchered it. I don’t know what was wrong…it just sounded wrong.
who want’s to bet that Steven will STILL sing with James in the finally??? Steven may just take him under his wing and turn him into a Superstar….my wish anyway.
Wont happen Steven Tyler did not like James you could see it in his face as James sang He complimented everyone yall may think james is going places but he will not be that big I dont think
just keep talkin’, y’all country bumpkins.
Us Country Bumpkins will!!!! GO SCOTTY GO thats why you are still in it
you are correctly named…. Lame just add……Brain
Jared Whats wrong did your favorite get voted off waaaaa like I said waaaaaa From Lamebrain pretty cool thanks
He would rather take Haley under his wings… and then some.
I dont agree they all are good thats y they are still in!!!
You are so wrong!!! I surely didn’t vote for James, and I am so happy he is gone. Yeah, I’m sure he will have a career, even though I don’t think he will have staying power. I’m not a fan of Adam Lambert’s either. He is not that much of a big star.
Everyone knows that the most successful winners have been Kelly and Carrie, because of their true talent.
Here’s hoping that one of my girls wins. They deserve it. I’m so glad the least talented went home.
Me too! Go Lauren and Haley!
Way to support women who happen to be blonde. You are a sexist of the worst kind. Haley is certainly not a dumb blonde, and Lauren is much too young to label in that way.
Here, Here, Pup! Girl Power!!!
See Pup, I’ve got that dark Italian hair like Pia and would have never criticized Haley’s blonde hair! ha
newwife…..I totally agree…..James will be fine…..He will have a recording contract and be on tour doing concerts……He is that kind of entertainer…….
If Haley .is in the finale I’ll watch
where is the Like buttom..?
i love it!!!
yeah..same here.. 🙂
Haley rocks…period. I love rockers who talk about her attitude. First, how would you know, other than what you see in performance. Second, isn’t that a big part of rock? Rebellion? Attitude? You ain’t a rocker, not really (you’re something else) if you criticize Haley’s attitude.
Shows how much you know about her She doesnt even sing rock you stupid peehead
He wasn’t saying she sings rock, and besides she could rock any time she wanted, so go back to your bridge. He was saying it’s funny that ROCKERS, who are all about rebellion and attitude, are getting after Haley because they are projecting their ill feelings onto her and saying she has a bad attitude.
Hilarious! “Stupid peehead.” BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard yet today!
And, she can rock any time she wants. Janis Joplin was the first real female rocker. Yeah — the Janice who first sang “Piece of My Heart.”
I can’t wait to tell my kids somebody called me a “stupid peehead” today! They’re gonna LOVE that!
shut up lknow .. HALEY is all around .
David you dont have to repeat peoples sentences we arent babies here
Stupid Peehead that is funny but the wording was right on Haley is not good at all
Ron (Santa Barbara)…..Now you know all my votes will go to Haley….Don’t want to see a Country Bumpkin Idol……..I hope all of James’ fans vote for Haley now…….
Phyllis, you know I had my opinions of James, but I’m really sad he left. His performances were fun and exciting to watch to say the least. It should have been Scotty or Lauren especially based on Wednesday night’s performances. That dreaded Lauren/Scotty finale is about to come true, 🙁
David P…..I sure hope not….My votes now will go to Haley…She is the only exciting performer left….
I know James will have a career and I will get to buy his CD and see his concert but I really am bummed because I wanted to see him perform in his hometown…..Was hoping for a James/Haley finale…Now who knows what is going to happen!!!!!
and love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go scotty
James knows he is a winner when he gave his wife/GF the “Its OK” signal after this announcement. I, like many others, was shocked. Also past winners should NOT lip sinc songs during their performance. Talk about sending mixed signals.
Didn’t expect that result at all! How could Ryan have kept from at least dropping some of those ominous “You’re not going to believe this….” hints to prepare us for the shock. I think James going home is a lot the fault of the judges. They have been pushing him down our throats since the beginning, and telling us to vote for him. Also, all those comparing him to Adam Lambert weren’t doing anything to help him. It just made the Glambert fans angry. Everybody loves an underdog, and Haley became that in past few weeks. I’m glad she made it this far-and I DO think she has earned her place in the final 3, but with James gone, I still expect Scotty to win.
Scotty most likely will get our vote he usually does and we vote honestly and for the best each week so way its looking Scotty is Idol winner Good Thing
wasnt much of a shock. He hasnt had an amazing performance in a long time. His last one was the Muse song.
Just wanted to say how I have watched four seasons of Idol and have really enjoyed this year,from the judges and the talent. Not so much some of the result shows, Also wanted to say I have really enjoyed Jimmy Iovine’s great job.
Jimmy did the best to help the kids, better than any of the judges. Why isn’t he one of the judges? Do they feel like he is more useful as a mentor, and the judges are just there for “eye candy.”
yes he did the best with them for the judges not very happy with them want simon back
I hope Simon stays where hes at far Away from IDOL!!!!!
Jimmy Lovine did a terrif job. He had no favorites, he treated all the same way and didnt push to do sometning they didnt want to do
I am done watching American Idol since my fav James is gone, he was the best and I felt very bad for him last night, I thought he was the one, I hope he will have a great singing career, he soooo deserves it and has come a long way, he is a great performer!! We will miss you James
Did you vote? Everyone blames the other contestants who make it through each week. Looks like James Durbin didn’t have enough fans/votes to make it to the top 3.
Sick of hearing all these James fans saying they arent watching anymore Why get on Idol chat and tell us We dont give a rats ass. BYE SO LONG GOOD
I agree… I voted for Haley and Lauren because I wanted to see them make it through. People should have voted if they wanted him to stay.
believe it or not .. LAUREN should win .. 🙂
No I don’t believe it….. Haley should win and she will! : )
Corey yes I agree with you HALEY will win 🙂
no wonder our country is in trouble. you people can’t vote for music right how in the world do you vote in politics. Haley is a snob who needs an attitude adjustment. I would never buy her cd’s
Haley has no chance of winning She will not win this Idol Ill be the first to get on and say TOLD YA SO She has least votes in poll right now very low and its fans voting Shes history and glad
Go Scotty!!!!
Haley is the best
Sorrt but Haley had that little smile when James turned to Ryan. Kinda like Pia and Jacob Scotty and Lauren were in tears
I found that Lauren, Haley and Scotty were also smiling after they were not eliminated and they all smiled at James’ last song. why make a moutain out of mole hill? Why can’t they be happy they are still there and why can’t they smile during the eliminated persons song. I just don’t get these people and their comments, I guess they expect all to cry and boo hoo and cower when someone is eliminated geez give me a break. Immaturity is really striking hard on this website
Jared, have you ever thought that some people don’t know how to show their emotions, because they are uncomfortable. Have you ever seen someone smile a little so they DON”T cry? I think everyone is looking for a reason to hate her. she is the most original and doesn’t do cheesy crap like Scotty. Lauren has grown on me. Oh, and having seen Journey LIVE, the original group AND the one Randy joined, James DID NOT do that song justice, except for sucking up to Randy
Oh, to
who says u have to cry when someone is elminated PLEASE Id smile to if I was safe for the next week GO SCOTTY SMILE ON
Haley’s motto is to try not to wear her emotions on her sleeve, and I think it’s pretty dang smart of her, since she’s entering the music industry…
P.S. If Haley doesn’t win AI, just you watch…she will smile at her OWN elimination, and then all of you blabbering idiots can just G.T.H.!
DaisyMae, ohhhh, DaisyMae, go milk your cow.
Lauren is such a cutie. MY votes usually go to her or Scotty. If it comes down to them 2 I will be honest and vote for the best of their performance. I have no desire to vote for Haley. She doesnt sing well and her personality really did it for me. That means alot too
I don’t care…as long as Haley or Lauren wins. They are both so great. Here’s hoping for the first all girl finale since season 3. Actually, that was the only all girl finale.
I’m with ya kechik!
TQ bunny .. 🙂
I really hope Haley wins…she’s so different from everyone else out there today. She may hide her emotions, or hold them back at least, but she shows so much of them through her singing. She’s beautiful, strong, confident, and her voice is one in a billion…we need someone who meshes 50’s and 60’s music with modern music, and I think Haley’s raw, gritty voice does just that. She’s amazing.
I wouldn’t mind if Lauren wins. She has a killer voice, she is so sweet and bubbly and outgoing, she would make an EXCELLENT role model for young girls everywhere…
If either of the girls win I will be a happy camper. If Scotty wins…I’ll be happy for him, but I don’t think he’s grown enough as an artist to deserve it, IMHO. I just want him to push himself more, to show that he’ll FIGHT for the crown.
I will miss James next Wednesday.
Agree with everything you say Devin, except for the last line.
shes different alright A very bad sport
Haley that is! I guess everyone knew who I was speaking of though
Why don’t you people get over this attitude and growl crap. Its really getting old. GO Haley!!!
Haley’s a bad sport??? I think the Haley bashers are the bad sports…get over that your favorite got eliminated and Haley is still in. Obviously, America just can’t let her go. Get over it! She is the most talented singer of the season. 😉 I wouldn’t even care if I had ACTUAL proof, instead of nonsensical speculations, that she actually was the worst, most mean and snotty girl on the whole show…I would still vote for her and support her. Her voice is THAT good. Personally, I think she’s very goofy and sweet. You people must have been ignoring her interactions with the others for the last couple of month…didn’t want to see the truth, because then what could you say about her?
Lauren is evil — she sang that song, so it must be true. Plus, she didn’t cry very much when James was voted off. She’s mean, spoiled and hateful.
See how ridiculous this sounds? Give me a break.
thank you for that comment, I think the green eyed monster is attacking some of these posters when it comes to Haley.
Lauren has not shown the mean, spoiled and hateful every week like Haley has. See the difference now?????
Agree 100%. I’ll miss James, too, because I admit I always was excited to see what he was going to do next! But, he was not the best vocalist, sadly.
Exactly! His vocals weren’t the best, but come on, the guy could put on a killer show…and let’s face it…there are a lot of UBER famous music artists out there today that sound WAY WORSE than he did live. They fancy up their albums with fancy producers, and then when they peform they pull a J-Lo/Ashlee Simpson. Haha, James can out-sing a lot of professionals out there today, and imagine what a show he would make his concerts into! He’ll be okay, though, this is not the end.
Hey Devin Lee, pretty much agree with you, nice post. I guess your Mom is still “in mourning” also. Pass on my regards to Secondchance; I know she loved James like I love Haley. Saying to you because, I keep missing her. Our blogging and working hours keep missing.
So, Secondchance: Sorry about James, I’ve defended his exit over on Branden’s Results Recap on page 1 or 2. Also, thanks for linking me to your ‘special videos’–that was some incredible ‘tongue kissing’! And I’ve appreciated the concern you and others have shown me sitting through the Judges’ attack of Haley; and like you I appreciated Steven Tyler’s heartfelt defense of Haley.
No need to get upset at this stage. We had great Final Four (finally was no Jacob), but I agree that James belongs with Haley and Lauren instead of Scotty.
hi coondog!!! you have been missed! thanks for your kind words about james. i keep trying to act okay with it but it really does hurt in a wierd way. i have grown attached to pretty much all of these kids.
please try to be here a little more, you are missed 🙁
cant lose the old coondog and james!!! lol
I really thought that James was going to win the whole thing. I will miss his, always unique and entertaining, performances. He really did bring some stuff to this show that has never been done. He is a winner just for having made it this far. Now that James is gone, I really want Lauren to win it. I don’t think there is a note that the girl can’t hit. She just needs to get rid of all the fear and just do it. She rocks!
tell me PLEASE WHat did he bring to the show that no one lese did I gotta hear this Please respond so I’ll know I havent seen it
It’s OK?
It has to be OK for James, nothing he can do about it.
When the program doesn’t go the way people want it to doesn’t mean the remaining performers aren’t good. Doesn’t mean the departing performer isn’t good either.
It goes on, and so can they, with a jump start that most never get.
Just gotta make the best of it.
All I can say is the final three are pretty darn good. Can’t wait for the next show. Pick a new one to pull for if you have to. How can you hate any of them unless you’re just a bad loser. Heck, you didn’t even lose!
Well said! Thank you!
Very well said 🙂
Great comment. I totally agree. All these complainers probably didn’t even vote.
Feel good for James. He has a great future to look forward to. And he will take off soon. Sorry, I feel differently about Haley. Not many people will put up with her JNO
James at least deserved the big hometown parade and footage more than Haley. After all, he was never in the bottom and that should have at least gotten him that hometown episode.
I so agree! They have all been awesome this season! Casey was my number one and I was bummed when he had to go. I will watch for him though and definitely buy is music. Now I’m for Haley. But, again,…they are all awesome!
I don’t have a prediction as I believe the numbers lie. Lauren was at the bottom of every online poll and was sent to safety first. It doesn’t make sense. As for what I would prefer: I’m not a fan of Haley so I guess she should win. With her more obscure genre, she will make good use of Interscope and 19E. Lauren is nowhere near ready for this and Scotty [ my favorite] would be better off in Nashville.
Lauren probably was in the bottom 2 this week. I think they sent her to safety first so that they could create suspense between the boys and Haley. The order of the reveal doesn’t mean anything.
I think it was due to a huge country vote–kept both country contestants in. Then Haley made it because everyone else either adores her or was trying to right the terrible wrong Randy and JLo tried to effect on Wed night.
Pup, there you are! I keep missing all my regular crew, so trying to catch up like I did with Devin Lee, Secondchance above. Been seeing some good fighting from you these past day–makes an old Coondog proud!
The recap seemed to be in a pretty specific order. If it was random they wouldn’t have shown Haley last twice, especially when she performed 2nd and 1st respective to each round. The order was James<Lauren<Scotty<Haley. As much as people are saying they don't like Haley, that's ok. You don't have to like her. And as for the haters, no one has as ill an attitude as you people are exuding. The fact you have such a bad attitude and are hating on someone for something perceived by only you just shows your hypocrisy and I'm sure Haley doesn't want nor need people like you voting for her. She will make it to the finale for the reasons Matt stated. If it's a Scotty/Haley finale she will win by a long shot, if it's a Lauren/Haley finale it will be the closest finale since the two Davids. Lauren/Scotty finale would be boring as all get out. Scotty/Haley finale would be…uh…awkward to say the least. Best option with James leaving us is a Lauren/Haley finale.
David P We really wonder–Do u have a job or a life?????? Do u stay on 24/7
Ams…who’s WE? Someone asked me that same thing yesterday…and wtf do you think you know??? I have a GREAT job, I have worked myself up from the bottom to the top…Speculation is NEVER RIGHT, especially on this site. Why are you asking about David’s personal life? OoOo, she’s got a crush on you! 😉
I always look for David P. posts. I have been trying to figure out how old he is and what he does for a living. I think that he is in college somewhere in the west but not the west coast states.
I sure hope Stephen picks Haley’s song. I am not to confident about the other two. Although, Haley seems to be able to sing anything.
True. Even when the judges pick Haley’s song they’ll probably still tell her it was a bad song choice!
That’s funny. Sadly true, but still funny.
god, I can see it now…
That remark gave me a good laugh.
If that gave u a laugh read seven11 up above its funny as heck but so so so so so true
OOPS They deleted it It was funny Haley cant sing though
Please let it be Steven,cause JLO and Randy will give her the wrong song then pick at her about it like they have been doing for weeks.
my thoughts exactly.
It’ll probably be Randy’s pick. Just for the ~drama~.
And I hope she sings the hell out of it.
Haha, me too. 😀
Yeah she can sing anything and its awful each time Ill vote but not for Haley Shes very far behind in the polls and its most likely because of her attitude and the way she is presenting herself lately-Like someone who is already a superstar which she will not be
From what I’ve been hearing it looks like Haley got the most votes last night. She’s also selling songs like hotcakes on itunes.
read the polls again she be way behind Itunes dont mean a thing Its peoples votes not itune votes
Here we go with the attitude crap again. Give it a rest.
What poll is she so behind on?
i think she just wants it really badly and doesn’t want to get booted off because of some negative comments from the judges
The judges won’t really pick anything without the producers’ approval. I think Nigel’s pulled pretty hard back on that leash after this little fiasco.
I thought Nigel had resigned from AL
I think it would be great if Haley would sing a song her FANS pick for her, rather than the judges pick. And that would be Etta James’ “At Last.”
Yes! She has to sing it! I want her to sing it. Haley was born to sing Etta James (who is a rock and roll hall of famer for all you “haley can’t rock” people).
David, Hi!
I just happened to read that Etta James (at age 76 or 77, I believe) is hospitalized with sepsis (blood infection)–very serious.
davidp Do you ever sleep
Well, the top three I have chosen wasn’t it last night. I am disappointed. But of those left. I am rooting for Scotty and Lauren. I really don’t see who Haley is nor what she is as a music artist. Lady Ga Ga is more defined that she is. Haley really should’ve been working on this image but she will be one of those past idol wannabee fighting for a chance to the top. I hope Scotty make it or Lauren. They really can do it but Lauren better do some butt kickin’ showcases on her three song choices since it most likely going to be Scotty and Haley in the end battling it out.
Lauren was great this week. She is not my fav to win but I did give her a vote this week because she did deserve it and she was fantastic Scotty is also very good. Haley-not so much
You are right. I really like Lauren’s voice, because it is clean, natural and powerful. I don’t like Haley’s voice, though I have to admitt that she has been improving very much since she sang “Bennie and the Jets”.
So, I want Lauren and Scotty to be in the Finale.
I’m not a big country fan, and I really like the blues. So my favorite is Haley. She’s got it all imo–and always has. I am betting you, BlindDude62, and you, Pooh, are big-time country fans.
You know it shouldnt be about the genere you like it should be about how talented they are and to let you know I ABSOLUTELY HATE medal music but I LOVED James Durbin he gave great peformances every week and had great vocals
Christina, I agree with that. Haley is still my favorite. I think she has the most talent and I LOVE her voice.
That’s also why I supported Lauren. I think she has a fabulous voice.
No I am into all kinds Just love Scotty voice
I will be ready for a bombard but last night was the finals…..Haley chose to wear really short shorts…..beaded and sequin tank sort of camesole……and high heeled shoes….to what could have been her last night……not real appro…J M O
It’s true, she should have worn more casual shoes. This isn’t a fashion show, though. People need to accept the fact Haley has a lot of fans that are not as shallow as you seem to be.
I commented elsewhere about Haley’s clothing. It was casual attire, but in my mind, it aptly reflected the feel she wanted to give–free and carefree, despite the heavy sentence–the nonsense from the judges the previous night. It was okay by me for Haley to do that.
And it certainly was a contrast to the heavy, black (but lovely!) clothing that covered Lauren. Lauren looked great for the first time in a long time, imo.
OK, here you go.
YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
well she always wants attention youve seen that
ok bash me now I dont care
@Pup, you are right about Lauren’s dressing. When she sang “Anyway”, I saw a profile of AI Winner.
I am really mad that James went home I truly believed he should of made it to the finales but theres not much I can do since I cant vote. I hope Haley goes home next sure shes good but shes nt my favorite i believe that Scotty and Lauren have better vocals then she dose IMHO
Very much agree w u!
If you are upset about a performer going home then remember it’s the “people” voting & not the judges. James made a statement last night “I’ve done things on this show that has never been done before” – that’s a joke – he was very egotistical in that statement & did not take the elimination very well at all – that’s a shame because to me that shows his true self & for that I’m glad he is gone. As for the other 3 remember they are not at fault but striving for the big win as was James. Vote for the talent – this is not a popularity contest. Scotty appears to be the most sincere so my vote goes to him.
But you just said to “vote for talent”. What does being sincere have to do with talent?
Right! katiniva
‘Talent.’ I don’t think that word means what she thinks it means.
Ditto, Katinva.
I agree with your opinion. He did not bow out gracefully and it was a turn off.
I also agree. I thought it was kind of funny considering how everyone picked on Haley for her bad attitude. They all surely feel resentment when they finally get voted off, or just criticized, deserved or not. James showed he was conceited and arrogant. I’m sure he had been sure he was the winner for past several weeks and thought he could do no wrong. AI is well known for these kinds of upsets in the homestretch. But, no big deal since many of the most successful contestants have NOT been the winners.
I agree to with you opinion. You could see it in James face after they Ryan said that both girls where in the top 3. Tears where aready coming down James face. James should be THANKFUL for getting this far. Look at all the 1,000 and 1,000 of other that didn’t make it. And then to make a statment like he did. Not cool. And then people get mad at Haley for saying her mind to the judges.
yeah i love what you just said. he just blamed the people who are voting for his boot.
What you do not realize is that James put his whole life on the line for this show. The Top 3 live home with their parents. Big difference…..He was shocked and well he should have been……These judges kept telling him it was his to lose…..The Judges are the kiss of death!!!!!!
So? Should he win on the strength of having more to lose? That’s bogus. It’s a talent contest with the chance of a career. He chose to play, he didn’t win. Case closed.
I agree with you on James last night and for him to say he brought more to Idol then anyone else lmao on that comment,what was he smoking.James you didn’t bring anything new on Idol and for him to say I knew I had a feeling it was going to me tonight give me a break.Glad he’s gone did nothing for me at all.
he said he brought something to idol that had never been done before: METAL. He didn’t say he was the best ever! He also, in the end, thanked everyone and the judges.
cat-Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa get a tissue
Apparent;ly he brought the wrong thing Metal
I have never posted here before, but feel that I must now. What you are all missing is that James has Aspergers Syndrome (high-functioning autism). I know it all too well, as my son has it. Part of the disability is a deficit in social skills and difficulty controlling emotions. The fact that he was able to handle things as well as he did is a testament to him and an inspiration to countless numbers of people with autism and their parents.
Cat, you’ve got it right. The others are just part of the mix of haters here. He was honestly shocked, as we all were. Guess we didn’t realize the full power of the country voting block.
Etzy, right. But no one seems to want to apply FACTS. They’d rather go with their gut emotional response to things and turn things into something mean. Lots of mean people here.
Thank u Elzy for your comment. My son also has AS and I know first hand that he says things that are not always politically correct. He is always misunderstood, just as James’ comments last night. I applaud James not only on his Unbelieveable talent but also on the courage it took to strive toward his dream. Don’t stop Believing, James! You are an inspiration and I look forward to buying your CD soon!
there is no talent left. I listen to better kareoke people. Its been all over for me since Pia left and she WILL ago far. So will James they are probably planning out his cd right now.
BYEEE WE could care less
I am so glad that someone else thought his statemant was big headed. when Paul left he said let’s not make this a bad thing, and when Casey left, he also smiled and was gracious, but James was all, I,I,I, Me, Me, Me. WHATEVER… I am sure he will be fine, and I surely WILL NOT miss him. The 3 remaining are very good at what they do, but color me A HALEY FAN TO THE END!!!!!
I agreed with you. All of them are great, but someone has to go. James is impressive and talented. He has a life ahead of him. My favorite at this date is Scotty.
Got to go with Scotty. Lauren second. Haley should have been gone before James. She is a wannabe with an arrogant attitude. The judges don’t like her because the airhead tries to argue with them…DUH!!!!!
Got to go with Joan Scotty
i did appreciate how he rocked the idol stage!
me, too!
me nOT!!!
Scotty has the talent and the sincerity hes got my vote Think we’ll drive all night to Garner NC just to see him tomorrow hes super and a fantastic person it seems BUT the talent is what will win him the IDOL!!!!
Not if he keeps giving such terrible performances. Just because the judges don’t say anything doesn’t mean a lot of people are as blind as Country fans.
I have finally figured out why country fans hate haey, casey, etc. Becasue they can sing totally different songs, jazz, blues, rock, etc. Country songs all sound the same; same beat, same lyrics, blah, blah….I fall asleep listening to Scotty.
David P
We all can see you arent a country fan at all so be it Vote for who u like and we’ll vote for who we like case closed get some sleep
Gina glad to know you are a mind reader We vote for the best not the screamish and unprofessional attitudes
American Idol is a juggernaut that will never die. Every year, — then, every week- especially as they get to Mid May… all these blogs contain comments from morons saying – “American Idol is done.” “American Idol is rigged.” On and on… Yet, it continuously remains, despite all the knock offs- by far, the number 1 show on television– now 8 years straight. And it’s MORE than proven its legitimacy. Get over it, people. James is talented, but he’s gone. The show’s not fixed- you just didn’t vote for him enough.
To me, Haley Reinhart is the best the show’s had since Jordin Sparks and ranks right up there with Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson, the most successful 2 in the show’s history.
True, Durbin’s got similarity to Daughtry and I wish him similar success from his 4th place finish.
But, Haley is amazing– and, in my opinion, should and WILL be your next American Idol. Her range is beyond compare. Her stage presence is beyond belief. The way she could make you feel she’s singing directly to you is mind boggling. So many have fallen in love with her for that reason- including me.
And, no matter what any of you (James related) heartbroken people are saying– Haley will be your next American Idol and you WILL be watchin’ when it happens. 🙂
Comparing Haley to Carrie Underwood, what an insult to Carrie. Not even close!
thats a big insult to carrie she not even close to carrie at all at least carrie not a snubb and stuck on her self like haley is
What a careless statement to make about another artist who is trying just as hard as Carrie Underwood did at the same point in the show. I remember wanting Bo Bice to win but never thought to denigrate Carrie. What you put out you get back in all shapes and forms…think about it.
You girls sound like teeangers in high school, jealous of the Prom Queen! She HAS to be a snob, right? Someone that talented and gorgeous surely can’t be nice…. you people are pathetic. You don’t even know her.
and u do
Well, said and I agree! But, I think Scotty has so many people in his corner, he will most likely be the winner. No doubt he is good too, but my vote’s been with Haley for weeks now. She’s proven she got the strength and drive to take the crap and toughen up. I love her voice and will look forward to her upcoming career! GOOD LUCK HALEY!!!! I’ve got money set aside to buy your first CD!
Go Ahead and spend the money u wont need it
So LIsten When your Haley gets booted dont go talking about the other 2 left ok
Your right, its the same every year. I just love Haley because she is different. She sings a song that I myself appreciate. I don’t enjoy the Katey Perry types of music of today. I want singing.
I’m with you, Old Sarah!
True But how many times she has been told that that raspy, growling voice was really great, than she stsrted screaming along with it and it sort of backfired
uh yeh she stinks
Me too!!! I like quite a lot of the new music, but you can’t be a classy song from an artist with a voice to back it up!
Me too, to Old Sarah and Pup
I am floored that James was voted off, he clearly is the most talented and versitle contestant. Im done watching Idol.
wow clean your ears JAMES SUCKED he should of been gone weeks ago all he did was SCREAM. Glad he’s gone 🙂
yep agree BYE JAMES
Now if we can get the other screamer Haley out the Idol will be very interesting
That screaming is her down fall. Gor Scotty
Yea, I was floored too. On the floor laughing!!!!
cruel. I thought he did a great job singing the way he did, having to overcome being born with autism & tourette’s syndrome. Remember that most of the time the winners just fade away (Taylor Hicks, Ruben Studdard, Lee DeWyze…)
heh I was too
I thought if I had to watch his tears again I was going to vomit To be a guy he sure cries alot
Figures with all your other comments you’d say this James sucked hes gone good bye Get a life now
Sick of your silly quit being so ugly comments CAT We dont vote because someone has a condition. get over it James is gone he deserved to be gone Not enuf fans NOW quit your crying
Ok. With everyone saying the winners never do anything big after they win well I think that only appears to be a Ruben Studdard which was a messed up season anyway- The recent winners have gone on to be great. Greater than u im sure They all deserve to be where they are. Just because your favorite has been voted off you ahve to cry about something Same ole smae ole If Scotty McCreery wins this the guy will be around and very famous already is
Taylor Hicks played on Broadway in 2 plays, one being :Grease” and is now touring and performing in Las Vegas
I’m not saying anything about him being born with autism and tourette syndrome or making fun of it. What I’m saying is, James thought he had this won. Doesn’t work that way. You win some, you lose some. (Just like the Lakers..Ha) I’m like some people, i seen how he kissed up and that’s what he did. Backfired on him. People got tired of it. Hope him the best. Look at the one’s that got the gate before James. I would like to see both girls make it to the finals.
Did you vote? It’s obvious that James’ fan base dropped off. He’s not the most talented and there was nothing unique about James.
I honestly do not expect this result, I wanted a final Scotty and James. My favorite is Scotty, but ,will be a final girls, what a shame, I like listening to Scotty, not where they get that he’s boring to me seems to always bring something new, I think it tastes, I am latinamerica and I think his unique voice, I simpatisa James great work!! I hope to see Scotty in the final. And I think Haley is not a good singer, the drama around she is pu it in the Top 3.
Go Scotty is de best….
What great work with James he brought nothing new to the show.God did you watch the same show cause all he did was scream and jump up and down on the stage.People are comparing him to Chris Daughtry NO NO NO NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BE LIKE HIM.For you to say Haley isn’t a great singer your wrong she’s has amazing voice and she’s going to win this season 🙂 Lauren and Scotty I think they are great to 🙂 great Bottom 3 good luck to them all.
Well said.
at 1st i thought casey will win, cause he is such a creative artist, then i thought james would win bacause he is an explosive artist, now im thinking haley should win but its a long shot, she has the most bottom 3, didnt really have a core fan base from the start like the other 2. but she has the momentum now, but how long will that momentum last? and will that momentum be enough? and im sure when 1 of the 2 country singers get eliminated, the combined forces of their 2 fanbase is enough to put another country singer as AI winner.
I am mad that James went home I truly believed that he should of made it to the finals but not much I can do since I cant vote. I hope Haley goes home next sure she is good but shes not the best Scotty and Lauren both have better vocals then her IMHO really sad that it wont be a Scotty vs James finale but hope it will be a Scotty vs Lauren final
It will be as you say but Scotty being the winner although they are both very talented
Haley doesnt have a chance
I agree it will most likely be very close but Scotty will win he has an amazing voice that gives me shivers every time i hear him sing
heck yeah
Yes, Scotty is the best!!!!
I wonder who is picking the judge’s songs for next week. I’m afraid that whoever it is will pick a terrible song for Hayley and then tear her apart for it. Gosh I hope it’s Steven!
I know there are a lot of people who disagree but I think Hayley deserves to be there. She has worked just as hard as everyone else, if not harder. If I could vote, I would vote for her 100 times over. I’m not going to lie, I was sad to seem James go, but at this point they are all winners and it would have been sad to see anyone go.
Hayley lovers, don’t hate me please, but I don’t want Hayley to win. I don’t want her to win becuase it seems that whoever comes in spots 2-4 have amazing careers and whoever wins we never hear from again. It’s such a shame. And yes I am aware that there are winners who have gone on to be huge.
I agree Haley does deserve to be in the top 3. She has really come out strong the last few shows.
its ok dude…its ur opinion and as long u dont bash her i dont hate you…
we have deff. choices and i respect who u want to win..
but for me Haley FTW
@ YouRockHayley, I think you miss understand. I’ve been a Hayley fan from day one and when they tore her apart this week I swore to myself I would never listen to a J.LO song again. I was furious for her and I think it’s great that she finally stuck up for herself! It just seems like the ones who win don’t have very good careers… so I don’t want her to win so I can listen to her awwsomeness for the next 30 years! Make sense? I’m not being rude I just wanted to clarify. Cheers 🙂
Songs picks-
Randy will pick Scottys song
J-Lo will pick Laurens
Steven will pick Ms Attitudes
Here we go with the attitude stuff again.
yeah but its true Very bad personality It shines thru even on National TV
If you really are a lawyer, I hope you do better with developing evidence for your cases than you’ve done here.
I just checked out the vote for the worse website and they promoted big time to vote for Hailey. They were “gleeful” that James was voted out and that the two country singers will cancel each other out next week. I happen to like all 4 singers but have been a big Scotty fan since day 1. It is sites like Vote for the worse that can mess up the voting and that is why Idol may need to look at how the votes are tabulated in the future. I liked James and thought it would be a Scotty vs. James final, but I will admit that Lauren and Hailey have grown big time since the start of Idol with their performances. Good luck to the final 3 and lets hope that website does not effect a true vote for the American Idol!
VFTW has little to no pull at this point in the competition. Think about it. There were 72 million votes split between four contestants. There’s no way they could have tipped those scales in any significant way.
I am sooooooooooooo disappointed that James is gone, not that the others made it but I really feel that James should have been in the final, it just break my heart – he will be fine, he will do well but this is not fair at all – life goes on and I am happy for the other 3 but I am done watching this show because it will not be the same…..good luck to Scotty, Lauren and Haley…..
I agree I would’ve liked to have seen James in the Finale; thank you for a sober and dignified, considerate and respectful post.
All you people who say you are done watching the show are full of IT. I’ll bet more than half of you who said you won’t watch AI anymore because of the Pia elimination are still watching. BTW… Haley to win. I think Scotty should have went home instead of James.
I think Scotty should have went, too. He is boring and very corny.
Well-Guess your opinion deosnt really matter since there are about 50000 others who vote for him and like him so guess he isnt to boring and corny you silly kid
I think the right 3 have made it this far.As for James been voted off,not a shock,Pia was more of a shock.I think Scotty is the dark horse,but i hope Haley wins but if not any of the other 2.
lots of but …..
I feel that all 4 contestants have talent but that America’s votes have been heard. James’ heartfelt and exciting performances as well as his personal struggles really struck an emotional chord with people who formed a strong allegiance with him. He is an outstanding showman. However, if you take another listen at his performance from last night, when his emotions get the better of him (and many times even when they don’t) he goes terribly off key. That is not good singing. People will not pay to see that for long. He needs to get that under control or his career will not last long. That being said, I will miss his spirit and hope he does well. I clearly see Haley as the most mature and gifted artist of the remaining three, but think that Scotty and Lauren will also have successful careers.
During the auditions, I picked Lauren, Scotty, Pia, Casey, and Haley to be in the final 10, so I am not unhappy. I like heavy metal, but when was the last time you saw a heavy metal singer stand on a stage and cry? James’ arrogance, kissing up to Randy and Steven, along with all the tears cost him the votes to be in the finals. He has great potential, but needs to perform and get rid of the arrogance and tears. As for the top 3, I predict all will do well, but as far as raw talent, Haley is by far the best. Of course on AI with the way the voting goes, the best does not always win and than is not always a bad thing is it Daughtery, Clay, Jennifer?
I agree with you, exept for Casey. I also choose Roben( not sure about the name) and Paul(he sounds like Rod Stewart). As for who is going to win, Haley should not have made it to the top 3. She could shine when sang with Casey, but could never when with Lauren. She could not keep up. Lauren’s voice is too good and strong. If Lauren had so many years of singing as Haley did she would have been already giving concerts. Let’s be fair, haley will be the first to go, no shocker next week. I mean, she did not make it to Hollywood last year, and this year in te final 3?????
I agree Lauren def wiped Haley out in the duet they did Lauren is so much better It will be a Scotty/Lauren finale with Scotty winning
Yeah and Pia tried 6 times to get on Idol.
I soooo disagree about the duet. I was wondering what in the heck they did to Lauren’s vocals in that duet–because it sounded as if they were playing her voice in triplicate while Haley’s was so clear and clean and beautiful! I love Lauren’s voice, and it sounded really fiddled with technically.
Laurens voice sounded good to me Maybe your ears are dirty
Pia tried a few times before and didn’t make it and tried this year too, so that is a bad analogy
haley for the win! though i was rootin’ for james (but he’s out now, well he will make it big!)
So disappointed by Durbin leaving. I am a 61-year old rock fan. Thought Durbin was the most polished performer on the show. I felt Scotty pandered and manipulated the audience with the Anthem song and kissing his crucifix after his mentoring from Lady Gaga, whom I adore. I think he is “innocent like a fox.” Also, Lauren has a great voice but is immature and a Pink Southern Diva. Some of her dresses look like they were made from the curtains of Tara from Gone with the Wind. I like Haley and her style and voice — she is current, strong and mature. Out of the three left, I hope Haley wins but it will be the Southern, Christian, 17-year-old cowboy. It is what it is folks……!
I hope you’re right!!!!!
Doesn’t matter if Scotty wins or not. A win does not guarantee a good career.Just ask Lee DeWyze. And Taylor Hicks.
cat-U seem real weird
Deb: It’s a cross not a crucifix. Not that you would know the difference.
I’m watching CSI:NY and Mac [Gary Sinise] just kissed the cross hanging around his neck. So, if a bada$$ NYC cop can do it, why can”t Scotty?
said it before and i’ll say it again. james will front a rock band. as far as scotty winning, think back to adam lambert. we all know why he came in second. however, his career has skyrocketed while things are pretty quiet with kris allen. haley is the most talented of the remaining three, but it’s doubtful if she’ll win. then again, she might be better off NOT winning. she can be her own person
well said.
if Haley does not win she will definetly be a local singer. Two years of Jazz college waisted. someone said here, when there is talent it does not matter if you win or lose.
Yall kill me how you know that Haley is getting voted off now and Jales is gone so you wnat to come up with excuses of how recent winners go on to do nothing. Your iggnorance is shining thru cat especially you girl Your comments are so jealousy related cause your favorite wont or didnt win. get off the computer and get a life
that is meant to read James
pr62…As a James Fan, all my votes will go to Haley…….She is at least exciting to watch…..Dull Scotty will do the same every week…..Boring!!!!!!
You will be listening to a loser and you being a dull if you think she is exciting to watch. Scotty will be the winner he can sing and…he is exciting towatch
to my namesake in my favorite city, next to atlantic city and mashantucket ct…i happen to like scotty. he’s got a good career in country music about to happen. i like lauren also. she’s a sweetie. i think haley is fantastic also. james needs a band, a really good band that he can rock with. along the line of the stones. he’ll shine
Remember, if you want Scotty or Lauren and split your vote that will just cancel each other out.
James’ votes will go to Scotty or Lauren because the Haley backlash cost James his hometown visit.
This has been one of the worse seasons! Even tho Haley , Lauren and Scotty are talented…I don’t think any of them deserve to win Idol! And Lord help us if Haley does!!! Her head is so big now!!!!! Can’t believe she was smiling when James was eliminated! And the judges….well…didn’t really like them!
Joy.-You’re right on Haley smiling after the removal of James, she did when Pia eliminated and did not believe the comments then. But I’ve seen it now and yes, she was smiling with a kind of mockery. I do not like Haley
Many people smile when they are nervous, anxiety-ridden or ready to cry — this is a known neuroscience fact that I studied in pre-med/psych many years ago. I, in fact, have this reflex myself.
maybe she was smiling because she survived. Haley was also the first person to give James a hug. You just see what you want. Haley and Lauren for the final.
She was clapping for James, hugging on him…you people are ridiculous.
Joy and Tina Mary, clutch at all the straws you want to TRY to prove your point. No one with any sense gives any credibility to such accusations.
I would like to point out that the only time Hayley is not smiling is when the judges are tearing her apart, otherwise there is ALWAYS a smile on her face. That’s one of the things I like about her. She’s a;ways happy that doesn’t make her a bad person
Oh Brother…
Thank you Buttercup. These remarks drive me crazy. I just can’t believe grown people think like this.
So, do you get mental pictures of what these snarky folks must look like??? Just wondering…
Try again – according to people who were actually at the show, Haley was crying when James got the boot.
As for Lauren…check out the picture of her on TVLine’s last post. Yeah, she looks heartbroken. I think you’re complaining about the wrong girl, Joy.
Let’s see if this gets past the mod queue…
I could not reply to Deb so I have replied to you Joy. I have seen Haley little smile, but what shocked me more was the fact that she has pretended playing piano while everyone was in shock. She looked like she was in her own world….Did you study that in pre-med Deb??????I know what that mean.
Fair???lady…really??? hmmmm
She has smiled and laughed after everyone has been voted off but just wait shell be bitching or something when she gets booted watch and see Her attitude will shine then
I’m so sorry you people are so bitter. I can’t imagine the pain that caused it. Do you really think the few minutes you watch these kids on stage in front of cameras and millions of people gives you sufficient information to judge their character?
You are seeing what you want to see. Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Really!?! Everyone handles stress in their own way. Maybe playing the piano was a way to keep from crying. Geeez. You people just make me want to vote for her more. GO HALEY!
Joy: The girls were both sad for James & all the others before him. However, They & everyone else expected one of them to go this week & when that didn’t happen, they were happy for themselves. We can’t blame them for that. I know I was truly doing the happy dance!
I am so sad about James…I even had tears rolling down my face. I know he will have an album soon and I will be the first in line to buy it! I will miss you James,,it was a joy watching you every week!
Well, all of you who declare (every year) that you will never watch AI again should just learn how to use your remote control! Or, you could go check out The Voice! I have added it to my DVR list. I like my music shows and always enjoy keeping an eye on new talent and watching shows that give people a chance to achieve their dreams. It’s better than most of the more depressing choices on TV each year. I’ll keep watching as many as I have time for!
To All The Haley Haters let me get this out of the way..and here goes…HA HA HA, HE HE HE, HAH HAH HAH,HEH HEH HEH,LOL LOL LOL,OMG OMG OMG,ha ha ha, he he he,hah hah hah,heh,heh,heh,lol lol lol and omg omg omg!!!!!GOD BLESS THE MAJORITY BOF AMERI8CA
“Is not over till the fat lady swings”
Oh, are you going to be on the show this week?
rofl!!! Good shot!
Although I thought it would be a James/Scotty finale, I would be happy with a Scotty/Lauren Finale. I am a country music fan in general but have a great respect for all music. I really did enjoy listening to James this season and I believe he is very talented.
I am very tired of the Haley “growl” and the attitude.
So if the finale is Scotty/Lauren then I will vote for which I know it doesn’t make sense, but I can’t decide.
AGAIN– the growl and attitude. Do you know Haley personally?
Uncalled for CJ. You need a nap.
kris allen, adam lambert, kelly clarkson, Alexis Grace , Blake Lewis, treys song, (Leanne Rimes loved her rendition of Blue), Andrew Garcia, Ellen, Katelyn Epperly, Melinda Dolittle, Allison Iraheta, Chris Cooley of the Washington Redskins, Lee , David Cook, Kimberly Caldwell and a lot more, THEY LOVE HALEY REINHART!!!!
they know haley has talent! who are you to argue with them? saying that Haley can’t sing?
It’s ok if you don’t like her or her voice, but saying that she can’t sing is plain stupid.
Just saying
p.s. not making things up, check out their twitters, blogs or interviews
Nice! Thanks! BTW I think she can sing circles around all of the otheres, always have, sure hate to watch the beatings she takes from the judges, poor thing, I have often thought it was a good thing it was not me up there. They have no idea what a bad attitude is! I’m too old to put up with the horse feathers they are selling. Haley is remarkable.
I love you Buttercup.
yeah poor poor thing shes pityful
Love you back Old Sarah
what about Carrie who sold the biggest number of records?????and what about some other famous people. You have to make a distinction between “I like the music she promote” or “I love Haley”. Let me give you an example, just because you have mentioned. Adam Lambert, did we like him???Yes, I know I did. Did we like the music he represent??No, I know I did not, and i also know so did over half of the voters.
your name doesn’t represent your comments.
let’s be fair here…
I’m just saying that you all shouldn’t call her untalented.
I understand if you don’t like her music or attitude ir whatever.
But calling her untalented is uncalled for.
why I don’t mention carrie? well, let’s go, maybe we should ask her?
it’s so strange that you mention about other famous people, do everyone have to like her? do everyone need to watch AI? the answer is NO.
I’m just saying that those people I mentioned recognize her talent.
Am I asking you to like her? NO
Am I asking you to switch your vote? NO
Am I saying that the others are untalented compared to Haley? NO
So why do you need to get all defensive? I just want people to stop saying that she’s untalented, that’s all.
No need for you to get so fired up, chill out will ya?
My fairlady, before you comment, please read my comment well and BE FAIR
Thank you
Wow! you got a split personality…hope it won’t develope into a M.P.D later on or you need help!
I meant for fairlady!!
Thank you, Vinny. I think it should be noted, also, that these folks purposely went public with their comments. The Wednesday night flogging was the final straw. Smart, talented people weren’t going to continue to stand for the inequitable judging.
You don’t have to like Haley’s kind of music or her voice. That’s fine. Let’s just be “FAIR” and let’s quit making stuff up to support our favorites by defaming and denigrating the character of their opponents.
Thank you Be Real.
OK Lets be real she still sucks
Well more than half of those you mentioned mean nothing to me never heard of them so apparently they arent to much hehe And lets see I guess all the movie stars in the workld and all the musicans are voting for her to, right?
No; just people with sufficient intelligence and brainpower to clearly and effectively communicate coherent thought.
be real is be wrong
Haley really can sing; her technique (or more appropriately her singing trick), esp the modulation is excellent. She has got much improvement since several weeks ago.
However, I STILL don’t like her voice. I really like Lauren’s voice, Pia Toscano’s voice, even Julie Zorilla’s voice and Karen Rodrigues’s voice.
This show is total B.S. I hope Haley wins just to piss off all the ignorant hicks and rednecks! Not that I’ll be watching this crap for the rest of the season! Tim329 out!!!
Apparently you are saying Scotty or Lauren will win You said it not me I hope u r correct Haley stinks bad
Coming from a true redneck hick I guess
What a let down, was looking forward to a Scotty & James finale, now it isn’t worth watching, can’t take any more of Haley! Go home Haley…you’re growl is pathetic. If Steven Tyler wasn’t rooting for your body you would have been gone long ago! Randy is the only honest judge and no one listens to him. My votes now go to Scotty
bye jen see you next year
If Randy is the only hosest judge and no one listens, why is James going home. I believe Randy told James, “your in this to win.” Randy lied!
Jen very well said Randy is the ONLY Judge that has given critisim where it deserves. Whine and cry Haley fans She cant be perfect all the time and you know she deserved the comments they gave her Shes a bad sport no dought and this has def turned me against her whoever if she goes up against in final 2/ I will most likely go with Scotty anyway
God help us in our jury system if most people are like these illogical, irrational haters who post here.
Is that “no drought” as in the rain is going to start falling in Texas, or “no dough” as in we aren’t getting cookies today?
I was sad that james is gone because i enjoyed his energy and his smile. We all know that it will be a country singer win. if lauren gets voted off scottie will get most of her votes and if scotti gets voted off lauren will get most of her votes. i like haleys voice but she will not win
wanda h
I do like Haley, but I thought that James, Scotty and Lauren are the one that really should be top 3. I do not understand how Haley got so many fans in such short time. I started to wonder if it is American Idol or it is the American Idol Producer’s Idol.
She got from 4-5 to a 10, and then to top 3? Something does not add up. On the other hand, Carol Songs being old and so…give less votes, while older songs gives 10 mil more???? And third, why Haley parents were arenging the concert before results day?????Lots of questions isn’t it??? I did not like James first song. It was a mess as I said yesterday. He did not take in consideration Jimmy Iovine’s advise. He should have stay with rock only. It is sad. He should have stay at least one week. Him and Scotty in finale would have been the best Rock concerts ever.
*snorts* The Lauren concert/benefit has been arranged for over a week.
Nothing you have said makes any sense. Believe me, I don’t think there is a Haley conspiracy. Haley is one of the best singers this show has ever seen, and Lauren as well. As tough as the judges have been on Haley (unfairly at that), and as partial as they have been to James (unfairly at that)…I don’t think it was a conspiracy. He just didn’t get the votes. Simple as that!!!
very well said
Are you sure you like Haley?
The fact that you get all defensive by my comment before this shows that you think otherwise
just saying…
If you really want to live up to your name, FAIRlady… go support your favourite but leave Haley alone, ok ^^
I am so happy James is finally gone. He looked so shocked, and so pissed off. I wasn’t surprised that he was still an arrogant prick (I would use a different word)when he was voted off. Does anyone else think his last words were so self indulgent and not humble???? He had to go on about he was the winner because he broke new ground on the show and did stuff no one else did. Nothing he did on the show was ground breaking. His whole persona was fake, down to his “costumes.” I do believe he loves his family and is emotional…but he is still so fake.
Yep. Totally agree.
Kris and Geri you two are totally wrong
For months the james fans have been so off the edge with knocking everyone else. Give it a rest already. If ha has a great carrer great for him. I have always believed this was a singing contest, so while screaming to some is singing, I assume not to the plurality of voters. I hope Lauren wins but will not be dissapointed in any of the three. As far as commercial success? Who knows. Clearly Lauren and Scotty know what direction they will follow. Maybe Haley will make it clearer to all of us next week or after if she moves on. I like her, I like her voice usually, just not a lot of her songs.
I am a fan, fan of several Idol alums not all. Carrie, Kelly, Jordan of the winners. Adam, Daughtry and kellie P from the losers.
@adamlambert said all these:
Haley gets criticized cuz she’s the best and SO not cookie cutter. She was Fiesty 2n b/c she’s a strong, smart woman. my fav kind o woman.
The other three are doing great and are working hard but have grown so predictable to me. Not bringing much freshness to the table.
Bottom line- in my opinion, Haley would make the edgiest, most original album out of the three. #Realness
should I say more?
I like what you said
That’s Adam Lambert talking 😉
quoted from his twitter
I saw it too!!
Haley for the win!
thanks much Vinny .. I really like haley .. And I hate those people who are pulling her down .. *haley for the win 🙂
Well um coming from Adam Lambert a drunk that gets kicked out of resturants and parties and wears makeup and fingernail polish uhh I really dont think I would care to much about what ADam Lamvert thinks he didnt win anyway so duhhhh
Well he has all the time in the world hes on twitter nothing to do nowadays
Scotty for American Idol 2011.
However I dont think America vote right. I think Haley should have been sent home before James. I was hoping for a “Draw Down” between Scotty & James. But like most of American voters I agree Scotty singing ability is much better than James so I hope again Scotty WIN. NOW HE IS A FOX BECAUSE OF HIS CHOICE OF SONGS AND HE NAILED EVERYONE. BEGGING SCOTTY FANS DO NOT SPLIT VOTES between Laurin & Scotty. VOTE SCOTTY…..VOTE SCOTTY
oh I’ll vote for my scotty and cant wait to see him tomorrow
American Idol is a singing competition. Just like the NFL and MLB. The favorites do not always win. For example, the New England Patriots have Tom Brady, and what is argueably the best team in football, but the Jets beat them in a playoff game and they were out. The Yankees in baseball have the most talent on a team and the highest salaries, yet they got knocked out of the playoffs.
The point is, on Wednesday nights, who ever brings their A game that night, gets to stay, someone has to go every Thursday.
We are a freedom of choice country, and we can love the idol of our choice, the genre of our choice, etc. The votes came in and James went out because of the votes. It is that simple, Pia, Thia, Casey, Stefano, Jacob etc. all went out the same way, they did not recieve enough votes.
It has nothing to do with looks, attitudes, religion, being a good guy or gal. It has to do with how a contestant performs on a given night, and the votes they get for that performance.
America voted, and we now have our top three. If you are unhappy with the results, I’m sorry, but those are the results. Next week, one of these three will be voted off and we will again have chants and rants about how awful AI is and its rigged etc. That is just silly. If you don’t like the show, the way its run, or the results, do not torture yourself, don’t watch.
Applauding here!! Nice post.
excellent posting…I believe that the whole music business is far different than a mere singing contest…..People don’t pay to vote here. In business they vote with cold hard cash…..big difference…I am not a big country music fan… choice… While I saw Pia as a top contender I thought she tried to copy Celine Dione too much. I did not favor her voice over Thia Megias….
The music business has been really struggling because it is spread too thin and for every one who makes it big there are thousands who loose their shirts trying. Popularity is always short lived nowadays…..
Regarding Haley’s attitude, I think it really syncs with today’s youth who are cocky and self absorbed but then that is what the producers are airing….for controversy and nothing else….
We all have to put things into perspective here…this is a TV drama show which tries to capture audience participation and attention and does that very well…..we place too much passion into a voting system which is never audited nor challenged nor is it for my opinion ever verified….so it is not surprising when to me someone gets the boot….I think they just draw names from a hat….
I agree; very nice post. The “judging” is maddening for me, however. Just before Haley spoke up Wednesday, the look on her face was pure pain. I thought it was cruel and unjust, and a whole lot of other people apparently shared that opinion.
Talent, talent, talent….. ohhh,im so sick of any1 say that so bluntly & blindly… If u do want to know what talent is look at Emily Bear & even Chooka from the Australia Got Talent. Now thats what i call “Talent”…
Even Casey too… 25 instrument & 5 in particular
sorry i meant some1 say “the most talented”, “the most talented”… so sick of that
They’re all talented but to bluntly say “the most talented”… think about it again…
I couldnt have said it any better LOVE SCOTTY
I think America got it SO WRONG….James was and still is the best….He was different and entertaining…I don’t even want to watch the Finale now…BORING!!!
GO JAMES! YOU ROCK AND YOU WILL HAVE A FUTURE….Anyone would be crazy not to sign you on. 🙂
I hope the producer or judges will come up something other than country songs for Scotty….I don’t want to hear country music for the whole evening show!!
That is what he is. Haley is blues/jazz. Lauren is country pop.
Dont watch then becaue they all siong they same songs they are related to not just Scotty If you want to go there Haley sounds the same every week
Ha ha Haley is the only one who doesn’t sound the same week to week.
savyseagul…You’re so right! I used to fastforward (if recorded) or do something else whenever Scotty is on! He’s the most boring one & sounds the same (out of all top 13 contestants!)
OMG. you are so right. Scotty is so plain and boring..
Those charicatures are great.
I was sick over James.. I was heartbroken.. he deserved to be in the top 3. Lauren should have been eliminated. Not sure what happened here.
I want Haley to be the next idol and I was hoping for a James/Haley finaly.. but doesn’t look that way.
Depending on next weeks outcome will determine if I watch the finals.
Add AI to the list of shows I no longer need to watch.
Me too…
he obviously didn’t have full support over America or he would still be in
I strongly agree with Kate!
T….We will have to catch him on his concert tour……
I agree. Such a bummer….I was hoping for james to win…I hope he gets some good people (like Steven T.) to steer him in the right direction. I will definitely buy any album that he puts out and will go to see him in concert. James Durbin Rocks…AI “blows” it again…
Rose A. we are in total agreement on that……….
Well the TWO alter-egos are back..RoseA and Phyliss (one in the same) You said you were going to die if James didnt make it. Glad to see you made it.
I’m with you. They are/were my two favorite. Both strong and unique
I agree.. now we only have Haley.. hope she win
Haley for the win……Send the country bumpkins to Nashville…
Keep that up…Country bumpkins….That gets a lot of votes. Thank you very much.
wanted a James/Hayley finale so bad. The country crooners are soooooo boring, very likeable though and talented but very very boring. Idol really needed a rocker in the finale and James and Hayley would have been so perfect for the last evening.
Dee…..another broken dream for us….Since Carrie Underwood its been one disappointment after another….It would have been the best season finale of all times….James and Haley…..I guess we can always dream of what would have been.
We still have hope……Haley for the Win……..
A pathetic blog….Why dont you swith to the soap “Guiding Light”
i would be very shocked if Randy Jackson doesn’t organize contract for anyone of this years top 10 they all would make anyone with half a brain good money with minimal costs and James Durbin well says it all doesn’t it could put out an album tomorrow and people would buy it
Please America .. Try to vote of who will be doing fantastic not by voting someone for the other one not to win . *SO PLEASE VOTE HALEY !
There is no way Haley should be in the top 3. She was inconsistent all season, was often in the bottom 3 and invariably received negative critism, especially the last 2 weeks. James was consistent all season, full of energy, great voice,
and wowed the audience. She should have been eliminated weeks’ago & before Jacob. SHOCKER! Should have been a “projected” Scotty/James finale. America definitely got it wrong.
she’s actually been good all season. its just that she’s making better song choices of late, so people are only beginning to see what she’s really capable of.
When Haley first started on AI, she sang a Patsy Cline song, and I thought it was great. But Randy said it was no good. Aftr that, I think Haley has been trying to please Randy, and for her, that is impossible as he just plain does not like her style of singing. She finally got to screaming the songs, and she lost me as a fan. She was better when she first came on American Idol. I think she is actually better than Lauren, but both of them have problems.
I don’t think the count has been fair. it’ IMPOSSIBLE then haley is better then james something is VERY WRONG haley should have been out LONG TIME ago. are the juges are ALL impartial? I don’t think so. I heard lopez on Ellen show and she promote HER CHOICE i thing she was pushing haley james should be back haley OUT
James is out because he get not enough votes.. if u like him so much u should have voted for him
I find Hayley to be very arrogant and she seems to be conceited. She thinks she knows more than the judges and if that were the case, she wouldn’t need American idol to launch her career – she would have one. her performances are inconsistent – sometimes she sounds good and other times not so much; has no singing style to speak of – well unless you find screeching and a gravelly voice a style. In some circles that may be classified as musical – but not to me. As for those people who think she feels the music – listen to the judges and the guest artists – they consistently say she does not put any feeling in to her music and they have from the beginning. So, if you think Haley should win – well, then I think she will go the route of the other winners that you never hear on the radio – and there are scads of those.
Where does all this parroting of “Haley is inconsistant” come from? Please give examples.
Haley was not inconsistent. She grew over the season. Lauren did not grow. They crowned her before she started and she has shown that she can’t handle the littlest bit of criticism so the judges don’t critique her.
Complete agree with idol 2011. I really do like Lauren’s voice (even though I’m not a real Country fan) – but Haley really puts herself out there. I could see where she was feeling frustrated Wednesday nite after Randy’s busting her on singing “a Michael Jackson song”. I don’t know that it’s just Haley – as Randy seems to have a problem with ANYONE singing something of MJ’s. She a good song stylist – feels the music and there is interest-value in the way she sings each song. I would really like to see her win. Scotty’s same ol’, same ol’ is not impressing me – it’s all well and fine to “know yourself muscially” (once again, HE gets a “pass” on this from Randy – and no one else seems to). But he doesn’t impress me as a performer at all. A lot of times I’ll end up buying an album AFTER I’ve seen someone live – because I see their personality in their performance and it adds to the sound of their music. No sale with this boy . . . Sorry Scotty.
are you serious every time some-one even gave Haley the slightest bit of critique to help her she’d pull some kind of face or make some sort of comment as if she knew better than people who have been at the top of a tough industry for a very long time
No, she hasn’t. The only time she didn’t smile and say thank you was Wednesday after weeks of being the only one with any kind of criticism.
@davidp… you are right !
David P. I agree with you regarding Haley.
I was totally shocked last night. I thought for sure Durbin would be in the finals. But I do have to say, this is the first year that when it got down to the final four contestants, I don’ t really care who wins. I like them all. They are all terrific and will have great recording contracts.
The finale is going to come down to two 16 year old conservative Christian country/western singers and I couldn’t care less who wins. What a ridiculous end to what could have been an amazing Idol season. The only reason I would watch the finale is if James sings with Aerosmith, but I suspect Tyler might be nervous that James will outshine him. Tyler’s music video last night was “dippy” to say the least.
SCMAN, you are many years behind times…telling your age. The term is “Country” or “pop/country”…..not “country/western”.
I think they are all very good, but Scotty you are a wonderful young man. I Love country and I would love to see you sing some Randy Travis songs. God Bless You and I hope you win it all.
Scotty will be 18 in October.
Mainstream country is BORiNG….I cannot take too much as it all sounds the same. I do like old country and yes…country western and bluegrass. I long for the days when songs had substance and were not homogenized like the current stuff. Miranda Lambert and Lady Antebellum are exceptions.
So u think because someone is christian or religous that makes them boring and no good I hope Scotty wins it all
I don’t think at all that being Christian or religious makes them boring or no good. But rather than just voting for their performance ability, I think there are a block of voters out there who are voting for them specifically because they are conservative Christians. And that I think is unfair. I thought it was really cute that Scotty kissed his cross after his experience with Lady Gaga, but it doesn’t make him an exciting performer. (And showing my age is better than being wet behind the ears–and by the way, you should capitalize the word Christian as a sign of respect.)
I think Scotty could be a hellraising biker dude, and he’d STILL be boring!
So insulting that people think that Scotty is getting votes just because he is Christian. He is getting votes because he has a lot of talent and a lot of people love his music and his singing ability. I love Scotty. He is not boring, He is Great, so stop with the picking on Christians and saying they vote just because someone else is Christian. We vote because we like the talent. I also love Haley and have from the beginning of the competition
I hope Scotty wins it all, too. He is an all-American clean cut young man who is good looking, polite, works hard at his music and is proud of being an American and a Christian.
@bahloo2000 … haha… right on!!
I actually lost some respect for Scotty for showing disrespect to Lady Gaga by kissing his cross, as if she was some evil person. He came off as a big stereotype as much as she did at the other extreme. The huge voting block of his Conservative Christian voters can relate to his less than subtle mocking her performance art because they don’t understand it and don’t want to even try to understand it because its so “weird” to their sensibilities. Someone must have had a talk him because he did a 180 at the end of his set he gave a compliment to her. Isn’t interesting the concept of Bullying with Lady Gaga (who is trying to help kids who feel different to feel good about themselves) and Scotty with this season with his being mean spirited during Group week – meeting face to face!
Agree with attyshacki. Scotty sings from the heart. If that is boring, so be it. But, I could listen to his music over and over again and still be moved. He does not need to shout, growl, frown at the judges to be exciting.
ktsps You talk about being mean apirited, go look at yourself. Scotty dod not respect Lady GaGa. He did nothing wrong about group meeting.Why do you keep harping that? You are a shallow person and you need help. Medical help. You a block in your head. Get over and sit down and say a prayer….for yourself
Scotty has done absolutely nothing disrespectful. Quite the contrary! Those that think this seriously need to examine themselves.
After seeing Lady Gaga during rehearsals with her freakish black eyemakeup and weird blond and black striped hair, I think everyone in the room should have kissed a cross. Lighten up…it was a hilarious and cute moment for Scotty. Totally spontaneous humor.
I would like to see a Lady Gaga concert but I do not think that she should have been on this family show. Scotty did nothing wrong.
If Christianity has nothing to do with it then why do you all keep parading it around in your comments? “Scotty is great and a nice Christian boy”. Just sayin!
Well, I have to say I agree about Scotty kissing the cross. I burst out laughing! I thought it was hilarious!
Besides, I read an article about Lady Gaga’s shoes. I read that the AI logo was put over them so no one could see them. They were $4700 shoes and the heels were clear molds of (sorry, folks)–penises. Now, I’m sorry, but most “normal” people would be pretty weirded out/put off by that. I would have been!
We call it Country/Western and Southern Rock, pop/country is bubblegum.
SCMAN……In the video last night, Steven changed his outfits more times in 3 minutes than Cher has in 1 1/2 hours……LOL
Piper, you must be in your 50’s or 60’s. The term “western” has been dropped from “country music” a few decades ago.
Sad to see James go, he has had some of the most entairtaining performances of the season, if not pitch perfect. Hopefully the remaining competitors wont play it too safe and have a little fun… We need a bit entairtaining, after all it is a show.
I think it’s safe to say that all top 4 will have a record deal and after this it’s mostly about how hard they are willing to work…
James has had two bad weeks and that probably was the reason it was him and not others.
Lauren is such a sweetheart and even though she’s young she deserves to be in top 3. Hopefully she isn’t going to be eaten up in the record business world and she has some good people behind her…
Scotty does well in his genre and although I like his voice, he is a bit boring for me most of the time.
Haley – I just love her. I have loved all of her performances except “Call me” and she has three of the best performances of the season IMO.
I hope for all girl finale…
finally someone I agree with and someone who understand why james went home. The two girls truly did outshine them the past few weeks and they deserve to be in the finally
The elimination of James Durbin has once and for all sealed my fate with American Idol. I will not ever watch the show again. James should have definitely made the top two, no question. This is a complete farce and totally wrong and I’ve had it. First Adam Lambert goes down and now James Durbin, not to mention a few others that have been screwed like Casey and Daughtry. This just proves my point once again that American Idol is nothing more than a ridiculous popularity contest. If you leave it up to the voters it’s almost always gonna be wrong. The judges should have the final decision, or at least a say in what happens other than one save per year.
Goodbye. You will not be missed!!!!!
lol…good one Mandy…and that goes to all that hated the results and don’t wanna watch AI again and nagging about who should have gone long time and who should have stayed, and crying over James leaving, blah, blah, blah…c’mon it was the Top4, obviously they were ALL GOOD!! And it’s any of them that’s on line, even if James still made it to Top3 and Haley leaves, you will still complain!! So GET OVER IT!!! That’s how it goes!!!
K … see ya bye.
I agree…it would appear that our votes do not count any more…so very dissapointed with the whole process.
Go away please we won’t miss you or your misguided votes.
So, should we do away with National Elections too? And maybe let a panel of judges decide who gets to be president?
(oops! lol)
That is exactly the way it happens in Canada. We vote for the party…not the Prime minister which is chosen by the party.
How could that be any worse than what we’ve got?
stuff like that happens in a pure vote competetion. GET OVER IT. stop complaining and either watch the show or don’t but stop being so dramatic. obviously the votes were not there for him and that’s just the way it turns out. he made it to the top 4 where all the singers are talented
It doesn’t really matter who wins, it’s about who gets their music played on the radio and who buys their music. Daughtry and Adam Lambert out shine the people who became the idol by a long shot and I consider them the winners – Daughtry and Lambert are probably a lot weathier. Carrie Underwood was an exception to the rule and is probably the most successful American Idol of all time. So don’t feel sorry for James, just buy his music and make him rich. That will prove that he is the winner.
don allen without you watching the show now it will be a lot better
Gosh do you think they will cancel the show because you are not watching any more. P;ease dont hold your breath. That would be dangerous.
The least we should do is to sign a petition to get this voting crap fixed. The public has asked Idol to correct this since Daughtery got voted off. People who vote hundreds of times a night does not represent how many actual people like that contestant. Old people, busy moms putting kids to bed, and people at work can only vote once or twice. They can’t acted like crazed lunatics with the mouse or phone in their hand for 2 straight hours hitting redial! No one voted like that in Season 1 – everyone voted 1-10 times and that was it. Kelly Clarkson was a true representation of getting the most voters NOT VOTES.
Just me spectulating here. I think its going to be an all girl finale because Scotty is beloved by the Country (it is was it is). AI will give the top two record deals automatically. We know Scotty will automatically get a deal if he doesn’t already. Regardless what they tell the public AI is a business the producers can manipulate the results as they wish. So, a girl winner makes sense this year. An all American sweet heart as the Idol and a recording sure winner runner up like Haley, I would place money on it. I am a huge Haley fan and I would like to have her win but she won’t because it wouldn’t work best for marketing (JMHO). Any thoughts. I also like the others BTW..
At this point, I think it will be Scotty and Haley. Scotty and Lauren will share the same voting audience for the most part. Lauren and Haley will share another portion of the voting audience which would like to see a female win. Scotty will be our next American Idol.
The only sure way to ensure a female win is to dump Scotty next round….If the producers want that they will do just that.
agree with you fully…now finally someone is looking beyond the political side of voting which is never revealed.
ktsp10: Very good speculation in my way of thinking. But we really never know how it will play out.
I liked the results last night but I was shocked for sure. For me James was the worst of the top four; often off key. I believe autism is unfortunatly over-diagnosed these days. And guess what? Sob stories are getting very old. I like the top three and don’t care who wins but I predict a Scotty – Haley final. Scotty gets the girl/country votes and Haley gets the rocker votes. I loved BOTH her performances the other night and for me, she was the only one who nailed both songs. The Lady Gaga song was awesome even though I’d never heard it before – liked it much better than the version we saw last night! Nice to see Lauren stepping out of her zone, and Scotty is just cute. So who wins it all? Probably Haley.
Scotty I beleive will win the Idol Thats a good thing
So is catching a horrific disease.
Corey Save that response for your school teacher, so you can explain it
Tel ’em like it is Anita! Sob stories are already getting overused. Let talent be the basis.
IMHO sob stories were what jinxed James, Crystal and Danny G.
Everyone has had a hard time in their lives. I think it really turns people off when anybody says they are doing it for the money. It was like asking for a handout on the street corner. It should be about singing…not who is the most broke.
Haley n Scotty does not deserve to be in top 3. No point of watching American idol anymore. Disappointing. No quality if either these 2 becoming the next idol.
cry baby ohhhhhhhh
pathetic loser go haley….
Yes … good bye Haley
Keep strong CJ.. By the way, did you like the cartoon pic above of Haley? What a beauty…ha
Hahaha, I laughed my @$$ off. Funny stuff, all of them. They made Lauren’s face droop, Scotty is the Mad Magazine kid mixed with Dumbo, and Haley has yes, horse teeth. That’s the point of caricatures!
lol………..everyone has there taste anyone who says America got it wrong is a self righteous retard! Just cause your favorite left something must be wrong with the system? Come on ….if you don’t want your favorite go…….vote vote vote……..zzzzzzz it’s about time for all girl finale……….
How can you lament on the voting when you never even know the absolute results…The numbers are never published…We haven’t o accept they are real….guess what…They are not real…
Only HALEY can win. She is A true star. Scotty is one trick poney & boring. Lauren is not ready. HALEY has an amazing voice, an outstanding range, excellent musical intelligence, is a risk taker, is smart, is compassionate, has wonderful fashion sense AND she is beautiful and an incredible performer. HALEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was very upset about James leaving. I like Scotty and Lauren. but James was so much better. as for Haley she is NO American Idol in my book. I don’t care for her voice how she shouts instead of sings even the judges notice that much. but the way she spoke to the Judges was wrong they were trying to help. I wouldn’t want my children to act like her so i hope she is the next to go……
me too!!!!!! Go Scot McCreery see ya tomorrow Bo at the concert in Garner,NC
IGNORE the ignorant.. I just have to keep doing this!
Garner Town rockin wide open right now Come Home Scotty We Love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most likely going with a Scotty vote Most weeks we do hes the best and now looking at who is left it would surprise me if he didnt win the comp
AMEN to that. I live only an hour away and my family and I plan to be right there. Go Scotty you are a blessed young man.
go haley! next time scotty will go home even though i thought he would go home this week. but i cant believe
james went home this week
Believe it. Next will be Haley
Lauren Alaina Suddeth is in it to win it baby!!!!! Haha can’t wait for next week!!!
I agree Lauren should win. No one can question her talent . She has the most potiental for sucess. I cannot find any flaws that time will not take care of . Sure ,she is young ,but what a voice. Such charm and beauty.What is not to love ? Her parents must be so proud . Haley surly has talent and ia cute ,but not the charm and natural beauty or the humble heart. Scotty unusual talent will make lots of money as he should . At this point all will do well. Being a southern white boy I just seem to go more for girls. Am I forgiven for these natural feelings ?
Both Scotty and Lauren cannot legally sign recoding contracts until they are 18…I think that puts it Haley’s way.
I wish Lauren Scotty was tested more to see if they had a humble heart like Haley has been. they received little to no critism by the judges or the public. I would have loved to see them get a reality check with fame comes critism from everyone fans and foes. I have my doubts that either one of them could handle it any better than Haley has and that it not to say Haley had weak moments but she has held up very well under pressure.
Danming: Jordin Sparks won AI at the age of 17
Danming and ktsp10 You are both wrong they have parents, Never heard of diagnous to establish a humble heart. A humble heart is aquired thru personal growth, which does not come from an attitude, a disrespect for guidence (Because they think they above any suggestion), but you probably know all about these ailments along with test for a humble heart
DanMing; tell that to Justin Beiber, Alison Iraheta, every kid who ever worked for Disney, Leann Rimes, Jackie Evancho etc.
Danming: Under age Idol contestants’ parents have always done the contracting.
Yes! Lauren Alaina all the way!! Such a beautiful young lady with great talent! She’s an inspiration to all the youngsters out there! Beautiful vocals + beautiful appearance = TOTAL WINNER!! Go Lauren!!
YEEESSSS!!! Lauren Alaina, such a sweetheart! I swear whoever updated this website and posted comments about Lauren Alaina POSSIBLY be going home and James Durbin 100% safe, well IN YOUR FACE!! C’mon i think America just spoke out that James D is not an American Idol item!! i love the guy but his performance on Wed was just the same as every other week!! We saw Haley, Scotty and Lauren changing from genres to genres and getting out of their comfort zones but James just had to stick to his old rock moves!! I feel for the guy but what’s done is done!! So i’m excited for next week and i hope Lauren will bring more of her vocals as she did Wed, there’s so much power and passion there and i know she’ll make it!!!!
I am done. James was the only performer on the show . He was original and exciting every week. Scotty is one of a million country singers, nothing special. Both girls can sing, but not outstanding performers. It’s over for me.
I feel the same..
I am finished watching also… first Chris Daughtry and now James Durbin, hopefully James will have a similar shining career like Daughtry and also be an inspiration to those with disabilities and people NOT born with a silver spoon in their mouths!!!!!
More ignoring…
Absolutely Julie: He was the package. Maybe from time to time he was a “little” pitchy. Lopez said once how difficult it was to dance/move around and sing. He pushed the envelope with every single performance.
I’d imagine it isn’t to difficult to stand in one spot with your arm stuck out and sing. Yes that one can sing but attitude up the wazoo.
I’d imagine it isn’t to hard to sit on a darn stool with soft sounding ballads week after boring week and not sound pitchy. Yes he can sing but does the words “comfort zone” mean anything to anybody.
The other girl (you figure it out) has a beautiful voice but is not ready emotionally.
Tata American Idol.
Goodbye, y’all! You all sound like sore losers. The remaining three are talented as well and you don’t have to watch AI anymore. I wonder if they will miss you? Somehow I think not.
Agree Anita, goodbye and good riddance.
The line forms. Make sure the football you take home is yours.
Templar, you always make me laugh. Do ya ever just wish these people would just go already? I’ve been trying to catch up with Coondog for 2 days. And all these people who seem to feel the need to tell us they are leaving & why, keep the threads going so that I can’t find him.
Maybe Matt or Branden could place a note on the front of their posts saying… If you are leaving, don’t go away mad, just go away.
James should have been the number one!!!!!Scotty wasn’t out of his own comfort zone enough….James,did a little bit of all kinds of music……..Scott should been the one to leave!!!!As for the girls;they are good, but James had it over everyone, with his talent,heart, and soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James deserves a place in the final over all…
I’m hoping Lauren takes it all the way. Go Lauren go I’m rooting & voting for you. You Go Girl.
What a lovely thought !! I agreeeeee !!!!
I 2 am going for Lauren Haley has a attitude problem she can not take Critisium to well
I bet she could spell it proper
I’m going for Haley, Lauren has image issues and performed terribly the last few weeks.
noone in particular, I wouldn’t be going down the improper spelling road. You aren’t exactly the king of grammar. You should have said “properly”, as in an adverb modifying the verb “spell”. Don’t criticize others’ comments unless you are absolutely sure you did not make any mistakes yourself.
Voting James off with that bogus talley of votes is the last straw for me. I could care less what CMT Idol produces.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one who feel that way about James leaving….
Boo Hoo ! So sorry ,you lose .
Again… James was not voted off. He was just not voted on. Just like many before him & two more after him.
Come on people leave Haley alone,she has been put down by the judges week,after week and she just climbs back up and produces a show stopper,that takes guts.I am not from amercia so i cannot vote,Go Haley go i wish you luck.
Your American votes are all a bunch of losers. The best performer and singer by far was James. American Idol, your ratings are going down. Myself and millions of others think your show is a joke. In our eyes James was the winner hands down.
James, you were the best and still the best…
Votes don’t lie . Wake up and smell 4th place.
for all we know the votes are never revealed and never counted….how can anyone comment on that????
james is not the best singer. learn how to listen (and not always to the judges)
Jame is a very good singer, but to be consistant.. IGNORE! 🙂
If you are so much smarter than Americians why don’t you make you own show and watch it ??
Luckily James’ voters will vote for Haley… Hope to see a Scotty/Haley finale, though I’m going to Lauren’s concert tomorrow..
Just the opposite. All of the Haley drama cost James his hometown hoopla. The backlash will cost Haley votes.
Absolutely. James fans will not blame Scotty who was standing next to him. Everyone expected Haley to go home out of the remaining four. In that case, it will be viewed that the crazed, obsessed Haley fans that hit re-dial hundreds of times Wednesday night messed up the numbers for James. Haley will not get James’s votes. I really think they will not vote at all.
Before anyone freaks out “James’s” is the correct possessive. Lots of misconception about that!
Angela, you’re a real pill…ya know that? Are you going to read all the posts are correct everyone’s grammar?
For all of those who think Haley’s poor attitude and inconsistent singing should have knocked her out, you should all split your votes among Scotty and Lauren. For all of those who thought that James should have been at least in the top 3, and are as upset as me that Haley the poor attitude and poor singer should have gone home, please please PLEASE split your votes among Scotty and Lauren. Otherwise Haley, who should NOT be in the top 3, will end up winning. I am not a fan of James style of singing, but he was way WAY better than Haley, and very much a gentleman when the judges did give him criticism, which was rarely, instead of acting like Haley, who just complained and caused problems. I ask all James fans to watch one more week, split your votes by voting for either Scotty and/or Lauren, and show Haley that bad attitude and poor singing never win!
analyzing the voting patterns is useless with a voting system which never really publishes the results…..I think the voting is to engage the audience….nothing more nor less…
stupid KJ. james was never criticized. who are you to say Haley has a bad attitude?
She, along with hundreds of other bloggers and even radio show hosts, say she has a bad attitude. Where have you the past few weeks?
…then comment? haha
I’m confused how James singing was ‘better’ than Haley’s. James had so many pitch issues it’s ridiculous and the way he treated the kids in Hollywood week just shows that he’s not the perfect, amazing, awesome, soft hearted person everyone thinks he is.
Perfect KJ!!!!!! If everyone will just vote for Scotty or Lauren (either is fine), we won’t have to see Haley’s arrogant attitude and hear her cat in heat screaching again!
angela james: Stop this please? It doesn’t help Lauren or Scotty.
Scotty & Haley for the final!!! Have been told you people, that kids have the unique voices! Awesome! 🙂
Well, it’s been a pleasure! Thanks all for some memorable comments and pointless arguments. It was a very nice read on a boring day in the office.
Wish all 3 remaining contestants all the best in their music adventures.
Unfortunately for me, my idol is gone, and I do not enjoy either of top 3 enough to waste hours of my time to follow up on them and the show.
This was a first time for me to watch the show past qualifiers and a memorable one for sure.
Thank you James for this wonderful ride!
Does your boss know that you spend boring days at the office posting comments?
Well, what a surprise! This is almost as surprising as Pia being eliminated… I have been thinking about the situation and have considered the following possibility… Simon mentioned once that there is a “sympathy vote” for those who are criticized. The worse they get ‘beat up’ by the judges, the more votes they get. Well, if so, then the judges want Haley to win. Logical? Keep an eye in this.
… My next thought is about the unfair voting situation. The producers seem to be very concerned with the ‘total number of votes’ coming in each week. Ryan proudly announces it to open each show. We are intelligent enough to realize that many people (kids) sit and vote for the whole allotted time over and over. This is unfair. We do not all have the time to do this. If the voting is going to be fair, and if the person the most people want is going to win, then the votes should be limited to one per voting method. Nearly everyone has their own cell phone these days.
… My new top three preferrences:
1. Scotty
2. Lauren
3. Haley
agreed ….23 million viewers and 70 million votes? however the vote numbers are never released…so it is all moot anyway.
i am a adult . i have and you have the same amount of time as teens to vote , just because you don’t use your whole time don’t blame the results on kids.
THOSE WHO CARE VOTE AS MUCH as they can . those of you who don’t care just cry. boo hoo !!!
I was shocked to see James go home last night, but no more so than seeing Pia leave before Jacob or Casey. Haley should have left with those two, they all like to scream and/or growl. Haley looked like she was making fun of the country song she was singing last night. Why is it that if you aren’t a rocker or pop singer, you aren’t cool in some of fans books. There are all types of music out there and country is a huge part of it. I am also tired of reading comments about the ages, Haley is only 20 herself, they are all still kids. Very proud to see that Lauren and Scotty don’t feel the need to hide their Christians values, it is what is lacking in America today. No matter who wins it has been an awesome Idol season and I feel sure we will be hearing from several of the ones that were voted off in the past weeks. I am guessing that on the final show we will still get to see James sing with Steven. My pick is Lauren, she is from my neck of the woods so it is fitting to pick our hometown hero.
the Christian Right is neither
The Christian Right is neither what?
think about it
So ,then the sinner is LEFT. So sorry.
I think they mean, that because of all the trash talk and unchristian like posts , and then praise another contestant because they are christian …that it is kind of an oxymoron , to say ‘the Christian Right’….
they’re saying you can’t be both in this context…
at least that’s what I get out of it…
{and who is to say who is or isn’t Christian anyways… does it matter? … was this a religious contest?}
BIG HUGE IGNORE.. ignorant
“Very proud to see that Lauren and Scotty don’t feel the need to hide their Christians values, it is what is lacking in America today.”
@Sandi, I am glad you said that. May God still wants to save America. In fact, it is His Will to save all people.
Okay James, everyone has worked damn hard as you said last night.
True.. good point
I expect two things to happen:
1) Haley to take it all
2) After about a year or so you will never hear from James again.
agree. he will join some rock band and maybe bring some of his following with him. but most people wont care enough to follow.
You’re almost right —Lauren takes it !!!! scotty and Lauren go on to be bigger and in a year or two no more James Or Haley . It,s called supply and demand. No market for spoiled brats or twisted rockers. Only metal in demand is gold.
Possibly but I suspect next Thursday night, just like all the James supporters last night, you’ll be wiping tears from your eyes as well but don’t fear you won’t be alone JLo and Randy will be right there with you.
You don’t know Haley personally. Just because she is a huge threat to your precious country kids doesn’t mean she’s a spoiled brat. Look at Lauren and how excited she was that she made it. She didn’t care about what the others were thinking just that she’s awesome and all that.
See how easy it is to make sh** up? Watch how excited Lauren was when Haley made it. She was ecstatic, almost more so than when Scotty was announced to be in the top 3. Lay off the personal insults. You don’t know her, you know nothing about her and you are just parroting w/e you hear because she’s not your cup of tea. You don’t have to like her, but you don’t have to constantly bash her either. And do you have any idea how many ‘spoiled brats’ are famous and have recording contracts? That comment is ignorant and pathetic.
I saw an interview on TV today while waiting for my oil change. He said he doesn’t want to sing solo. He wants to be the frontman of a band and he is bringing his best friend as his guitarist. He also said he will do his love…heavy metal. I won’t be buying it…
Love all the comments…but the bottom line is I guess James didn’t get the votes. Most of you who complain…don’t vote!!! I love Scotty and I voted for 2 hours…DID YOU ! Probably not. SOOO the last thing you should do is tell America they got it wrong. ALso the ones who say Haley will get James votes..I don’t agree. Mainly because like most of you…once your pick is either don’t watch anymore or you don’t vote anymore. If you voted at allllll. I know if Scotty goes home..I will watch…but I won’t stay on the phone for 2 hours voting for someone I don’t care for. Anyway its just another year of Idol.. you either enjoy the show..or you don’t. Once this is over I will enjoy “America’s got talent” ..Life goes
well said
The elimination of James, is as stupid and picking Tyler Hicks as an idol.
Watch the replay, scotty might get eliminated. Its all over so just watch next week.
Well said Sue, I think you are exactly right. There are voters, I heard, say they wanted a Haley/James finale so Haley will probably get there votes.
Haley’s got my votes now…….
Someone on the last page mentioned that this season has been very disappointing and to a certain degree, they’re correct. However, what they said about Haley is completely INCORRECT. Women have such a hard time seeing Haley up there because (and I got into a big discussion yesterday about this) most women/girls are supremely jealous of Haley because she’s beautiful and she has one of the most unique, signature voices in this competition, next to the late Pia’s. When you’re sitting at home on your couch with the green eyes of envy, it’s easy to find something wrong in Haley, whether it be performance related or personality related, as she’s got a ton going for her – it’s just how women act (I’m not being chauvinistic by any means.) Also, it disturbs me that people think that Haley is being malicious or secretly enthralled when one of her fellow contestants and friends are voted off. You should know by now that that’s just Haley’s personality – she’s always optimistic about things and tries to take things in a good way and stay cheerful about it. It’s even more disturbing that people try and twist it around like that! Anyways, Let’s take a look back at the season so far and see just what a roller coaster ride it has been:
1. Pia Toscano is prematurely voted off. One too many ballads, yes, but that voice! Incredibly rich and full, her and Haley had the best voices out of the group of girls! But, she’s that little bit older than the rest of them and is much more classy about everything so, no BFF votes for her like Lauren has, which is sadly why she is still in.
2. Casey Abrams is voted off not once, but twice. Yes, CASEY! The bearded fellow we all fell in love with ever since he stepped onto the audtition stage in his Carrhart work jeans. By far, he was THE MOST talented performer in the group – he played every instrument under the sun – and the way he arranged and interpreted songs was absolutely incredibly and next to none. The top three have yet to fully replicate the magic that Casey brought to that stage. Yes, what a shame he got the boot, but we have Lauren instead! We also had Jacob too! How fantastic! (rolls eyes) Casey, my greatest respects to you as a musician, and I know that with your contagious personality and your unrivaled musical abilities you will for sure land a spot with a record label.
3. James Durbin, the light at the end of the tunnel for all metal fans, is extinguished. No big deal whatsoever that he was (next to Casey) the most forward thinking when it came to performances. James possesed a special metal-influenced talent which enabled him to take a normal, corny old love song (Love Potion Number Nine) and turn it into a thumping old school metal masterpiece. James, I highly doubt you will read this, but last night my heart all but broke for you. You did truly deserve to be in the Top 2 (with Haley, thank you). In your honour, last night I cranked up Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue, Come On Feel The Noize by Quiet Riot, and Skin O’ My Teeth by Megadeth. When I see someone who holds so much enthusiasm and extreme potential such as James does, I realize that metal is all but dead. GIVE METAL A CHANCE!
So, I guess we can bank on seeing a certain curly blonde haired someone and a getting-old-quick cowboy in the finale whose place sadly would’ve been filled by either Casey or James…disappointing a little bit, this season is. Anyways, back on the Haley train of thought, for those of you who ‘can’t stand’ Haley’s voice, listen to Rolling in The Deep by Adele and try NOT to hear Haley’s voice in it. I dare you, haters.
one flower does not make the garden. I could listen to some other songs and still hear Haley in it.
Regarding your No. 1. Lauren has Natural Beauty and is a fresh young lady who would make the perfect person to wear the title of American title. Haley is full of pep and sexy but lacks the inner and outer beauty of Lauren. This is my opinion, and of course you have yours—both are just personal opinions.
@ruth sharp Right, we do have our own opinions, but Lauren? The one who wears about fifty tons of fake tan, is loaded with eyeliner and has had to have been put on a crazy diet, the one who can’t confidently respond to the judges questions….yeah, I don’t think she’s the one yet. She’s a good singer but her range is the size of Haley’s pinky finger. For that reason alone I don’t know why she’s stayed in the place of Casey, James, Pia – even Stefano! And @fairlady, I didn’t mean JUST Rolling In The Deep, I meant that most likely, a fair amount of these people hating on Haley are probably into Adele – I was comparing Haley to Adele, as she has such a similar voice, and was trying to show that people don’t actually hate Haley if they love Adele. That’s all 😀
What 16 year old girl wouldn’t have crash dieted after reading blogs from haters who called her fat all the time. My teenage daughter is very tall and thin, but I can’t imagine what it would do to her to be called fat in front of the nation.
Its funny you say that because I was listening to the radio and Rolling in the Deep came on and I thought wow that sounds like Haley and listened to it all the way through and was quite impressed as that was the first time i ever heard Adele on the radio. Also saw her on Dancing with the Stars and she is awesome live as well.
I know, right? She has SUCH potential if people already recognize her sound 🙂
Wow! You actually wrote an essay just to tell us that Haley is in for the finals…which she probably won’t 🙂 just saying!!
Actually with James gone there Haley has a very good chance of being in the finals. Bring tissues next week as we say good bye to either Lauren or Scotty. Just sayin…
Matt@ In your article above..what is close shop?
“Close shop” like to shut down or end what you’re doing. Sort of like “close the store and go home.”
I can’t believe how this is turning out. AI has gone so far downhill, I can’t believe it will survive to next season. First Pia going home, and now James Durbin. This SHOULD have been a Pia & James finale, IF we were looking at talent. Instead it is popularity contest and so upsetting. Last season Adam Lambert losing, and the Daughtery issue before, these are all signs that AI is just NOT working. I am done with the show, I just can’t watch anymore.
I guess I will have to see how Simon Cowell does with X-Factor, maybe that will be a real talent contest, instead of this AI mess.
I am sure that James will do fine.
Scotty does not deserve to be in the finale, he is a “good” singer, but no WOW factor, he just does not have moments, he just has consistency. He deserves to go to Nashville and record, but not winning AI.
I thought Nigel was going to revive AI to something workable, but he failed unfortunately.
Such a shame, and I think they have lost a lot of viewers. And they really need to revamp the voting system, limit it to one vote per phone #, PERIOD. There was not 70 million people voting, but a lot of people calling for the entire 2 hour period. It skews things so badly, that this is what we end up with, a totally botched show.
Goodbye American IDOL.
Bob in Maryland
No one else seems to realize that it’s not a singing competiton anymore, and I commend you for saying what you did, Bob. I actually think it should’ve been Haley and Casey, or Casey and James. So, if we want any last scrap of talent to end off the year with, then VOTE FOR HALEY THIS WEEK!
Bye Bye Bobby Boy. If you can’t get the votes you don’t win.
Some realize it.. it’s a performance and voter fan base..
Only young teenagers can sit with a phone or mouse in hand frantically voting for 120 straight minutes. That leaves out seniors, middle aged people, and people at work who will just vote once for their favorite. In season 1, the number of votes was very close to the number of viewers. That means the results were valid…the person won who had the most PEOPLE vote for them.
If Canada could vote, Haley would win. Just saying.
then again…maybe she should come here…all our talent heads south anyway….they seem to LUV us!!
X2! I’m here as well and for some reason all of us Canadians seem to love Haley, whereas America can’t really stand her.
Whoa! Hey there Corey I am an American and I hung on every word you said about Casey, and I have ALWAYS been amazed and impressed with Haley…ALWAYS. You kind of lost me on the James thing, he just didn’t blow my hair back, nor does metal really. I’m getting old I guess…
I am Canadian and I don’t like her music.
Ok, big whoop, my comment was generalized….
canada knows good music. thats why we kicked Bieber out of our country 🙂
haha…good one Jeremy… best of the site!
@Jeremy: “Niiiicccccce!!” (South Park style, old episode)
I am so sad that James has been voted off, but shocked, nah! Personally I think they should change the format of the show and let the judges make the decisions. All 4 of the remaining singers are super, but James and Haley stand out for me. Scotty is a cutie, but I can’t stand watching him, have to close my eyes. Lauren is lovely, but she sounds the same ever single time. James will have a career, no doubt about it… his would be the only CD I’d spend my money on.
i would never buy a james CD. he is a good performer. that is all. so a concert– maybe. but not a CD.
if the judges made the decisions we would have a stefano, casey, naimo final
Are you crazy, “let the judges make the decision” these judges are inept and American said as much last night! Last night votes said to the judges you are UNFIT to be judges! They praised James Durbin from the very beginning, never a bad word from his first interview and last night America said UP YOURS!
Scotty and Lauren are head and shoulders above Haley. Everyone has a favorite and is sad when they are voted off. I will be sad when one of mine is voted off but confident the other will prevail. go Scotty!!!! go Lauren!!!!
Lauren and Scotty, Country Superstars. Lauren is the next Carrie Underwood. Hoping this year a female/ male country. James is awesome and will do good, Pia will do good and Haley.
I respect your opinion on your favorites but factually there are a lot more people that want to listen to Haley’s music. Check out youtube and the number of viewers she has in comparison to Lauren. I am not saying Lauren doesn’t have a nice voice but Haley’s songs are being listened to more as well as her itunes she has outnumbered everyone. As a matter of fact Lauren herself admitted Haley has the best voice on AI and she has downloaded all her itunes and listens to them.
I was thrown through a loop last night. I was predicting a James/Scotty finale, but now I honestly can’t say for sure whose going to be in the finale. I’ll wager a guess and say it’s going to be a Haley/Scotty finale, but I’m not going to put money on that as I thought James was going to be crowned this years American Idol. First Pia and now James. American Idol needs to look at first whose voting, and how many times that they are voting, and double check and make sure that there aren’t any technical problems with the voting system. One thing that they need to do is put a limit on how many times someone can vote from a certain phone line.
@shawn ‘One thing that they need to do is put a limit on how many times someone can vote from a certain phone line.’ AGREED. That way we most likely would still have James, Casey, Pia. All massive, massive talents that simply got flushed because of the popularity status of some performers. I mean, come on people, don’t tell me that Scotty’s performances were fantastic? Especially not the second one! Whereas James cranked it out for BOTH. He should still be here…. 🙁
when Pia Tosca-no was voted off i thought that was the end of the show for me. however, i continued to watch it. later on my heart felt towards Haley, she is beautiful, she is talented and her voice is superb. even though Randy keeps on pounding criticism on her he managed to come to this far, couldn’t believe it. Scotty the country guy is good but he is just another country guy and its boring to hear always country, country, country. do some thing different next time if you want to win the idol. Lauren not better than Haley for sure. and it’s a wise thing for american’s to voted off James Durban the creamer. he is relented, but he didn’t realize that many american has now turning on to much sentimental rock, pop and R n B numbers.
I’m sitting here, chillin, listening to my Haley itunes, over and over, enjoying every note.
I have to keep laughing at some of these juvenile posts. Hate this, best ever, most sales, AI rigged, ugly, bad attitude, country bumpkins,etc.
The haters, flamers, and trolls are out in full force the last couple days. I even had to laugh at myself for how angry I let myself get at Randy for his public thrashing of Haley Wednesday night. It is afterall only a tv show. AI theatrics at its best. Not fair to Haley, but she is tough as nails, HOTRS I who have nothing. This is American Idol love it or leave it LOL
Too many youngsters that have no clue what they are voting for. All 4 are great singers. Lauren to immature, Scotty has come a long way but we have a lot of country and I’m a country fan. Haley and James had the best originality for music. James had the best stage presence. It’s almost like the judges “jinx” singers … they made the statement Daughtry went out at #4 … just not right.
@Linda Thank you. No one seems to understand that Lauren is nowhere near the performance level of Haley, Casey, James, or Pia, and is not ready to hit the bright spotlight of the music industry – maybe in a couple of years, but not right now. Scotty, even thought he has a gift in his voice, is just – at the end of it all – more country music. I think the cruddy music industry could really use a positive and musical boost right now (we have Eminem, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, David Guetta, and Lady GaGa on the charts) with someone as unique and talented as Haley.
and then you woke up, just realise that those were only your hopes NOT REALITY!!! I think Lauren is a sweetheart and that her vocals are WAY better than Haley…Haley should have good home LONG TIME AGO!!!
Think what you want, but just try and push out the fact that Lauren cut out a whack of the high notes in Unchained Melody simply because she is not talented enough just yet. With time she’ll build up her support and be able to get it, but the other thing is that she’s not yet mature enough to sing that song where it is supposed to come from – you heart. Also, the one song she sang on Wednesday (forget what it was – see? A forgettable performance) she was all but yelling to try and make an attempt at hitting the top notes. Haley on the other hand, well, nails all the notes. No, it is not screaming. It’s called having a cool, crisp, clean, and smoky voice that no one else has. It’s so different that it’s easy to label as bad. Give it time, and then watch out. Hehe 😀
Moa, go listen to Trouble one more time. Her vocals are so off. Both Lauren and Scotty had a very VERY Tim Urban performance on Wednesday and got nothing from the judges.
I hope Haley wins AI, with a Lauren v Haley finaly.
I honestly think american people dont know how to vote, james durbin is the best singer on american idol and it wa very unfare for him to be out, the other three contestant doesnt have what it takes to win american idol
James wasn’t a great singer, he was a great entertainer big difference.
Right on. Good to see intelligent commentary.
Incredible isn’t it? I thought a lot of followers will be leaving American Idol already. I see a lot of “I will never watch this show again ever!” comments, and yet…
I’m glad James is out. Any of the three remaining finalists to win is good.
Lauren and Scotty are Country Superstars, awesome role models. James and Pia, also awesome, they both will do good!Lauren is the next Carrie Underwood, it will be wonderful if 2 Country singer’s get it, female/ male
Scotty will make a singing career if he gets the idol name or not. Since you have a voice like Paul Brandt I think you would be comfortable singing a few of his songs…such as:
When You Call My Name
We Didn’t Even See the Dust
Higway Patrol
The Little Space Between
You have a unique voice along with your sense of humor! I am impressed to see how relaxed you are all the time, not getting so excited! That is what Lauren should do also, if she doesn’t make it…she is setting herself up for a big downfall! The judges are overdoing it by yelling out how good they are, and saying “You Are It”, “That is the best Performance We Have Ever Had On This Stage”etc.
This years judges and talent is the best. All the other years it was sooo easy to see who would make it, not this year. Lauren and Scotty, Country superstars, James was outstanding along with Pia. Haley needs to be consistant, and watch music selection, some songs she nails!
And actually discussing the article! 3 songs of those choosing, I hope they are exciting songs.. of course, there will be a few slow ones mixed in.. but good to see 3 songs by each.. I think that’s great!
Hot Off the Press Breaking News (especially for SF Bay Area Idol Fans):
For the first time in their history, American Idol is going to sponsor an eliminated contestant for their homecoming concert. Durbin Day in Santa Cruz is back on tomorrow and he will be performing live and for free at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with the White Album Ensemble (including former members of the Doobie Brothers, Quicksilver, Snail and The Little River Band). Google The Santa Cruz Sentinel for confirmation and more details. Go James!!!!
Great for James!
James would be sooo inspiring, about his life, 2 health issues, in a movie about Autism. His life from beginning to now!The movie could be the best inspiration out there!
A true story, about James life!
Sympathy concert hu…
No sympathy concert…..I think AI realizes that they lost a ratings asset. People were watching just to see what James would sing… now they are promoting his hometown concert….
He was way overrated, I read a article from a concert promotor that stated he has promoted many Jouney cover bands who performed “Can’t Stop Believing” as good if not better then James did. That is not what American wants to hear and they wisely stated that last night! Now if Santa Cruz, with the backing of American Idol, want to promote a charity concert for those afflicted with a Mental Illnesses that’s a great and smart idea.
I’m glad to hear that your voting for Haley now Phyllis!
I had a feeling James would get his own concert in Santa Cruz. I liked him the last few weeks because he was not doing Heavy Metal. I also think that his story would make a great movie.
Wow what a shocker. Having to see Scotty perform yet another stale safte performance over someone exciting really sucks. Previous seasons country stars have been faced with challenges of trying to alter a song to fit them. Scotty hasn’t had to do that once. In the genre of music they pick and songs he is allowed to pick from he has been able to find a country song each and every time. Bucky Covington and Josh Gracin had to alter songs, struggle to fit their voice with a particular music type. They showed they could take risks. It may have been hit or miss but they were challenged. This year I don’t see that. This year I see the judges putting down girls and pumping up the boys who have the same flaws. Stephano sang the same type of songs over and over again yet he was wonderful and JLo just loved him. Pia did the same thing and she got crap for it each time. Really? They are far from consistant as far was what they want each singer to do. James comes out high energy with Journey. Next Hailey slows it down and gets crap. Oh guess what Scotty did the same thing but he was great. Nice safe choice Scotty picking a 9/11 song when you were only 6. Even if he blew it they wouldn’t dare give bad comments. He didn’t blow it but he sure didn’t perform any better or more exciting then Hailey. He has progressed at all. He is at the same level as when he first started. Perhaps since he hasn’t struggled to pick through songs to fit him is why he has not grown as an artist. And can someone please direct him as to hold a microphone?! OMG he looks like a T-Rex dinosaur holding it that way. If he thinks its a signature move, its lame. Even Lady Gaga tried to fix it. I don’t know I was hesistant about this season and then had hope but after the past 5 weeks I’m going to say its dissapointing. The judges dissapoint and are way to bias and song selections were lame and didn’t offer enough challenges as it did in the pass. Sucks for the singers because they are doing what they set out to do. Oh and enough of the bragging on votes. It’s not like they had 70 million people watching. I voted for Hailey over a hundred times in 30 minutes one night. They should do like other shows and only allow one phone call from one phone line. It would be interesting to see how much that number drops. I’ve always been a big fan of idol but this year I’m just not feeling the show. I have enjoyed most of the performers but somethings need to change.
Just IGNORE.. and this is a Scotty basher this time and not Haley, humpf
Not true… I don’t mind Scotty however I don’t feel as though he has been challenged nor has he receieved and helpful criticism to force him to grow. He is the same performer now as when he started. Reach for more is all I’m saying even if you fall show some sort of growth. The judges don’t tell him that but have told everyone else that such as Hailey, Pia, Lauren, and Jacob. Lets just keep it real with all contestants.
you are so right Nicole…be consistent with the judging. The whole Randy/Jlo bias crap has ruined Idol, and jaded a lot of these young performers…especially since neither one can sing a lick themselves!
Nicole, you really need to think before you post such nonsense. One of the reasons the show is so good this year is because the country singers can stay in their genre and not be forced to sing something they don’t fit. Are you suggesting that Scotty should be forced to sing rock? If so, then James should be forced to sing country. You’re showing your ignorance saying Scotty is boring. I’m not a country fan myself, but I can appreciate his mastery of the genre. I think all 4 would make fine idol winners but unfortunately only one will win.
I agree with Nicole. Country is huge and has so many great songs and great sounds. Scotty is exactly the same as he was when he started and so is Lauren because they never took any risks, they never did anything to stretch themselves to grow as artists. Randy and Jennifer have a lot of blame to take there, but they are in the top 3 now. Being a country singer isn’t enough to justify winning the competition. Neither of them bring anything new to the genre.
Tropo… I am not suggesting that anyone sing what is not their genre, merely stating in the past country singers have been challenged to take a genre of music and make it their own. Years past they had a country week in which primarily rock genre singers would make a country song their own. All I’m saying is Scotty never had to struggle to make something his own rather perform at a mild pace of what a country great did in the past. You can stay in your genre type yet be challenged to be creative to make something your own. Yes Scotty’s season finale will be boring compared to performace James, Casey, or Paul would put forth. I like country music. I like Scotty. But do I think he has grown or will bring anything new in the next 2 weeks? Very doubtful but since I watch the show I hope he proves me wrong but if not then thank God for my DVR!
You are oh so right Nicole
oldsklgal, You are so right. Scotty is solid and not only do I love too hear him sing, but I have a lot of respect for him as well.
Sorry, I meant my reply for the commment below,
Nicole and others….apparantly there are very many out there (and I am one of them) that don’t believe that Scotty is boring….thinks he has a fantastice voice and will (win or not) grow in time. However, none of them are ripe just yet…and need to grow. Remember, each time you same something, you are stating a personal opinion. I thought James was okay but I got a little migrane from hearing him scream out some of his songs. I am not into that at all. As for Lady Gag (a)….thank God Scotty didn’t get swayed by her…I stand by my word…she is a freak. She not someone that I would want as a mentor or role model for any child/teenager.
@CarolAnn: Totally agree w/the Lady Gaga comment. She is a freak.
I believe Scotty will go to Nashville and be very successful. I attended a Cari Underwood concert right after she won Idol. I was so disappointed but he appeared to be such a nice young lady I figured she would groww. Went again a year later, what an amazing performer. She just needed time. Scotty will be amazing.
I think the difference between the judging is respect. Scotty is a very nice, respectful young man (with the judges), Jacob and Haley both were/are so arrogant and both have attitude. I will not forget the comment Jacob made about the man in the mirror and has yet to apologize to America. Haley has such an attitude and has had one since day one.
I was a James fan but do like Scotty, he will now get all my votes.
swearing is a sin
I agree Allison,my vote will be for Scotty !!!
scotty has found songs in each of the themes that are comfortable for him. i actually think he is the most natural on stage. thats why he comes off as seeming lazy to some people. he makes it look effortless.
Very very well put. The biggest disappointment this year is the judges. They were so inconsistent. And Jennifer and Randy ought to be ashamed as to how they conducted themselves when it came to critiquing Hayley. Simon, Simon, oh where are you???? At least you were fair and consistent. And you would be all over Scotty at this point in the competition. He is sooooo one-dimensional. UGH!!! And what a boring finale this will be without James.
I meant to point out that Nicole knows what she is talking about.
Simon would have been criticizing james for his lack of vocal control, Haley for growling a little too much at times, and Lauren for always playing it safe and being boring. If simon were still on the show, I think all of the contestants would have taken his advice and improved themselves. JLO and Steven tyler are almost as bad as ellen. But atleast ellen had no real frame of reference, Steven tyler arguably knows the most about being a singer out of all three of them. JLO shouldnt even be on the show, Shes an awful singer. And what the hell is up with randy’s attitude this season? Its like now that simons gone randy thinks he has the right to say whatever he wants. Idol needs judges that are popular in the music industry TODAY, Rather than washed-up musicians and singers still trying to stay relevent. Look at the voice for christs sake, Cee Lo green, Christina Alguilara, Blake Shelton, Adam levine are a very diverse group of people that all know what they are talking about.
Scotty is a natural singer, and a very young 17 yr old one at that. He has always been consistant in his performance and has even stepped it up by engaging his audience. This young man we are watching will one day be in the Country Western Hall of Fame, and be referred to as one of the Country’s singing legends. That is why he is so popular, we all see it happening right before our eyes. Lauren she is cute but lacks self confidence in her singing abilities and it shows. Haley come on she is one of the shows most inconsistant singers. Scotty McCreery will be achieve super star status, we all know this.
Simon ALWAYS wanted a country male singer to win American Idol – I think that in the case of Scotty, he would have to go with the flow on this one, as the girls seem to love Scotty and he could not be more country than that…
I do believe that Simon would have given Haley a hard time, too. The difference is he would have been equally harsh to ALL the contestants. A
There is no way he would have gushed over Scotty the way jLo does. Or Lauren…or James.
@ Tanner – Agreed and did you see who they brought in to help mentor the singers. So far The Voice is excellent with great judges and excellent mentors – at least this past week.
I actually believe that the judges were trying to push Haley….. They know they cannot push Scotty….remember we only see what is aired…They clamped down on Lauren too for showing her nervousness and they also came down hard on Scotty for choosing a stupid song a few weeks ago.
this year I think they have been exceptionally supportive….however support can often be misinterpreted and if we do that, then that is our fault.
My honest guess is that they are setting Scotty up for a fall next week because the producers want a female to win……
James could be the next Axel Rose…but that will not work on Idol who the viewers usually vote for someone with fresh ideas…..
Scotty is a reincarnation…nothing new…in fact he is lost in the 70’s along with Randy Travis, George Strait, and Alan Jackson who were all great in their time….I seriously don’t think he has any hope in heck of success on his own especially if he is so set in his ways….he will end up a grocery clerk….
Look, Scotty knows exactly who he is and what kind of entertainer he wants to be….and guess what…he is winning because thousands of people like who he is and the entertainer he is. He is not boring to the people that love him and will buy his music. He will outsell all others whether he wins or loses. The judges know as well as Nigel. Why should they try to remake him. The name of the game is MONEY and he will make them a lot. They know this. Country music does not have a teen male sensation like Taylor Swift was the female teen sensation. Pop music has Justin Bieber. Scotty will tell the story of the teen male and the girls will love it and buy his music. That is the bottom line. Get it!
Mandy, you are wrong and that’s the bottom line. I’m sorry but he is still in the competition because if all the little girls who think he’s “hot” and because if this they sit and vote constantly for 2 hours because he’s a guy with a deep voice. And that’d what AIs voting system needs some work because you can’t even lie and say that Scotty has grown at all. Haley for the new winner!!!!
One of the most thought out and best postings this year.
I watched every minute of AI for the first time in all ten seasons and say that James Durbin was the strongest singer/performer. Scotty has a great voice and at times, Haley blew everyone away, but James never failed. I realize most of the 11 contestants will be offered a contract with someone. But to leave standing Scotty and the two girls, that’s plain wrong. I would never suggest someone tweaked the votes to eliminate a true Rocker, but hey, James stood out over the final four. Very sad for James and the rest of us who believe in him. I will not vote again this season. Like the gal ahead of me–and I’ve said this on line before–allow one vote for a contestant from a designated phone. You could send in a vote for each contestant or just one for the one you want. My sister inferred AI votes were fixed years ago. I never doubted her. Of the final four, we will hear from James very soon as he’s strongly motivated.
You need more than one vote in case there are folk in the same house who want to vote for a different person.
This blog only allows one vote per computer as do many other sites and some – including Idol – allow up to 50 votes from a computer.
As just about every household in the Country has a computer or smartphones, it is the easiest thing in the world to limit votes to that same 50 per IP address and also limit text votes, which is technically possible. Get rid of the phone votes.
Of course, Ryan won’t be able to say we had 70 million votes but as it is the highest rated show on TV when it’s on, what difference does it make?
Advertisers go by viewers and not # of votes. Ford is not aiming its’ car commercials at kids and I would guarantee that the majority of adults who watch are not in the market for a new car. At least none of us are at this point. 🙂
@ David there are ways of limiting cell phone votes as well because all cell phones have a built in machine code address too…but great point you made.
The thing is you really don’t know that the results would be any different if that was how the voting went. I will agree that the outcomes would be seemingly more fair. People say they want the judges to choose who goes home, but after the very biased judges this year playing favorites the entire season I wouldn’t trust them at all.
That all being said, I’m sad James left. I couldn’t ever watch him perform because his antics were so crazy and that one tooth bugged me. But his singing was great (though he did have intonation issues the judges never said anything about). The finale will not be nearly as exciting with him gone.
David P – your comment on James’s tooth really comfirms my impression of the American people being totally superficial people .. but about the voting on this site I would say that I have noticed here are many foreigners voting also, like me, and I would never vote for Scotty or Lauren because country is really an unfamiliar music genre for me. What I mean is that on web sites there are many voters who don’t really reflect the American opinion.
Very, very very well said. From his first day to his most recent performance, I see very little-no improvement. ALL his performances sound almost the same that I can’t distuingish each performance. As Nicole said, I’m not telling him to go to an entirely genre. Rather, couldn’t he insert a little pop or a little rock somewhere and try to be more daring rather than 100% country EVERY SINGLE TIME (ok, except for like 2 times). It’s really sad to see other contestants try SOOO hard to put something new and exciting in each performance while he does the same boring thing over and over again. He doesn’t try as hard as the others and yet he got this far cos of his looks. That’s quite unfair, isn’t it? 🙁
PS: Consistency does not equal to singing the same old boring way every week. Perhaps consistently boring and lacking in performance? Haley’s “inconsistency” for some people = trying something new and exciting every week and showing how she can sing many kinds of songs amazingly.
So after all the whoopla — any of you going to go see the group in concert? A lot of our favorites will be there — mostly losers, though. Only one winner.
Okay. That was sarcastic. Aren’t they all winners. So many were amazing and the rest merely great. I thought this the best season overall in a long time as far as talent. Some of the song choices were weird and that had an affect.
And the judges are inconsistent. But nicer than Cowell. What gives with that? Anyway — I’ll miss Wednesday and Thursday evenings in front of the television when its over.
And I’m going to an Idol concert to see Pia and Karen, Naima and Thea, Casey and Stefano — all of them — but mostly, yes, its true — JAMES!
HIghly doubt I would see them together, they had a lot of trouble harmonizing, solo maybe
I agree the judges were way to inconsistent on so many levels. They need a Simon. Steven Tyler just loved everyone. JLO loved the boys (a little to much I think) and Randy was the king of inconsistency on what he expected from one and was tolerant of other doing the same thing. Perhaps its an example that he is just going through the motions of the show for the money and the passion is gone.
maybe Jimmy could take Randy’s seat next season…
Deni….I have to agree. This season had a lot of great talent…..I think in any other season they could have been the winners…….especially last season…….
Unfortunately the tour is not coming to Vegas (again)….I’ll just wait for James’ concert next year……
I was hoping for one of the locations to be as close as Vegas or SLC but nope. The closest for me is Phoenix I think 🙁 And with summer classes I’m not going to have a lot of time for traveling.
Deni, dear, Karen is not going to be on the Tour. It is the Top 11.
Yes they are all winners and it is now up to them to make their own careers….They have all received great exposure and I applaud the American people for giving that too them all…Right now any of them are only good for a few songs…They will make good backup singers or supporting acts…..but whether they succeed or not is pure speculation…Many good and great singers have failed in the highly competitive music business.
okay people ask your self one many times has james ever been in the bottom.none that I know of haley has been there and so has lauren and scotty. I think James has a contract waiting for him and I will but them even though I don’t care for heavy metal. I really don’t like haley she does not sing that well lauren is still not sure of her self and scotty is better than to 2 girls but I have to say last year a guy one so this year they need a girl to winand I think it will be haley, but iI wised it would have been james and scotty. I am a scotty fan and I am glad he is a Chrisitan. So am I. And proud of it
Ignore.. ignorant.. and speculative
Scotty was NEVER in the bottom! Ryan even said same Thur night. The one time they left him to the end of elimination results, Ryan told everybody that remaining contestants were NOT in the order of the actual vote totals that week (excluing last place of course).
Yes, crazy how he went from never being in the bottom to being off of idol. Considering Idol has control of their first cd it’s best he got voted off so he can do his own thing. But none the less the finally won’t be exciting having Scotty over James.
Big deal
Scotty has never been in the bottom 3 and they are ALL under contract with 19 Productions at least until the end of the Idol Tour.
They tie the winner to a 7-year contract and others they decide to sign after the tour can be tied to them for 3-years.
With upfront record retainer guarantees, promotional money, tour payments and other payments not specified, the winner gets at least $1m in the first year.
Those who reach the top 5 can expect to earn at least $100,000 in the 1st year and 3-4 times that if 19 Productions sign them to a contract.
Very informative. Thank you for that information.
“proud to be a Christian’? Just like Jesus, aye? I don’t think so. Jesus spoke of humility, not pride. “Pride goeth before the fall”.
Excuse me…Scotty has never been in the bottom 3…get the facts straight!
I am also a Christian and proud of it. I not only love Scotty because he is a Christian, but also because he sings from his heart and makes you feel every word. He is also not afraid to sing about God. We need an AI like Scotty who people can look up to. Scotty has and will continue to get all my votes. Scotty is the next AI to me!
I quote your statement “He is also not afraid to sing about God”. That is no.1 reason why I really like Scotty.
Btw, Lauren sang about God also in her song “Anyway”, didn’t she ?. That makes me more like Lauren too.
Dear God, Missed my point. I’m certain you are a good person, a Christian & patriot. But your Man had a problem with ‘pride’, repeated multiple times in His teachings.
Dear GodandLove, Missed my point. I’m certain you are a good person, a Christian & patriot. But our Man had a problem with ‘pride’, repeated multiple times in His teachings.
scotty has never been in the bottom that result show was in random order. the next week ryan even said scotty had never been in the bottom.
I could not care LESS about who “wins” American Idol now. James was the winner and IS the winner in my mind. I have ZERO interest in watching the show now and I will NOT watch again next year because I seriously CANNOT stand to see this kind of stuff. James is tops. James should have won. He was the reason I tuned in every week. James, get that CD out fast, because I’m first in line to buy it. I’m Canadian and can’t vote (which is ridiculous), and it PAINS me that I couldn’t help to vote James into the top. I have NO idea WHAT America was thinking. Utter stupidity. I am heartbroke and I am majorly MAD about this. If James sings in the finale I will watch him ONLY. The rest hold ZERO interest for me.
James is really good no doubt, I agree, but it’s an entertainment show..
It’s American Idol, so your choices are, move down here, taxes are cheaper a.. Petition to call it North America Idol, or how about you start the Canadian Idol then!
duh.. there is a Canadian Idol
I love watching the show and wish I could vote. It would be nice if they did open it up to North America so we Canadians could vote too! Even when we had the Canadian Idol show it was mickey-mouse compared to American Idol. I didn’t even watch it.
Wow. I am Canadian too and your comments are embarrassing.
I agree with Tess. What was American voters thinking??? I never used to watch Idol until this year and I have faithfully watched this year as James and Pia too are such talented young people. Was sorry to see Pia leav but when James voted off last night that was just awful He is such a tlented young man. I am not into heavy metal but I enjoyed James every week. He did it all!!!! I hope that he doesn’t lose heart and that he continues to follow his dream and is successful. Now for Haley she just screams her songs. I do not enjoy listening to her. James keep the faith and hope that you go far in your singing career.
I totatly agree with you. it,s suppose to be a singing show not a age and looks show
It s my ball, and I AM going to take it and go home *stomping feet* grrrrrrrr…
I see a Haley/Lauren final…Haley could own the stage and Lauren will have to do something besides just that country twang to win…and I think she can!!…would be an interesting, entertaining finale.
Scotty can be an Idol , but only a country Idol…I haven’t seen anything really exciting about him, just corny stuff
So very very true.
i would love haley to win..=)
For me, it’s Lauren over sleazy Haley anytime!
Carrie Underwood is a country Idol. Do you think she is corny? Lauren’s country twang is natural. It is called a southern accent. Get your nose out of the air…very unbecoming!
Comment intended for IdolBOOB.
for Mandy..if your nose wasn’t so high in the air you could have read my post properly.
I do believe I gave Lauren praise..I think she can do it… it’s Scotty who is the corn-dog!
I am, as many many others are, incredibly disappointed in last nights outcome. Good grief, the continuous voting allowed from one phone line has got to stop, this is not a popularity contest in that sense, it is a talent contest. The results would definitively be different if this was changed. Canada does have Canadian Idol and has had for quite a few years now, so the only US voting is absolutely fine. I agree that James will do much better, at the end of the story, than the remaining 3 that are left, he is destine for fame and will not stop until he has achieved that. We are all waiting for your first album James – geeder done!!!
you are wrong…Canada’s Idol show =was cancelled years ago…
Canadian Idol – June 1, 2003 – September 10, 2008
I have learned not to become emotionally engaged in this show….too many variables…I only watch now for entertainment….James was good….they are all good but I doubt any of them will ever see great success….maybe they will have careers within the music business…they might get contracts but hey a contract is only as good as the producers want it to be. The contracts are specifically made to exact entire control….even if that control is holding their careers back.
They are all under contract with 19 Productions until the end of the Idol Tour so don’t expect any record releases until 3-6 months after that ends.
The winner is signed to a 7-yr contract by 19 Productions and if they use their option to sign others (they have first option) then they can tie the artist to a 3-4 year contract.
The winner can expect to earn about $1m in the first year and those that sign the other contracts can expect to earn $300-400k in the first year.
Whatever happens, James will be ok for a while.
Although my favorite is Scotty, I am disappointed in not having a final between James & Scotty. They will BOTH have successful careers. Would anyone say that Daughtry really lost!! (5X platinum). The real winners are picked a year from now when the Cd’s start coming out & which one actually sell. I still remember all the Taylor Hicks fan writing the same type stuff that the Haley fans are this year, we will see! The ACTUAL number of Idol successes is small & most of them did not “WIN”
You can’t compare James to Daughtry. Not even a little bit. I liked James but he wasn’t the best thing ever since flushing toilets. And you can’t compare Haley to Taylor Hicks. Just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean she won’t be successful. You have no way to say, other than your very subjective opinion, that Haley will not be successful post idol.
That is my whole point!! The results will be WHO sells CDs, NOT all the hype & name calling being written here & other places.
Man! you Haley fans are sensitive!
No, your point was Haley will not be successful because you don’t like her and James will be successful because he got voted off the same place as Daughtry. Haley already outsells the others on the itunes studio recordings. Man, you Haley haters are so clueless.
Thank you for reading my mind & telling me what I AM THINKING! You should take your act on the road, so youy can help others.
By thed way, I have seen that stuff about Haley outselling everytbody on I-Tunes, BUT I can’t find any proof of same. Where did you find that info. ?
I guess it’s not necessarily ‘sales volume’ but volume of customers who are happy enough with their purchase to click the ‘ping’ button.
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the cartoon portraits above. Lauren look so pretty and there there is Haley. Gotta love those horse teeth. Double hilarious because last night I was asked if I was jealous of Haley’s smile. I responded last night (long before this picture showed up) that I would never be jealous of Haley’s horse teeth smile. Now the artist gave her exactly what some of us see….Obviously, the artist couldn’t find any qualities in Lauren to poke fun at.
@Tim – go to i-Tunes and look at the individual songs and then count the number of comments against each song and the ratings.
This week:
1. Haley 1059 for song#2
2. Haley 537 for song#1
3. James 471 for song#1
4. Scotty 410 for song#1
5. Lauren 347 for song#1
6. James 316 for song#2
7. Scotty 258 for song#2
8. Lauren 218 for song#2
Those drawings make Haley look like Joy Behar, Scotty look like Bing Crosby and Lauren look like Hillary Clinton.
Templar, you are too funny my friend.
Joy Behar, Now there’s a piece of liberalism.
Haley is much more cuter than Taylor.
Tim, there is no reasoning with the Haley fanatics. Some of them admit to paying hundreds of dollars to vote for her. Haley will not sell that many CDs because she doesn’t have tht many voters (as in number of people). The people she does have screw up her statistics because they are voting hundreds of times a night in a manic, obsessed kind of way. Therefore, she will not be as successful in sales, unless each of these crazed fans plans on buying hundreds of her CD.
You are a complete lunatic.
angela james: You & I are both Lauren fans. So from one LA fan to another… Please stop with all the Haley negativity. It does here, exactly what the judges do on the show. It promotes the sympathy vote. It does not help Lauren, so please stop. Thank you
Actually Bunny, I was a Pia fan. Then I stopped voting until this week. I did vote for Lauren to get Haley out. I think either Lauren or Scotty would make humble, caring, giving American Idols. The Haley fans went nuts Wednesday night with the voting because of what Randy said, not me. The same thing happened one season when Simon criticized Sanjaya (long mohawk) because he really did sound ridiculously bad. He stayed that night and a good singer went home. Simon openly admitted that his critique kept a bad singer in and named Sanjaya. The few Haley voters are extreme…nothing will stop them at this point….even if she totally bombs a song and forgets all the lyrics. They will keep those fingers going until they bleed. For you Bunny and for Lauren and Scotty, I will stop. But there are hundreds of others who will keep going. Her attitude has really rubbed people the wrong way. It is not human nature to like a person who appears mean.
You Pia fans don’t like Haley because she can out sing Pia so you want a lousy lesbian to win instead: Lauren
I think there will be a backlash against Haley next week because all the sympathy/drama with the judges cost James a top 3 spot. Fortunately TPTB have decided to give james his hometown visit anyway and they’ve expanded next weeks performance show to two hours, so we may get to see it.
Are you serious?! Like what you described doesn’t epitomize both Lauren’s and especially Scotty’s progress in the show! At least Haley improved from week to week and has EARNED a fan base, who mind you still don’t vote as much as the pre-teen girls that split votes between Scotty and Lauren. Such an inane comment.
For every ‘crazy insane Haley fanatic that votes hundreds of times’ there’s 3 ‘crazy insane Scotty/Lauren fanatics’ voting just as much. And no you can’t refute that statement, because while I can’t back it up it’s just as valid as your claim. See how easy it is to make stuff up on the interwebs angela? The fact you spend so much of your time trashing someone you don’t even know just shows what a sad, pathetic person you are.
Children, children, please…it is just a show…all three are amazing in their own right.
Templar, I’m glad to hear that James will get his home town hoopla. He does deserve that.
Angela James, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lauren would be proud of you for stopping with the Haley negativity.
OK, Bunny….good luck to Lauren and Scotty. I can’t imagine the pressure they are under at their age. We have to remember that somewhere along the line these kids have to be doing high school level work on top of all of the long hours rehearsing. I have a deep respect for both.
Im hoping for a lauren/Haley finale. Scotty has been doing the same thing every week. He needs to take a risk next week if he wants to win.
The only thing Scotty needs is his own band, maybe a cowboy hat. That country boy can sing.
After seeing James Durbin week after week singing extremely well, much better than the others, to be voted off makes me just not want to continue watching. If a great singer like James Durbin gets voted off maybe there should be a different way of voting so that great singers can win a contest that they should be winning. WHAT a bad choice that was made last night.
Refer to my post this morning on vote change, Toby.
Very disappointed & I hope everyone else. That fills the same way will express it!!!
They are, but we need to move on for the top three.
I was never a Haley hater, she is just too good of a vocalist. I was a Haley disliker for different reasons. Now I see her in a totally different light. She has my full respect and my vote(if only I could vote here in Toronto). She is a fighter, that girl!
I’m really getting sick of people criticizing Haley to no end. Nearly every week she was badgered by Randy (and occasionally, JLo) while I NEVER saw Scotty, Lauren, or James (keeping it relevant to where we are now) receive any negative feedback. When JLo said her piece to Haley about “Earth Song”, Haley nodded and said “OK” just like always. She didn’t talk back until Randy went on a literal tirade tearing her down. I mean, was it just me, or did he reiterate that he thought she was “screaming the end” and it wasn’t even high enough? He kept rubbing his opinion in and wouldn’t shut the hell up. She had a right to say, “Yeah, I get it, I know you didn’t like it. Geez. Just shut up about it.” She had been extremely graceful with unfair critiques up until then, and how she reacted was fully warranted. Why do you think Nygel Lithgowe and Ryan Seacrest went to talk to Randy during the commercial break (cause he was a douche to Haley, duh). And Randy only further rubbed it in during Round 1 predictions by leaving her out of it, and it may be my opinion, but I thought her rendition of Earth Song was quite moving and raw; I could most definitely feel her emotion, and the truth is that MJ performed the last third of that song just like how she did, so whine at MJ, not her. It definitely wasn’t her best showing, but even so, it was more interesting than same ole’ Scotty and Lauren (who wasn’t bad in Round 1, just predictable, like always). And to anyone that says they didn’t deserve criticism: GET OFF YOUR HIGH-HORSE. Both Lauren and Scotty never pushed themselves from week to week. Scotty I can understand never leaving his comfort zone (since he would be HORRIBLE), but just because he can’t, doesn’t mean that he should be given an excuse to not grow as an artist at all; plus, he’s intensely boring or just plain awkward from week to week. As for Lauren, don’t even get me started on her. Yes, she has an incredibly pure voice with a great tone, but she cannot take ANY criticism without balling on stage, and the fact is, she deserves plenty of criticism–far more than Haley has received up to this point–I mean, come on, Lauren’s scared of power notes, what does that say about her as an artist? She definitely has a future as a Carrie Underwood clone, but how can anyone say she’s ready? James was AMAZING up until his last 2 weeks, when I honestly felt that he was slipping, and it’s not like he’s been perfect vocally, he’s just a damn good entertainer. His sub-par (compared to his past performances)last 2 weeks doomed him, as evident by his elimination. Now, to the numerous Haley bashers, how do you explain her transcending “genre” by performing a new one almost weekly. Let’s break it down: “BLUE” – Country (with some yodeling) // She, in my opinion made country seem more appealing than Lauren’s drab, predictable (and limited) style. “BENNIE AND THE JETS” – Pop // She took a VERY well known pop-song and made it her own–and in my opinion, better than the original if the studio version is considered. “ROLLING IN THE DEEP” – Jazzy/R&B // She took this song and made it her own, and the live version just kicks butt. Without her “growl”, that song wouldn’t have been the same live, especially when she was really belting it out in the middle of the performance. “PIECE OF MY HEART” – Classic Rock // This is a given; she made that song better than the original (especially the studio version–AMAZING), and again, without her rasp or growl, it would have been lacking. “HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN” – Jazz (but not nearly as jazzy as she made it) // She took this song back to its roots (about a whore house, not a prison) and showed ALL emotions during her rendition. Goosebump inducing. “I WHO HAVE NOTHING” – Old school Ballad, Pop (I suppose a Pia song in a sense) // Her pure emotion was captivating, and the vocals she put on display more than make Scotty, Lauren, and (yes) even James pale in comparison. And let us not forget her duet with Casey Abrams (probably the best vocalist on the entire show…EVER), “MOANIN'” – straight up scattin’ Jazz // HOLY EFFING S**T, she can scat too?!?! The sheer range of genres she’s covered (and triumphed over) just shows the true depth to her voice. I personally love every rasp, growl, scat, yodel, power note, vocal run (which Lauren doesn’t even know how to do), and sweet and tender moment(just shows she can use the pure tone if needed, like on “I Who Have Nothing”). In summation, Haley has been on the receiving end of nearly all of the criticism, and because of it, she has been forced to grow more than any other contestant that I can recall, and she should be commended for her drive and raw all-encompassing talent. Plus, she’s not bad to look at either 😉
What he said ^^
The manure just keeps piling up.
To Shorten it up
Scotty- One trick DONKEY.
Lauren-Country Gal who needs 2-3 more years to be very succesful with a predictable country spin to every song she sing and won’t do high notes.
James-Perfect Entertainer but slipped in the last 2 weeks.
Haley-Can sing many genres and has throughout the season and has been bashed on for the wrong reasons and has a very soulful feel in her voice
This is how I undterstand it :D, am I right? I don’t like reading long stuff XD
Haha, yeah, that’s the gist of it.
I agree that Hailey has grown more than any of the top 3, each week. She has received more criticism from Randy than any of the others and I don’t blame her for speaking up for herself as an artist.
One of the best comments on that forum. Though, in my opinion, “House of the rising sun” is not Juzz.
It’s folk/blues.
Right, thank you, David P
I’d say Blues is the best way to classify, but that only goes to show ANOTHER genre that she can make her own with relative ease. A true artist, one who adapts to any situation and excels. James definitely was, Casey more than was (a musical genius, really), and Haley assuredly is. I don’t get that vibe from any other contestant, so I was sad to see James go. But I realized long ago that neither Lauren nor Scotty would be cut up to now, so it really came down to either Haley or James, and I’d take Haley any day of the week.
I agree with you completely.
I would like to add, the pure fun in her performance of the unknown Gaga song YOu and I, as this shows the other part of her that I love, she is fearless when it comes to taking risks.
She absolutely is. The irony is, the judges got on her about not “knowing who she is” as an artist, but I believe the opposite to be true. She can take a song from Gaga (which is unreleased, I might add; plus it’s from Gaga, so it’s automatically “strange” and therefore, not a (and I quote) “good” choice for these reasons). Despite all this, she still comes out, and I’ll say that I do not like Gaga AT ALL, but I actually really enjoyed her take on it. And the truly funny thing is, I think Gaga’s pre-recorded performance of it wasn’t as good as Haley’s. Again, not Haley’s best choice, but she can do whatever the hell she wants, cause she’s just that good. I’ve never heard Lauren or Scotty get bashed for song choice…ever, and they’ve put out some uninspired snooze-fests. Painfully obvious judge bias, anyone? The only one who isn’t is Steven Tyler, but that’s probably because he’s so strung out on drugs he doesn’t care (or isn’t capable).
Steven is bored, since they start to sensore him, I think.
Boy, my comment didn’t come out right!
I meant, Steven is bored since they started to sensore his reactions.
Do you read what you write? Appartently your life is very boring!!!!!
Wow….love your post! In my opinion Haley not Scotty or Lauren has the best single ” country” performance of the whole season with “Blue”
Thanks. I just had to put my feelings out there. I have been reading this website’s comments for a while now, and was just fed up with the unsubstantiated attacks on Haley. She has been drug through the dirt enough, and without good reason…
Scotty’s Country Comfort is the best. I’m sure Elton himself loved Scotty’s remake.
Excuse me, unsubstantiated attacks on Haley, I know what I like and do not like. I do not like her voice/style. I do not like Blues/Jazz. I do not like her apparent bad attitude and disrespect.
Well I don’t like your apparent bad attitude and disrespect.
Nice job Mateo Rico!
You’re right on all counts, and she is very nice on the eyes.
Thanks. It just baffles me as to how she catches so much crap. Maybe just *maybe* it’s because the judges really do favorite her in a sick, backwards way, and that’s why they always critique harshly. OR, it could be that they’re trying to shove a country singer down our throats as the next Idol. In that case, I’ll be ready to barf all over the place to rid myself of that taste…
Got it right. Thanks. I like all the Haley studio recordings, but I think “Piece” was better live (really good in studio, too). And you left out “You and I” which has become my most favorite of all. As far as I’m concerned, that is Haley’s song, not Gaga’s!
Mateo Rico – what a great post and spot on. I am sitting her listening to Haley singing now and, personally, like her voice the most but also like Lauren’s. My take is that when I download music I want to enjoy listening to the singer and his/her interpretation of the song.
She has consistently given songs her own distinctive treatment – made then her own, as Simon would say and none of the others have come close to that.
Lauren is easier to listen to than she is to watch but she is only 16½ so has a lot of time to grow.
I posted exactly the same as you in re James these past 2-weeks. It is as if he peaked vocally and then tried to rely on theater to get him through. We record Idol and start playing it about 20 minutes after the start so we can skip through the commercials and have it blasting out on surround sound with friends and neighbors watching it with us.
The consensus on Wednesday was that Scotty was by far the worst but that James could be in trouble because he did nothing differently with the first song and his shout to Randy whose association with Journey was for 12 months as a session bass player on their last album and then he went on tour as a sub bassist but the tour was cancelled after a few shows because Perry left and the group disbanded.
I hope it is the two girls in the final and, by the way, for all the Haley bashers, tweet Lauren and ask her what she thinks of Haley because they are close and Haley has been like an older sister to Lauren.
The Studio Version of Earth Song is terrific and I did think it funny the Gaga sang her “little known” song Yoü and I last night.
The original HOTRS was a Folk song that has no known writer and there is some discussion as to its roots. Alan Price who was the organist in the Animals says it was an English folk song of the 16th Century that is about a brothel in Soho, London and English emigrants brought it to the US from where it eventually got its’ New Orleans version.
Many US Artists have recorded the song going back to 1933 but for those Country fans from the South who said it was disgusting for Haley to sing such a song.
Well, the New Orleans version is supposed to be about a girl who kills her gambling father and the “House” is a Prison.
Plus many Country singers have recorded it, the most recent and biggest hit was by Dolly Parton in 1981 and she sang it on her show in 1988 when it was broadcast from New Orleans.
Ain’t facts a wonderful thing to have before calling someone – well the word began with “W” – and saying she was a poor role model for singing it.
Again – great post and thanks.
God Bless you guys. You are my friends forever.
I totally agree with you. Haley grew on me, exactly because she is different every time. It is amazing what she does LIVE and even in studio without a lot of special effects. We all know that when we buy CDs with famous artists, their singing is all mixed and touched up. Haley has chosen difficult songs and sang them “as is” – no help from technology or marketing. AS to the criticisms, I think that in the end, she might benefit from them all – everybody is seeing how unfair they are and how much abuse she is taking from those judges.
In fairness, JLo said she sang it well but she felt that she didn’t push to the upper range of the song and she would have preferred she had picked a better known song. Haley nodded to her and said nothing.
Randy started by saying he agreed with Jennifer and then went off on a rant basically tearing the whole performance apart and even when JLo told him that it was not what she said and tried to shut him up, he went on and on.
Eventually when he repeated himself for the 3rd or 4th time, Haley said I know what you think. The Steven eventually managed to get a word in (he had tried to shut Randy up as well) and told her to ignore the other two at which point JLo said she said her singing was great and then Randy tried to get back in again.
During the commercial break, he was spoken to by Lythgoe and Seacrest – in fact you could hear the end of the discussion between Ryan and him when they came back.
Then we got the BS 2nd time around about that was why he was so hard on her because he knew she could do better.
Notice by the way that Steven was not asked who he thought won round 1 – only JLo and the attack dawg!!
Mateo Rico: Times, they are changing.
Do you feel better? I felt the way you did this morning with the attitude and growling crap. But hang in there, she just may take it all. GO HALEY.
Sorry, I must have not hit reply button. This was for Mateo Rico.
It’s about time someone said what you did..I am sick of everyone bashing Haley…She has grown so much since the show started and has taken all the Criticism and worked at it..I haven’t seen any of the others grow at all..they play it safe…and am sick of the ones who are talking about her personality the heck do they know her..they don’t..Just as we don’t really know the other ones..Lauren..Scotty….we only see a few mins of them other then singing…I wish them all well but only one will win the title of being the American Idol of the year so get over it…Thanks for your thoughts..was nice to see someone who actually gave it some real thought!
I usually don’t read long comments but yours is by far the most accurate comment I have ever read about Haley. She is incredible and I hope she blows everybody away on top 3 week!
I really would love haley to win!!!..she can do evrythin…about the attitude thing?..i dont think has attitude issues…its just that the judges(especially randy) were too mean..
Thank you so muchh!!!
Finally someone who can see this from the other side.
Those haters were so happy when Haley finally went against randy. They had more reasons to bash her.
They should think what they would do if they were in her position.
I don’t care anymore though, I know they are so pissed off because each week they keep on wanting Haley to be out…. SO BAD… but each time Haley is still in. I can understand how furious they are right now.
Thus all the awful comments made about her including the name calling. Let them say whatever they want, AI is only a stepping stone after all. Even if Haley gets eliminated next week, SHE WILL B SIGNED BY A RECORD COMPANY and BE FAMOUS SOON.
They can all just bite their toe nails then everytime they see Haley on TV, HAA!
You are full of nothing but hot air!!!!!!!!
Fantastic critique! I agree with everything you just said.
Haley is musically mature, jazz class schooled, dynamically diverse, exceptionally emotive, toned, textured, and talented, and as near professional as any “amateur” on stage this year.
I saw potential in her during the auditions months ago, but to watch her presence, power and performance develop has been simply amazing!
I saw a Scotty/Haley finale awhile ago, so, I’m’ not surprised to have seen James go, however, I thought Lauren would have gone first.
Great insight on your part! I’m “Hooked on Haley” how about you? 🙂
Although I hated to see James voted off as I thought he is the most creatively talented..he did not get the votes..obviously…I have no doubt he has a record contract in waiting… On the other hand the three left who are ALL talented have to demonstrate the whole package,right song choice, arrangememt,voice,stage presence,etc. Haley has been told wrong song choice a couple of times..but keeps choosing songs that don’t help her to shine. Lauren has been told to take risks and finally did.She is definitely moving forward. Scotty was told to mix it up and do some boot scootin and he did. At this stage in the game song choice for each individual is very critical. Haley needs to humble herslf and realize the judges are trying to help her…she is the one shooting herself in the foot and presenting herself as quite arrogant about it…not good. In the end I believe Scotty will win. He is the total package and that’s what America is looking for right now…He has listened to the judges, and makes the right song choices, arrangements, etc for who he is as an artist. He KNOWS who he is…very important…. He presents himself with class every show and is very down to earth with a great sense of humor.By the way he was joking around about lady Gaga…thats just his sense of humor…He does respect her as an artist…
So you really think Scotty’s song choices and delivery are absolutely perfect and Haley is so terrible the judges have to say nasty things about her vocal range and how she interprets a song? Way to be objective.
Say David, why don’t you stick to writing what you think & QUIT putting words in other people’s mouths in regards to what they wrote. If you want to disagree, fine but taking people out of context or making unsubstantiated statements is juvenile. (of course you might have a great career in politics ahead of you)
Like I said he KNOWS who is as an artist and makes choices within his voice, etc…whether you like the song or not. Otherwise he would be shooting himself in the foot also and hearing the comments as Haley has. I am not fond of country..but for Sheryl Crow to say on National television that she can’t wait for him to move to Nashville speaks volumes for that industry!!!!I didn’t say that Haley was so…terrible..just that she needs to LISTEN as song choice for her to shine is vital to win! Honestly not many can sing MJ so her choice of song wasn’t the best for HER Talent!!!
Hey, David P., right on! Us, people righting here, are just so diffrent!..
English is so not my first language..
Reality, you are buying into what the judges are saying. Please, explain “emotional perfect” to me, so I can understand and give them credibility for ignoring James’ awful intonation issues in “Without You” and giving him high marks, regardless.
I don’t give them credibility. They were pushing James to the end. They knew he didn’t have the votes. The leaked his song choice and bookended him Wednesday night (first and last) to give him as much advantage as possible (and this is ignoring all the pimping and unfair judging in past weeks) and it didn’t work. That wasn’t James’ fault, and I don’t blame him; but, I sure as heck don’t give Randy Jackson and JLo any credence as judges of singing. They either have crap ears or they are liars.
Hey folks, it is all a matte of taste. I do not like Blues/Jazz, you do not like country.
That’s not all she does, though. That’s the whole point. That’s her strongest suit, but she doesn’t really have a weak suit. “Beautiful” was purely a pop song. “Blue” was a country song (with some impeccable yodeling), and she did it better than Lauren could even dream of. She’s covered so many genres it’s ridiculous, and she slayed ’em all.
I love country, Leann Rimes is my favorite singer. I also love Haley, she is my favorite idol contestant.
I totally agree with you. When the judges told Scotty that he needed to step up his game after singing Swinging, he came back and sang songs such as Gone. He listens to the judges critiques and tries to improve while still being true to who he is as an artist and a person. Scotty gets all my votes.
Oh, and in case my previous comment (could be seen as a rant, I guess) is too much for some of the “Haley Haters”, I’ll simplify for you: 3 standing Os vs. ZERO for James, Scotty, and Lauren combined. Hmmmmm…I wonder why she would get those if she was talentless as so many babble on here…I do believe that’s a record too. Again, I say, “hmmmmmmm”.
As it’s been said here, ignore the babbling..
Mateo, Your posts & comments have been SO insightful & absolutely spot on.
You make us all proud to be Haley fans! Please keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot. I know I can’t wait to buy what she releases, whether she wins or not. It actually may be better for her (and us as fans) if she didn’t win (like Casey), but I want her to take it just to spite the haters…led by Randy Jackson.
As far as I am concerned, I feel Haley is the only one who has taken advice. Scotty would not do something in the beginning, James did not take advice, nor did Casey. Lauren did not want to say she was evil or whatever. Poor Haley.
Wow, what a disappointment. Unlike Matt, who has to write a couple posts a week about the show, I don’t. Which means I don’t have to watch the rest of the season, which I won’t, and I won’t watch next year. I’m tired of seeing the most talented artists go home early. Carrie and Kelli, only winners who really were the best, and how long ago since they won? 10 and 11 years ago. Apparently they want the next Justin Bieber or Hanna Montana, just not my cup of tea.
For Haley fans, she’s obviously not a sugary-sappy teen going through the motions for those producers who have brought up “media generated” teen idols, who suck. She’s obviously the best left. I think the other two are limited performers. Good luck Haley.
First the judges are criticized for not giving enough crituque and when they do, you get mad. Haley is a spoiled brat. She actually smiled when Pia was eliminated when the others cried. She can’t take criticism at all. She’s defensive, sarcastic, and just sucks as a person despite her talent. Scotty doesn’t get a lot of critique because there’s not much to give. He’s an all around Idol type with talent, looks, good life style, good attitude, yada yada. Yeah, you could call James exciting, but he’s a hard rocker mostly and America isn’t embracing that. Hard rockers, are not clean in their style, their appearance is poor grooming, and abrasive. No, I’m not a fuddy duddy. I just know what music lasts and what the bulk of society ends up loving with endurance. Haley is a poor role model to say the least. If she wins, she’ll end up like a cloud that just passes and will be forgotten as she should. She’s not and Idol by a long shot. Lauren is darling and talented, but she’s pretty immature, tho appealing. I say Scotty is the best all around package for American Idol. He’s clean cut, good living, nice, athletic, polite, fun and talented indeed. Forget Haley! PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR HER!!!!
Are you SERIOUS!!!! Good Grief!
Oh, darling baby Lauren! Oh, Scotty The Package! Oh, bad girl Haley!
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
“she actually smiled when Pia was eliminated when the others cried”. My response: WHO CARES? Are you saying that not crying because someone is leaving makes you a bad person? Maybe she was happy to still be in it, especially given the crap she had to endure week by week. And do you REALLY think no other contestant smiled at all even when the cameras weren’t on them? Come on! This show is about talent, or to put it more succinctly, about finding an ARTIST, and Pia, sorry to say it, was all vocals, no passion, no stage presence, no personality. I loved her voice, but if she was still in the competition now at where she was when she was eliminated performance-wise, then it’d be a sad, boring finale.
Perhaps her smile was because of pure shock and surprise. Come on get real. You don’t really know Hailey, I find it hard to believe she is evil.
Same rhetoric ….different day.
You are so right Cecil, Same HALEY rhetoric ….different day.
@All Haley fans: Because I do not like Haley’s voice/style does not mean I hate her, I have a right to my opinion, just like you do.
Same S**T, different pile.
LOL, Templar
Your delusional assessments of social graces and moral character, or lack thereof, based upon 2.5 total hours of produced entertainment material, will not influence my vote. I will vote on talent, performance and music.
For the record, I have been watching the same shows and don’t see what you see — not that it matters —
I like that – could be a good canned response for the Haley-hatin’ trolls who distort reality for whatever reason…
Shoule be “2.5 hours per week of produced…”
Joan, I have posted dozens of comments regarding Haley. Self-indulgent, uncaring, cruel, unfriendly, ungrateful, and spoiled are all adjectives I have used. She has shown us on national TV her true character and it isn’t nice. Her obsessed fans will not see the light no matter how rude she gets on camera with her inappropriate smiles when people hurt, coldness around other contestants, or talking back to the people who gave her this opportunity. Simon hated arrogant contestants who were ungrateful to them….he would have sent her packing long ago.
Yeah, because Simon is none of those. Bahahaha. I like to think that Simon would have been as he always was–and still is–brutally honest……regarding the singing/performing (in fact, I KNOW HE WOULD). And the thing is, he wouldn’t pass over everyone EXCEPT Haley when he’d pass out the critiques, and I’m willing to bet Haley would get a lot less guff than the majority of the Top 13. It’s OK, though, you can tell yourself whatever you want about Haley and define her whole character as a person based on seeing her on a TV show. I guess we should think of Scotty as a “poser” kid, because he threw JT (I believe) under the bus during group week, and he only owned up to it because it was already coming out, at least that’s how I saw it. Bottom line: he’s a typical teenager. Lauren seems like the spoiled brat if any contestant is, that’s just plain observation, but I wouldn’t go that far; I don’t know her. Starting to see my point, or is it all falling on pre-deafened ears?
If Simon’s still in the panek this season, i bet Haley wldn’t even be in the top 24!!
Please people.. vote for Lauren or Scotty, anything as long as not sleazy-wannabe Haley. She just can’t be in the Top 2!!
Your delusional assessments of social graces and moral character, or lack thereof, based upon 2.5 total hours per week of produced entertainment material, will not influence my vote. I will vote on talent, performance and music.
For the record, I have been watching the same shows and don’t see what you see — not that it matters –
Do you know Haley personally, you blaming idiot. You deserve to be talked to like this. All that young girl did was enter a competion and all that crap comes out of your mouth. You probably are one of those people who is afraid to open your mouth to someones face, and uses the internet to get rid of your inner insecurities. I cannot tolerate people like you any longer. What a witch you are.
Are you Haley’s grandmother?
I like the comment that points out that Angela is more obsessed with Haley than any of us who support her! As a guy who appreciates a woman with class, Angela, you are very ugly. And Sarah, I love your posts…a woman with a voice of reason. Angela, even you solicting Bunny to support your vileness is backfiring…why don’t you take some constructive criticism the way you say Haley should take it and get a grip that this is a tv show about talent? When Haley wins, I sure hope you find a healthy outlet. You one scary ugly mouthed woman.
Sorry– I can’t restrain it — YEAH! GO SARAH! GET IT!
OK. I feel better now.
I should be grateful for these sick, delusional people inventing lies about Haley. They just motivate Haley fans to vote more. Nobody with a modicum of sanity believes what they are saying, anyway.
They probably also believe their soap opera characters are real people.
Joan & the other Haley haters out there. Please stop this? It does exactly what the judges’ Hayley bashing did. It encourages the sympathy vote. It helps no one. Like who you want to like. Love who you want to love. Vote for whom you want to vote.
They have all met & overcome their own challenges during this competition. All three of them deserve to be here & all 4 of them deserved to win.
So please again.. Stop This
Go Lauren!
Bunny, see my response to your comment on #7 above, ok?
angela, you appear more self obsesses, more stuck up, more prissy, more bitchy, more w/e else you think Haley is than any person I’ve ever met, you have no room to talk. You are as obsessed with Haley as much as anyone is. Maybe you should see a shrink about that. You have no idea what Haley is or isn’t, you are very biased in your opinion and have no objectivity about anything you say. And guess what, you are in the minority. There are a lot of Haley fans and you, as smart and beautiful and perfect as you are, are not invited to the party. Boohoo, go find someone else to bash in a sad attempt to make your insecurities go away.
An “all around”Lol typical idiot that doesn’t know what she is talking about and don’t tell people who to vote for, what are you Hitler?
I am a little worried about the songs the contestants will have to sing next week. As the judges get to pick one, as they want Haley out since the beginning of the show, they will probably choose a bad song for her… hummm… Did you guys notice JLO and Randy´s face when Ryan said Haley was safe and to join Lauren? It was so clear that they do not like Haley for some reason, very strange and biased…
Haley can sing anything.
I think the judges will make a good choice for each because of all the drama. I don’t Nigel will give them a choice.
Scotty is no ‘idol’ but he is certainly ‘idle’ in his song choice and his on-stage performance, lazy, unimaginative and bland. He seems to be a terrific kid with strong personal ethics and a good sense of humour but he is absolutely one-dimensional and unwilling to test the boundaries. I am amazed that he has got this far but the voting methods are to say the least suspect.
Lauren is learning and improving all the time but she is far from the finished article which is not surprising given her age. But it is her age and her wide-eyed innocence, which has made her almost exempt from criticism by the judges and that is patently unfair to the other contestants.
Haley is a true talent and has been imaginative and brave in her song choices and her performances. She has been personally singled out for constant criticism by two of the three judges yet has reacted with feisty confidence and dignity. Her rendering of “I Who Have Nothing” would have made Shirley Bassey proud and was the best single performance by any artist at any time in this competition.
By the way I was sorry to see James go. ike Casey he was a real performer and very entertaining. But I am afraid to say that his performance and vocal power had diminished over the past two or three weeks which was a great shame. Had Idol been decided a month ago he probably would have won.
The problem with James was that he lost focus and also attracted the reality show curse – every time a contestant in a reality show says he or she is doing it for their family, they get kicked out of the show for some reason or another. It is always a good idea to say – I do this because I love it and I cannot see myself doing anything else…
And her really messed up by trying to be
Steve Perry. There is no other Steve Perry and no other voice as perfect as his.
Oops…typing too fast. Should have obviously said HE messed up.
Of all the arguments against Scotty, The one that all he sings is Country music is the most inane. I suppose Josh Groban, Pavarotti, Willie Neson, Sinatra, Carrie Underwood etc etc are not “Idol” talents because they mostly sing in a particular style. I am not a Country music fan, but that genre seems to be outselling other music styles the last few years. Tell me you don’t care for his voice, his bearing, or whatever, but please don’t say he is not talented because he sings “Country”.
Seeing how you only listed one other Idol contestant, the majority of your point is moot. Scotty is definitely not talentless, he will 100% break into Nashville and make a niche for himself with his unnaturally low voice (for a 16 year old, no less), but even Carrie Underwood strayed from Country every so often and was able to Americans of different tastes. Scotty should be deemed “Country Idol” and get the hell off of American Idol. We all know where he should go as an artist, and if this show is about vocal talent/performing ability, which it is (in theory, in practice it has been corrupted by droves of pre-teen children who shouldn’t even have cell phones), then there is no clearer choice than Haley, because I guarantee you that Scotty is not so talented that, if the voting was fair (don’t jump on me for this, it’s my opinion that it’s a messed up system), he would not be safe from elimination as he has been.
I have been complaining about the voting system since Season 2 when Clay Aiken should have won.
I could have listed numerous other artist that are popular or “Idol” types by performing in a particular Genre. It seems that that is ok for American Idol except for “Country” An “Idol” sells Cd’s & concerts, no matter what he or she sings. If a gospel singer can make Platinum Cd’s with sold out concerts, are they not an “Idol” to a segment of society, or is that only for “POP” stars???
No, but you’re including artists that have “made it” outside of American Idol; that’s a completely different process. The point I am trying to make is that based on “talent”, which I most likely define differently than you, Haley is the most diverse and “flavorful” contestant. No question. End of story. Period.<–see?
Whoops, *”able to appeal to” is what I meant to say. Typin’ too fast.
People – listen up, I just did something interesting. I went to youtube to watch the final 3 auditions… It is so interesting to see that they were much better then, especially Lauren. I think all the “coaching” and bad advice – in some cases – let them very insecure and pushed them back. Lauren and Haley were awesome in their auditions and Hollywood week, although as usual, Haley had ups and downs – she forgot the lyrics in one of those hollywood week group things, and almost was sent home before the show even started. Interestingly, JLO saved her from being sent home… Lauren definetely should go back to her old self and show all she’s got. Haley has improved a LOT since the auditions, but she must choose songs that showcase the range in her voice, otherwise her energy drops – it is almost like if it is too easy to sing, her psyche makes her shut down emotionally and disconnect from the song. I am trying to find Haley’s audition from last year – as she said it is her second time… No wonder last year was so bad, they probably sent all the good ones home.. duh” … As to Scotty, he is pretty much the same since the auditions, same one, same one – no changes up or down, just the same thing…
You can’t forget Scotty’s Nuts o wonder solo in Hollywood! If Lauren kept up the energy she had from the beginning she’d win this whole thing no question.
That is sooo true – watching again her audition video was like Kelly Clarkson – fearless, comfortable with herself, taking control of everything, bringing her family in to meet the judges – all this is gone… very sad… Kelly kept her own self, unfortunately for Lauren, maybe due to her young age, she let her self go…
Does anyone know how the summer tour works? I bought tickets for august and i’m wondering if every idol in the top 11 will be there.
Do you remember when Casey was saved during the Top 11 week? That was supposed to narrow it down to 10–also the cut-off for the summer tour. Since Casey was saved, however, there will be 11 touring.
ok so I can be sure that James Durbin will be there on the date I’m attending?
Jack: Barring any unforeseen circumstance you will see all 11. There will be group numbers, solos, trios etc. It will go between 2 1/2 and 3 hours. Possibly a bit longer as there is an extra performer this year.
Nicole, I read with interest your comments about the various talents and I only agree with you that James should have been one of the finalists and even won idol season 11. I am not a great rocker fan, but that kid has amazing talent. However, Hailey Wednesday night sounded like a “screeching owl” on her first number. Go back and honestly listen to her performance again. I thought it was very poor at best but she did come back on her 2nd number and did much better. The most improved is Lauren as I thought she would go weeks ago but continued to improve. Nicole… can knock Scotty all you want….but if you wanted to back one of the singers with cold hard cash, Scotty will be your best investment. He will make a ton of money for someone who backs him. You may not like him but at 17 he has a very unique voice and will have the most successful career of those final four. However too bad for James because he was special.
Agree well said
Totally agree!
I usually agree with you on all points. And I mostly do this week.
I was very proud of the voting on one issue: Even though the judges (minus Steve, who never has much of substance to offer, and never constructive criticism) seem to be pleading week after week for America to get rid of Haley, America recognized the last two weeks that she has had two of the best performances of the season with “House of the Rising Sun” and “I Who Have Nothing.” Her “Earth Song” performance for me did lack–perhaps because she was caught up in the emotion of this moving and inspirational song. (I do disagree with you about the song–My son and quite a few of his friends became very involved with environmental concerns because they were inspired by this song, too!)
Unfortunately American Idol voters do not represent a whole variety of musical tastes, and it seems someone like James who is a hard rocker will never be able to win this.
While I like and respect all four of the Final Four–and feel that this may be the best Final Four that AI has ever had, and while I have grown to be a huge fan of Scotty, I feel that based on the performances of Wednesday, he was the weakest link. Of all four performers, he consistently chooses the lowest degree of difficulty–easy songs that usually do not exhibit a huge range and take little to interpret. He did exhibit humor with his second choice, but by doing so he undercut a part of the content of the song. The father of the girl in that song would have loved his first song choice–the “inspirational song” did not inspire–it was a political, militaristic, revel-in-my-ignorance credo (Remember such lyrics as “I don’t know the difference between Iraq and Iran”–Really–I hope voters in national political elections do–they have been vital enemies and represent very different set of international problems–and rather than glorying in ignorance, all of us Americans need to learn). The song hints that if you feel patriotic it is o.k. to be prejudiced. I’m not sure what that song inspires Scotty to do, but as much as I feel that he has enormous talent and good will and promise, that song was a real turn-off to me.
Finally, for me, Lauren has the voice and the latent talent, but I did not find her performances great last night. The first part of the second song was great–I was about to be convinced and bowled over by her “evil” performance until she made it into an upbeat joke.
You are, of course right that these “elimination” shows are a waste of time. This was the first I have watched all season–it was embarrassing. Lady Gaga is great but if it’s not a live performance, I can watch on You Tube.–They do not need to show this on a “live show.” Steve’s video unveiling was, for me, inappropriately prurient. I’ll stop there on that one. And Enrique Iglesias–judges, where were you to talk about his poor song choice?!!?
In any event, I think you’re right–it would be boring to have two country singers fight it out for the finals, so hopefully it will be Haley versus the Country Singer. I actually will not be bothered by whoever wins, because I think that the right four singers were in the top 4–probably an AI first. For that, at least, we can all be thankful!
“political, militaristic, revel-in-my-ignorance credo” ARE YOU KIDDING!! you ever heard the quote “Useful Idiots” think it might reflect your poltics !! GOD BLESS AMERICA
Scottys political song was originally recorded by Allan Jackson and a huge country hit. I would love to hear Scotty sing more patriotic songs, he does a great job.
I like it when anybody sings patriotic songs, But Jackson hit a home run with this (except for J.B. of course)
JB is entitled to an opinion. I hate that song too…hated it since the first time I heard it and I love Alan Jackson. Doesn’t make me unAmerican.
No, that is your right, given to you by all those people referred to in that song.
James actually opened his mouth and sang. Come on if Simon Cowell was still a judge, haley, lauren and scotty would have been gone by now and the true great artists would have still been around. The last time they had a blues/folk/yodelling singer, come on, where is he now??? American Idol has become a kids show, no wonder they love Haley, only spoiled, rude brats vote on this show!!!!
Are…you…serious? Haley ISN’T a blues/folk/yodeling singer? She’s done all of that, in case you’ve missed the Top 13 this season. So, the “he” you speak of happens to be a “she”.
Yes, James was excellent–especially in his performance aspect–but his voice was not flawless, and Simon would have been the first one to point that out weeks earlier. The only song I can think of that was “perfect” for me from James was “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”; I also was addicted to Uprising, but even that wasn’t perfect. What made it so damn great was his stage presence. But to say that Haley isn’t a “true great artist” (quite the title, I must say) and to stoop even lower by saying spoiled brats vote for her? That would honestly seem more like the fan base of either Lauren or Scotty, because that’s the only thing keeping their mediocrity in the competition.
Right On.
For CHRIST’s sake…so right, Mateo! lol!
My granddaughter kept laughing at me calling me crazy as I sat and voted fifty times for Haley, while we were listening to Haley’s Itunes.
When Benny and the Jets came on, my granddaughter started singing along, and tried valiantly to sing the magaziiiiiine part.
You are incorrect in thinking that only spoiled, rude, brats vote on this show.
Yeah, I am a great grandmother and I vote about 6 or 7 hundred times for Haley since she sang Blue. I don’t feel I am a spoiled brat. I worked my arse off and still do.
I am 27 years old and definitely not a spoiled brat. I am married and you can see from my comments in this site that I am mature. You don’t see me babbling and bashing the others just like some childish people in here (I don’t say they are kids but CHILDISH).
I vote for Haley though. So think again ^^
I thought Jesus loved all the little children?
Spot On.
I disagree… you just aren’t getting what I said earlier about individual song choice. If Haley would pick the right songs for her she will win…Carrie was creative just like Scotty is in his song choices..finding songs that fit them. Carrie truly did not stray from country as that is all she sings now. By the way Scotty has a much bigger fan base than pre-teen girls… It is huge….give me a break…First you say he is talented, then you say he is not that talented. You are a Haley fan and I get that. I am a fan of one who truly represents authenticity as a whole and for me that person is Scotty. Again he knows who he is… and that is something the judges keep saying… you have got to figure out who you are as an artist. They have said this to Scotty several times…. that they kow who he is. They keep trying to figure out who Haley is. Haley still needs to figure that out obviously…hopefully not too late. Bottom line I wish them ALL the best of luck!!!!
He does have talent, but the bottom line is, in a “talent competition”, there is no way that [Scotty > Haley]. He’s so limited that it pains me to watch him week by week. I’m not strictly a “Haley fan” who blindly does so just to be contrary, I am a Haley fan because I’m a fan of the raw vocal diversity and flavor that she happens to bring to music. We all know how Scotty will sound and what he will do week to week (Lauren too), but with Haley, you never know til you know, ya know? Probably not, but I tried…
If I were in a talent show, I’d do what I do best, wouldn’t you? I’m just saying. Haley sure can’t sing a song with out her growl and Lauren sounds the same each night too, so did the rest of them. They each have a voice and own style. If they were not good enough in the first place none of them would have ever got there to begin with. I’ve been in talent shows, I had to try out and was picked if the judges liked what they heard I never had to my act.
To say she can’t sing without her growl is ridiculous. She did it on “I Who Have Nothing”. What happened after that? Hmm…standing ovation last I recall. If you read my earlier comment, you would have read that I do believe that Scotty has talent, as do all of the Top 13 (to varying degrees), I just feel that he is a one-trick pony, and it’s quite the lame pony when compared to the stampede of steeds that are Haley’s vocal personalities. She is so diverse and sultry (at least to me), that it would drive me insane to not see her win. The show would be truly lost.
I love country. When Leann Rimes, Shania Twain and Faith Hill hit the country circuit, I became a huge fan. Alan Jackson, Toby Kieth, Brooks and Dunn, Sugarland. I love it.
When Scotty sang Lock the doors, I was blown away. Then every time I heard him, I said, he’s good, good job, or that was good, he can really sing country, or that was pretty good. When he sang Gone, I said “wow” go Scotty. For me here is the problem, he hasn’t blown me away since he sang lock the doors. Gone was his only other moment for me. I think he has great potential (such a bad word). Nearly every song he has sung has been good or a little better, but with the exception of the two songs I mentioned, he is still just only good or a little better. If he wins, thats ok with me, he is good. Nonetheless, I’m pulling for Haley 🙂
So in regards to song choice, has Scotty really made all the right song choices? Is good or a little better than good enough to win AI? I guess we will see soon.
I love Scotty too. I never have voted for him. He already has a career as far as I am concerned. He will grow and spread his wings as he encounters more experience. So will Lauren. By the way, Scotty forgot his lines in audition too. He really was ashamed of himself. I will buy his music. I love country. The song Gone was a peak at what he will do someday. It will come.
To be fair, Scotty had some pretty slim pickings to find a suitable song during some of these theme weeks.
Because all he can do is country.
Who could forget Scotty McCreery’s Nuts o’ Wonder?
Who gives a hoot about WOTIF bla bla bla,tears or fans couldn’t save James, a shocker with Lauren in but heads up to her and Scotty teen blood is goooood and well poor ole Haley IS IN IT TO WIN!! so stop whinging and get voting cause these 3 need your support.
Lauren truly is evil! She stole all of James’s votes!
Eternal Shadow: America gives votes freely. No one has to steal them. That statement is truly lacking in genuine thought.
No Haley stole them with all of the drama/sympathy backlash.
Who cares…the point is he didn’t get enough votes. I will miss him, though!
I seriously doubt Haley had any intention of ‘stealing’ anything. She cracked after weeks of being focused. Yes, she should have just let Randy say w/e she wanted and then defended herself when Ryan asked what she thought of what the judges said. But you can’t know she did it as a calculated move to get James booted. Even though we haven’t always agreed with each other, I thought you were better than that Templar.
DavidP; I am not here to live up to your expectations. And my saying Haley stole his votes was a figure of speech meaning that the drama cost him votes. People rallied to Haley’s defense thinking James would be safe. There was no “evil” implied on Haley’s part.
Seems kinda random, but I just gotta say, Haley haters and lovers alike should look up both “Earth Song” and especially (seriously) “I Who Have Nothing” STUDIO VERSIONS–preferably with a source for quality audio reproduction (i.e. not iPod ear-buds or the like). Both gave me goosebumps in numerous spots. She sings and phrases every word so intentionally and with such subtle intonation, she’s always so…so…so…DAMN.
Mateo Rico: My Grandmother would say ” Better goose bumps than chicken pox”. lol
Haha, yeah. At least I FEEL something when Haley performs (and James too, sometimes). I just feel sleepy during Scotty’s and Lauren’s performances (more Scotty than Lauren, but I’ve already been over this, ha).
I’m not a haley fan…but I still think I who have nothing is the best performance of the season (or last 2 seasons…lol!)..both vocal & expression wise.
There you go…love the impartial appreciation that a few Haley Haters lack. Good post.
Good to give props where deserved. Thanks for that.
This show has nothing to do with talent….It’s all about popularity….the numbers prove it….when allowed only to vote once for best performance of the week as on this website….James was the leader, won the week and then was eliminated….look at the poll which was based on about 30,000 votes.
& perhaps, 3000 voters only…lol!
I Can’t Believe that my THREE Favorites From Day One are Still There!!!!! Lauren, Haley & Scotty r da main reason why i watched the show…And Pia too but she’s gone…Best Of Luck u Guys!!!!! I’m ur biggest Fan!!!! I’d Love 4 any of em 2 Win…Preferably a Girl due to the fact dat its been a Long time!!!! But Nah da One Best Dude (Who’s Never Pitchy) & Da Most Awesome Girls Who always kept me awake, throughout da show…I appreciate Every1 who’s voted thank u soso much!!!! America’z Got it Rite!!!!! Finally!!!! Love u All 4 Voting!!!! Mwah!!!!
I agree 100 %with everything you said (I think; is English not your first language? lol)
James Was So Much Better Than Scotty…James Should’ve Stayed…Scotty Should’ve Gone Home…I Love Da Girls Haley or Lauren Should WIN!!!!!
I encourage James Durbin fans to continue voting but for Lauren. See if our support can carry the underdog to the crown. There is power in numbers….so James votes will count for something.
Go Lauren!
For what its worth, I’m really sick of the contestant bashing, the ‘ what ifs’, and everyone saying they’re done watching the show forever because their favorite this year isn’t going to be in the finale. We have our final 3, and it is what it is. My thoughts on the contestants;
Scotty, who I loved initially because of his otherworldly deep voice, has to be my pre show pick to go home this week. I do think he has grown immensely as a showman, but I personally would rather not sit through a finale of country ballads. Hes going to do great things in the industry, but id rather the two girls duke it out in the final.
Lauren. Ah, Lauren. My preseason pick to win it all. For much of the season she had me worried, never living up to her audition. She definitely struggles with a lack of confidence, and she has been a bit predictable, but I think she has the most untapped potential and could really explode at any moment. Hopefully she really brings it next week.
Finally Haley, who seems to be the recipient of most of the hatred on here. I’ll say it now, over the course of the season she has become my runaway favorite, but I’ll try to remain impartial. Haley had without a doubt developed a bit of sass, and I love it. She withstood weeks of singling out and taking some undue criticism, and finally spoke out last week. I would have liked to have seen her show a bit more tact, but Randy had it coming. I really do think she’s a kind person though, and innocent Lauren loves her so that has to say something. More than any other contestant, Haley has shown diversity, and has sounded stellar in most of her performances. She’s shown resiliency and determination out the wazoo, and I can’t help but to chear for her.
Well said!
Excellent comments ane well thought out!
Beautiful, constructive, objective, thoughtful and factual. Thank you.
That is soooo true. If Lauren goes back to whom she was at the auditions’ time – she might just win the whole thing. I believe that all the “coaching” and “mentoring” let her insecure – especially because, in some cases, that was just pure simple bad advice from Jimmy and those rappers that stopped by. I hope we have a finale with the girls kicking some serious behinds and just let it all out – just be themselves and go for it…
Very disappointed in results. Just my opinion…seems like Idol is a popularity contest, based on votes from mostly 13 – 15 year olds, who are not ready for rock and/or Autism. Doesn’t matter. Idol was a launching pad for James. He’ll do more than survive! Looking forward to hearing his first hit, and watching his first concert.
bravo for your honesty and sense of reality Stacy…I was kind of shocked when James went home too…I serously thought it would be Lauren…but then that owuld not give Haley, the legally aged favorite now, the benefit. I really believe that her genre of voters will far out trump the country votes in the long run because that is what it appears to be all coming down too.
I forgot to tell you Haley fans. There is a website – Haley’s unbelievable journey to top 4. I think thats the title. Its fun to see. This post is for Haley fans, all others please disregard.
Thanks Sarah! 😀
good job Sarah and I like the way you keep bringing back the positive. Haley for the win!
Idol has agreed to pay for James to fly home for his hometown hoopla in spite of being eliminated. His parade on the boardwalk will proceed as planned.
I think that is only fair since he was never in the bottom all of these months. After all, Idol made an exception and changed the top touring group from 10 to 11 for Casey. I bet it will feel different though, since all of the cheering fans in his hometown parade know they can’t vote for him anymore.
Templar & angela james: I understand that all the proceeds from James’s concert are to go for disaster relief. In the states hit by the tornados.
James is having is celebration in his town after all tomorrow!!! It just won’t be televised at American Idol. Very happy for him. He deserved it.
My Prediction is that Haley will get enough votes to kick Lauren out next week and make it to the Finale with Scotty, and due to a SHOCKER Haley will beat Scotty and then the season will have the best ratings ever! Haley has that type of Winner vibe to her and if she does go next week then this season will be even lousier than season 2 and 3. You gotta remember Half of Scotty’s votes are little girls text messages and they won’t care about him after the show so he won’t sell as much cds as you people think he will.
This is so true, and Haley is my favourite (ever since the Top 11) and she can kick Lauren right out. Scotty too! (:
I vote for the performance of the night not just the person. The only person I keep wanting to vote off the show is Ryan Seacrest. I do not like him on American Idol but I have nothing bad to say about him when I see him on other programs. Maybe because Idol is live and the other programs can be scripted or edited. Who knows???
Me too! Can’t stand his botox face!
anyone see what james said to scotty
james says to scotty “you have to win this,you better win this”
its all over twitter….
I want to know when he said that : Before or After he was eliminated ?
I think the songs that are picked next week will say a lot about who the producers and judges want to win.
The songs picked can either show off or bring out the singers strengths and weaknesses.
Hopefully NOT 4 out of 6 songs they pick are country…amen!
I guess Randy will pick for Scotty, JLO for Lauren and Steven for Haley.
If I were Randy, I will pick “Days of Elijah” by Robin Mark for Scotty, although I feel Randy will select another Garth Brooks for him.
And If I were JLO I will pick a song by Hill Song (Darlene Zsceh) for Lauren.
O I remember Dolly Parton. I will suggest “Smokie Mountain Memories” or “Jesus and Gravity” for Lauren.
“Jesus Take The Wheel” by Carrie Underwood is good too.
I read the reviews and it seems that they want to talk that Haley will be in the final. Would not be, safe after seeing a James with 31% in net survey is out of the top 3, so i wait results. My favorite is Scotty, you can say a thousand things, but ,I think Scotty is the most solid and true to himself I voted for Scotty and James, now all votes to Scotty. Haley does not meet for me the complete package which will be your answer -I am a woman and I’m jealous not-I think is a very primitive observation of female and I see that if there are many people who know music and consider bad singer Haley and Scotty something unique.My English is bad.
Haley is the “complete Package” She did Blue really well which is a country song She did Moanin with Casey which is a Jazz song She did Benny and the Jets which is a pop song She did A Little Piece of my heart which is a Rock song She is a “premium” package Scotty is the “shareware” package because he can only do country and he can’t do fast pace Honky Tonk Country songs well either
I so agree with you…I could have written this.
The agreement was meant for Beatriz…not Dylan….
would love to see james and haley in the finale..they can really move the audience by their passionate and soulful that james is gone, i will still vote for haley..HALEY YOU CAN WIN THIS THING!!!
Oh my Lord…I never thought I would hear anyone refer to Scotty’s voice as soulful. I actually laughed out loud on that one!
Oops…I apologize I see you said James .
Lauren will win .. Lauren singing not screaminggg .. grrrrrrrrr! heheee
Hello, reality check…
I think we are a little lost here. I am sad James have to go but we shouldn’t blame it on the other contestants. BASH LESS VOTE MORE!
I’m sick in seeing all the hateful comments, toward any contestants.
Enough with the name calling, enough with all the vote for bla bla bla, do not vote for bla bla bla. People are entitled to vote for whoever they want.
it’s not the other contestants’ fault.
I think they all great kids and have worked really hard to get to where they are right now. It’s a tough competition, we don’t even know them personally. I don’t think we should judge their characters by what we see on TV.
Go Haley, Go Lauren, Go Scotty!
DO whatever you can to get to the final two!
I will vote for whoever the best next week!
Good Luck!
go scotty ,go haley and lauren
Gee someone making sense in this forum. Unfortunately I think most people seem to be saying the same things over & over. & many are just trying to show off some higher degree of intelligence than “us common folks”. They act like it is a personal affront to not like or want to vote for their favorite performer. Finally I think a lot of commenters think that belittling other performers, somehow makes their favorite better???
James says he will get with a friend back home who is a metal guitarist to form the core of a band.
James has also been talking with Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater, possible looking for material to record or ideals on best way to go from here.
James say to expect a Black Sabbath / Iron Maiden feel on his first album. Not sure if a recording contract is coming his way yet but with right songs and music maybe.
I just want to make a point and clarify that if you take away the background yelling and screaming, the fancy props and gimmicks, the loud drums and lead guitars, you would find that HALEY’S supposed screaming and growling would be far less than that of James, and the vocals way better. And because she is so versatile and can sing any genre, just like Sioban Magnus of last season, if she devoted more time to Rock or Country, she would excel in both. Unfortunately, when you are on American Idol, you can’t be as diverse. As far as Haley being a brat or having a bad attitude, anyone who could have taken biased and mean spirited supposedly “constructive criticism” like she has for the past few weeks, while others never got called for their faults, would have surely wiped the smirks off their faces and given most of them cause for a greater attitude toward the judges. But because Randy felt everyone except HALEY were ” in it to win it “, and the First round of songs on Wed. Was a 3-way tie between everyone except HALEY, what was Haley to do when she felt she sang a fine inspired Song. In my personal opinion, making the final 3, Haley is already a winner, after all the obstacles she endured to get this far. Win or lose from now on, to me , she is extremely talented, beautiful inside and out, and time will prove her to be a success in any genre she chooses. GO HALEY !
i think haley will win
and i hope my judges will pick a great well suited song for my girl Haley
cuz sometimes i get a feeling thatthey hate her….
Why does everyone think Scotty will be a big star since Josh Turner and other like him are only doing OK at the moment in sales. I like Scotty’ voice but he will need good songs to back it up to sell songs and the current artists will get first pick on the better ones unless he able to write his own songs.
Lady Gaga and Adele(#1 album) are the two top selling artists right now and Haley did very well on both their songs.
I had to laugh when talking with some of my country music friends when they asked who Adele was and why Haley did a song by such an unknown singer, while some of my rocker friends did not know of Josh Turner.
My guess is that people think Scotty will be big in country because he’ll pull in new teenage fans. Josh Turner and Chris Young are 10 or more years older than Scotty, and with Taylor Swift doing so well, they are looking for a country Beiber.
the past 3 seasons of idol are rockers ,david cook , kris allen,lee dewyze we need a country idol now and its gonna be lauren or maybe scotty…
I agree with you, I hope Lauren and Scotty will be in the finale, and I don’t mind who will win.
I agree that either of those two would make great Idols and represent America well.
Seriously? Kris is a typical pop idol…nothing “rock” about him…except that drink “scotch on rock” he had got rock in him!!
Time to send pretty boy home next wk.
Kris Allen was not a rocker and is now only singing Christian music.
I just remembered why I usually don’t get involved with Chat room on the Internet, Silly me! but before I make all the fanatic Haley fans happy by leaving, I will try one last time. The ONLY thing that matters is SALES numbers!!! You can vote 5000 times for someone next week & maybe even have your favorite win, BUT if they don’t sell CDs they really fall into the category of “winning the battle but losing the war” So instead of getting so upset, save your money & BUY BUY BUY. Then come back to all the Chat rooms & brag brag brag about how wonderful you are!!
(P.S. I’m not a Haley Hater Only Wish Her The Best along with the other contestants, especially my favorites Scotty & James )— Waiting for The X-Factor
I am not Haley’s hater also. I could not be. She is my daughter idol, but her voice has limitations.
With VERY rare exception, EVERYONE’s voice has limitations. Try to find something a little more specific when criticising Haley, will you? And please don’t just parrot other slams already billboarded by the trolls?
For instance, she may be too short to reach the microphone at the Grammy Awards next year, ior I can’t believe her 1st album took two whole weeks to go platinum or I thought it was not the best dress choice on her visit to the White House or I wish SHE had a wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl! Or why is she singing the National Anthem at the Daytona 500?
you should read the hate message about her if you are her mother
Fairlady, go listen to Blue, and tell me what limits her voice has. 🙂
She’s not Haley’s mother, her daughter’s favorite is Haley.
I agree that selling songs is very important long term to being a star more so than idol.
Here is a question for you, is Scotty better right now that Josh Turner or other male singers in that type of genre?
Josh is selling albums OK but not burning up the charts, no male country singer is unless they have a great song that fits their voice/style well.
Kelly and Carrie are cross over artists that can sing both pop and country well.
The two biggest selling singers right now are Lady Gaga and Adele(#1 album) and Haley did their songs well, along with some Jazz, Blues/Folk, Country and Rock songs.
Now if you are a recording producer who would you want to sign to a contract and gamble money with?
Haley right now and Lauren in a few year most likely if you are being honest about it.
While Pia is currently record and if she does some uptempo songs like “River Deep” along with her ballads I will buy it.
i only know one Lady Gaga song, and you made her nr.1 yet. Maybe she is, what do i know, I am a women.
Haley cannot win this. We heard these country guys sing pop and rock but we did not hear haley sing country. Haley, is Jazz only. Anything else she sings, she gets in the bottom. I actualy bet that out of the three she has the lower number of votes.
Haley sang country on the results show with Lauren. Or do you not think Gunpowder and Lead is country?
She even sang country earlier in the season with Blue.
Her Piece of My Heart was sung more like Faith Hill’s rendition than Janis Joplin’s, so that could also be considered country.
@ surefit: Since the top 13 started, here are Haley’s songs.
* Blue
* I’m Your Baby Tonight
* You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me
* Bennie & The Jets
* Piece of My Heart
* Call Me
* Rolling In The Deep
* Beautiful
* You and I
* House of the Rising Sun
* Earth Song
* I Who Have Nothing
Not one Jazz Number in there and a range from Country to what was the #1 song in the Charts at the time.
Scotty – the ones I can remember:
* Letters from Home – John Michael Montgomery
* The River – Garth Brooks
* Can I Trust You With My Heart – Travis Tritt
* Country Comfort – the ONLY Country song Elton John did.
* I Cross My Heart – George Strait
* You’ve Got a Friend – James Taylor
* Swinging – Deanna Carter & Others
* Gone – Montgomery Gentry
* Where were You – Alan Jackson
* Always On My Mind – Willie Nelson
That’s 10 Country songs out of 12 and even if you argue that James Taylor isn’t Country, please explain to me how he has sung pop and rock.
At best, your analysis is totally biased and at worst, it is wrong.
By the way, try telling Miranda Lambert that Gunpowder & Lead isn’t a country song!!
Just finnished watching Idol. Well I must say the American public have no clue about music and what sells in voting James out. Well done Haley, however even if you had to win Idol you will never reach the record sales that James would reach.
Go James you rock – and rock on.
PS – Scotty you would have my vote too.
Hated to see James go but in some ways 4th place is better than 2nd, granted winning is best but not sure he could beat Scotty with his strong country fan base.
James is get with a friend from back home who is a metal guitarist to form the core of a new band. James said to expect a Black Sabbath / Iron Maiden feel when he puts out his first album and is looking for songs for it now.
I saw the same interview yesterday on TV by James. He was forced to do all of this other stuff on Idol, but he is going back to his heavy metal passion. If it is too hard, I probably won’t buy it.
I liked Black Sabbath’s early music and Iron Maiden’s early stuff was borderline for me but they lost me as a fan when they when to heavy with the metal stuff.
The guy is good, but not with metal. Someone has to advise him.
james is not for haley to win at all,he told scotty”you better win this,you need to win this”after he sung his fairwell song,it was mentioned on james twitter and scottys twitter several times
james is for scotty to win idol….
That’s interesting. I was wondering what James are saying to Scotty after his singing farewell song, I was just guessing. Seeing that the duet James and Scotty did terrific country song, I think someday they will form a duet(like Bellamy Brothers) to release country single too.
Regardless of who wins at this point, the matter of character have been clearly revealed in the past couple weeks of performance and results on American Idol. I pray for James and his family and hope they live well. Haley is divisive. Lauren is kind. Scotty just wants to sing country. these kids, with exception to Haley, are wonderful people.
I have been told that Haley is a very nice down to earth person but she got caught in the middle of games between the producers and the judges.
The producers wanted more emotion in her singing so they had the judges pick on her more but the judges have their favorites and when too far with it(Randy mainly).
The producers had originally planned for Scotty, James and Lauren to be in the top 5 if not top 3 per leaked rumors from 2 months ago. Which is barred out by the fact of who they did video background stories on of the top 13 and who they did not.
Your delusional assessments of social graces and moral character, or lack thereof, based upon 2.5 total hours of produced entertainment material, will not influence my vote. I will vote on talent, performance and music.
For the record, I have been watching the same shows and don’t see what you see — not that it matters –
Agree with Anna. Lauren, James and Scotty’s fans are relaxed and would just keep praising them. Haley’s fans from all the forums, youtube and threads would feel the need to put down/degrade another contestant and will go one and wish the girl to win. Odd. Truth.
James wants Scotty to win as he said…No love lost between Haley and James
Maybe James fan will follow his wishes and vote for Scotty. If for some reason you really don’t like Scotty, you can always vote for Lauren instead.
I suppose for those who like country music the horizon looks pretty good. However for those who enjoy great entertainment well..they have just been excommunicated.
Awwww…So sorry there is no great entertainment for you….pooooor baby…..
don’t worry about me I have my popcorn ready. I’ll be watching championship solitaire. it should be a little more exciting.
And you get to floss afterward. What a treat!
lol i want all girls finale go haley and lauren………
I’m so proud of Haley for standing up to Randy and Jennifer..(Steven knows talent)…Randy went a to far on his comments regarding her singing..yeah maybe she yelled a bid however she’s a awesome singer and has that unique voice..My VOTE is for HALEY..YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!
i agree… haley is the complete package.. she should win this!!!
yhea, unique….screaming. she is good when she growls. really good. as i said her voice has limitations. have her sing a ballad, with no growls in it… would feel empty. and do not expect to grow up. she is the older in the group now, and has years of experience. what i like about american idol is that helps promote people with real talent, and not awarness of how good they are. in my opinion Lauren and Scotty are equally good. Scotty also fights harder, I could tell.
You should listen to Haley’s itunes, they are truly great. She pushes to hard live for more power and it comes out with the growls and screaming like but on the recording she really shines.
Scotty and Lauren need more time, live they are very good but in the studio they simply don’t cut it yet, they are a bit bland and their vocal problem seem to stand out far more, while Haley is the opposite.
I Who Have Nothing had no growls in it, and you are wrong, it did not make me feel empty.
* Your opinion is a little biased – don’t ya think?.
* Haley does not “growl” on every song.
* She has sung the best Country song – “Blue” – in the competition so far.
* She is 20 and most of her “experience” was singing in her High School’s Jazz Band.
Is she perfect? – Nope but then neither are the other two and nor was James.
They all have had problems with singing off key, messing up high notes or just plain being out of step with the music/backing.
Scotty and Lauren have failed to reach the top notes and have gone off key or drop an octave to compensate.
James screamed or yelled at times but was never called out for it and, yes, there have been times when Haley growls.
The real problem is that the judges are either tone deaf or have been told to take it easy on them but Randy has decided in the past few weeks to have a go at Haley.
I sang in clubs for many years as a warn up act and also an MC/Compere and know that sometimes every singer does it – including myself.
The funny thing is that most times it happens, it comes over as part of the song and the audience love it.
Many top artists do the same and for some it became their trade mark with which they have made pots of money. Some that come to mind off the top of my head are:
* Bonnie Tyler
* Elkie Brooks
* Kim Carnes
* Joe Cocker
* Melissa Etheridge
* Rod Stewart
If you want to know how current Haley is as far as music that is selling – beside Country – listen to Adele, Agnes, Christina Perri, et al because vocally she is in that genre.
Of the three remaining, the two girls have the most potential for a long and lucrative future. Lauren can become a cross-over singer like Carrie Underwood.
Scotty is limited – at the moment – to Country and an old style country at that. It was great that Josh Turner came out to sing with him and it is true that Josh is one of the few singers who can register down to C2.
However, he is able to sing much higher than the average bass range. In quite a number of his songs he sings way above bass and in some doesn’t go near the bass.
Scotty – so far – has not proven he can do that. If he can and does so on Wednesday then I will be the first to tip my hat to him.
We know both Haley and Lauren can sing a variety of genres but we don’t know that yet about Scotty.
Roll on Wednesday night and, I hope, a great competition between three very talented and very lucky young people.
Whatever happens this week and next, these kids will earn anything from $450,000 to $1million in the 12-months following the end of the Idol Tour and at least $150k between the end of Idol and the the end of the tour.
Actually the winner will earn a lot more because he/she will receive endorsements and a retainer against the first CD. The winner gets $100k alone from Disney.
How many young people in the 16-20 age bracket can claim that? Come to that, how many people can claim that??
Good luck to all three.
Sorry/ They even repeated, in the review of talent night, both JLO and Randys opinions of Haleys first song and their opinions of her second song. So I guess they both have their jobs